

Thursday, January 8, 2015


I think most of us would agree that even on his best day, John Boehner is simply not up to task of being Speaker of the House.  It has become quite obvious, even painfully so, over the course of the last 4 years that Boehner is completely devoid of those traits one typically looks for in a ‘leader’.  Perhaps in a different time, a more prosperous time, a time less dangerous or a time when we had someone in the Oval Office who could be trusted to operate from within the confines of our Constitution, then Boehner might be acceptable as Speaker.  But not today, not in these times and most definitely not when we have Barry “Almighty” in the Oval Office.

And it was very shortly after his successful re-election as Speaker, that Boehner once again made it quite clear that is no leader, and is nothing more than a fraud able to one again maneuver himself in a leadership ‘position’.  And make no mistake, there is a very real difference.  After all, it was shortly after the vote that had him being re-elected that we heard how it was that he intended to mete out a little payback to those who chose not to support his re-election.  Now, apparently, contrary to those initial reports, Boehner is sending signals that he plans to be magnanimous in his victory.  But rumor also has it those supposed signals are nothing more than bullshit.

If we can believe what we are now being told, Boehner has told committee chairmen, such as Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Oversight and Government Reform, that they can make their own decisions regarding who is to be named to head those subcommittees under their jurisdiction.  There are indications Rep. Richard Nugent of Florida may yet get to serve again on the Rules Committee.  Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina and Rep. Scott Garrett of New Jersey may wind up chairing subcommittees.  And it was all three of Republicans who voted ‘not’ to re-elect the speaker.  I think it is a little too early to believe much of what we’re hearing, we must wait and see.

It was on Wednesday of this week that Boehner told reporters, "We had a situation yesterday where we had to constitute the Rules Committee but because of some of the activities on the floor, two of our members weren't put back on the committee immediately."  He then went on to say, "I have not had a chance to talk to them, I have not had a chance to talk to our members. But this morning, I told the members the same thing I'm saying here. We're going to have a family conversation, which we had this morning, about bringing our team together."  As I said, we must be in no hurry to believe what we’re being told, we must wait to see what actions are taken.

Boehner is said to be under considerable pressure from those who make up his ‘leadership’ team, including California Rep. Devin Nunes, to discipline those who have denigrated him as a "Republican-in-name-only" or who voted against him for speaker.  Is this guy serious?  And it was this Nunes character, who just so happens to be the newly appointed chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who said, "We need to know why people voted against the speaker yesterday."  Now personally, I would have thought that that would have been fairly obvious, even to this sanctimonious boob, Nunes!  I guess I don’t see the point he’s trying to make here.    

And someone else who appears to be eager to make disparaging remarks about those who comprised the anti-Boehner bloc, is none other than Rep. Peter King of New York, yet another well-known RINO.  It was King who said, "I believe if you take on the leader and you lose, you face the consequences."  Personally, I happen to be of the opinion that such an attitude is rather juvenile, and therefore it doesn’t really surprise me to hear who it was that made such idiotic comments.  The choice here is a relatively easy one, either we move beyond this political bullshit and focus on Barry, or we fight among ourselves allowing him to do what he pleases.

But on the positive side there are signs that the speaker's critics are interested in working with him.  Rep. Ted Yoho, one of those who went up against Boehner said, "There is no fight."  And he went on to say, "For the next two years, our goal right now is to come together with leadership, bring in good legislation, work with leadership so that we can overcome some of the grievances we had."  And Nugent, on Wednesday, described the speaker as a "true conservative."  Observers say that Boehner could always revisit the issue of retribution. For now, both because of temperament and expediency, he is disinclined to mete out punishment.  But we’ll see.

I guess what really has me worried, is that ever since Barry arrived on the scene, the role of Speaker has become increasingly important to our being able to ensure the survival of our Republic.  And as you may recall it was during the first two years of Barry Barry’s presidency that Nancy Pelosi reduced the position of Speaker to what was essentially nothing more than a rubberstamp for anything that Barry wanted.  And while hopes were high when Boehner assumed the job in January 2011, it didn’t take long to recognize that even with a new sheriff in town, not much was going to change. Sadly, Boehner has proven to be pretty much of a failure.   

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