

Friday, January 16, 2015


Ya know, it just never ceases to amaze me how it is that we can have so many Democrats who seem to know so little about so much.  And really, do they really know so little or it all nothing more than some sinister charade?  Take Hank Johnson, as a for instance.  Every time this moron opens his mouth he appears to be one of the biggest morons on the entire planet.  And if is really as stupid as he comes across as, why would those in his district keep sending him back to Congress?  Is it simply because he’s black?  Are we to believe race now trumps intelligence?

And what brings this guy once more to my attention is the fact that once again we have old Hank, sporting what looks like a new goatee which must be his attempt to make him look more scholarly, saying something that makes the whole scholarly thing a waste of time.  Because it was just recently that he could be found on the floor of the House declaring, “don't think that regulations are hurting you.” Hank would go to relate federal regulations in America to being in kindergarten.  So it was from the House floor that Johnson explained his feelings about federal regulations in America.

Hank said, “I'll take note of the fact that when I went to kindergarten we had a set of rules up on the board. Everywhere you go, you're going to have a set of rules. The rules of the federal government, which are vast and broad - foreign policy, domestic policy, space, cyberspace.”  And he went on to say, “I mean, this country that we live in is not a great country because it chose simplicity as its motto.”  But rules are one thing, the smothering number of regulations being pumped out by government on nearly a daily basis go way behind being merely “a set of rules.” 

Then this genius went on to say, “We have a lot of rules we have to live by and those are the things that help make America a great country and guess what, ladies and gentlemen? It's you and your family members and friends who populate this federal government.”  For one thing those same regulations which Hank seems to be such a big fan of do far more harm than good.  If Hank was being honest, that trait seen by most Democrats as being more of a character flaw, he would see how they do little more than to smother entrepreneurial spirit and therefore stifle economic growth. 

And then Hank went on to say, “You are the ones who are the rule makers. They want to try to turn you into people who are trying to do something to hurt others when the only thing you're trying to do is do your job that will help others be able to live lives and create a better America for ourselves and most importantly, our children.”  And he added, “So don't get it twisted. Don't think that regulations are hurting you. Regulations are causing what benefits you are taking advantage of now.”  So all of these thousands of regulations create benefits how, exactly?

What Johnson was arguing against, in his own inimitable way, was the Regulatory Accountability Act.  The measure mandates federal agencies give advance notice of proposed rules that would could cause a major increase in consumer prices or would have an economic impact of more than $100 million among other items. The measure passed the House this past Tuesday.  Barry “Almighty”, another big fan of regulations, has, of course, threatened to veto the bill if it passes the Senate and reaches his desk.  Because if there is one thing Democrats love, it’s creating more regulations.

Look, I’ve talked about this imbecile before, and it seems like every time he opens his mouth, as is the case with the vast majority of Democrats, he makes it quite clear just how accurate that old adage is that says, “It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.”  The fact is, the mountain of new regulations added since Barry was first elected cost the private sector economy more than $150 Billion, and millions of jobs, so when old Hank says regulations aren’t hurting us, he’s simply lying. And worse than that, he ‘knows’ he’s lying.

But let’s face it, Hank’s not really fooling anyone.  At least, not those who are smart enough not to vote for Democrats.  I’m quite sure those folks in his district believe the drivel this guy comes up with because, after all, they were stupid enough to vote for his stupid ass.  The sole purpose behind the creating of tens of thousands of regulations over the course of the last six years has been to increase both the reach and the power of the federal government.  Our government has now grown much too powerful and Democrats like Hank see that as being a very good thing.    

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