

Sunday, January 18, 2015


It may have taken place over 40 years ago, but to many of us it seems like only yesterday, an act seen by many as being nothing less than an act of treason.  And while I didn’t spend any time in Vietnam myself, I had friends who did, some of whom never came home.  And now for this pathetic bitch to actually think that simply saying I’m sorry, even after all these years, will somehow change the opinion that so many still have of her, borders on being delusional.

But be that as it may, it was late on just this past Friday that ‘Hanoi Jane’ Fonda chose to issue what’s been referred to by many as an apology for her rather infamous visit to North Vietnam back in 1972.   That specific moment in time that earned for her the rather dubious moniker, “Hanoi Jane”, something that has stuck with her ever since.  Fonda was said to have called it a “huge mistake” during a speech given at an arts center in Frederick, Maryland.

She made her comments in response to those who were there to protest against her appearance.  She said, “But those people out there… I’m a lightning rod,” Fonda told the audience.  She said, “This famous person goes and does something that looks like I’m against the troops, which wasn’t true, but it looked that way, and I’m a convenient target. So I understand.”  I guess I don’t quite understand how it is that she could actually make the claim that she’s not against our troops.

While Fonda may have issued what has been termed an apology for her traitorous behavior, it was at the same time that she also said that she still considers her trip to the communist state at war with the U.S. a “great experience.”  Those of us old enough to remember, it was while on that trip that she took publicity shots manning an anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down American planes and publicly criticized the war effort against North Vietnam.

The protesters gathered outside the arts center, many of whom were Vietnam veterans, did not forget Fonda’s anti-war effort and carried signs that bore the phrase, “Forgive? Maybe. Forget? Never.” One of those protesters, Mr. Bob Hartman, a Vietnam Army veteran, said, “She encouraged North Vietnam to pull away from the negotiations table.”  He added, “She got Americans killed… and she went to Vietnam to advance her husband’s career.”

Fonda focused most of her speech the topic of which was said to be gender politics, she encouraged those in attendance to not raise boys to become “emotionally illiterate” by emphasizing masculinity.  Talk about someone being “emotionally illiterate”, this bitch is “emotionally bankrupt!”  Because it’s according to people like ‘Hanoi Jane’ that it’s by no means that we should actually allow boys to grow up being boys, we must instead raise a population of wussies.

This is the twisted way that people like ‘Hanoi Jane’ think.  Because, or so their theory apparently goes, if we would only choose to raise our boys more like the way we raise our girls, or at least in such a way that results in boys being more in touch with their feminine side, then, it would seem to follow, that we’ll more likely have fewer men who would be willing to take our country into war.  In other words we’d have more men like John Kerry-Heinz or Barry Obummer.  Sound like a plan?  

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