

Friday, January 25, 2013


What has to be the most, or at least one of the most, unnerving aspects of Herr Feinstein's recently revealed gun control bill is the fact that it would seem that not everyone will be required to abide by it. If the proposed legislation actually becomes law, God forbid, certain "government officials" and others will be made exempt. "Mrs. Feinstein's measure would exempt more than 2,200 types of hunting and sporting rifles; guns manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; and weapons used by government officials, law enforcement and retired law enforcement personnel," or so the Washington Times reports. I don't suppose Herr Feinstein could perhaps be a little more specific about who it is that those "government officials" might be. After all, "government officials" could mean absolutely 'anyone' operating under the auspices of the federal government. Might the fact that she's so vague, actually be by design? I'm just sayin!
Because at this point I'm just not one of those willing to put all that much faith, or trust, in what Herr Feinstein or any of her fellow Democrats have been telling me. There's just something unsettling about the fact that these "government officials," left undefined either on purpose or perhaps not, would be allowed access to certain types of weapons and I'm not, within reason of course. The whole notion makes me more than just a little queasy. What kind of "government officials" is it, exactly, that Herr Feinstein is making reference to? Call me paranoid if you want, but there is a point that has already been made, and quite clearly, in this ongoing discussion on guns. And it’s one that should be taken seriously despite what the Democrats say. The fact is, tyranny is no less of a threat today than it was when those words that comprise the Second Amendment we first put to paper. We the people were meant to be freedom's last line of defense. Might that be what’s has Herr Feinstein so determined to take our guns?
Let's face it, who in their right mind, which would naturally exclude any of the brain dead morons who voted for Barry, not once but twice, as well as the majority of those stalwart members of the state controlled media, still trusts anyone in our government anymore? At least to the point where those advocating the fact that unspecified "government officials" should be permitted access to weapons that Herr Feinstein has, herself, defined as having only one purpose. Sorry, but when the storm troopers come banging on my door at the behest of those of the same political persuasion as Herr Feinstein, I want to be able to defend me and mine! And don’t think even for a second here that the sole rationale behind this whole cockamamie attempt to take our guns has to do with anything other than the making sure that only one side here is armed. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with preventing another Columbine, Aurora or Newtown. Even though that's what Herr Feinstein would like you to believe.
What we really have here is yet another perceived crisis, as defined by the Democrats, that is in urgent need of being addressed. Also, it serves as being a rather convenient distraction away from our current fiscal problems brought about by Barry and the Democrats. So by causing a stir about supposed out of control gun violence, Herr Feinstein and her cadre of Socialists, once again have come up with what they see as being the solution to a problem that simply, despite how much they may wish that it did, does not exist! They figure, I guess, if they talk about it enough, people will finally start to actually be persuaded to join the ranks of those currently screaming for more gun control. But something that should make you question this entire premise for stricter gun laws, is to look at who it is that's shouting the loudest about taking guns from law abiding citizens. That will tell you all you need to know when trying to determine for yourself who's right.

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