
Well, in trying to find a satisfactory answer to that question, we really need to look no further than at the tactics constantly employed by our current disaster of a president, Barack Hussein Obama. His would be a case study in determining how someone who possesses zero capabilities as a leader approaches nearly any problem. You see, the standard operating procedure always employed by this pathetic wannabe dictator is to do nothing more than to blame everything on the opposition whether their guilty or not. And that's especially true when it comes to our debt situation and, more recent still, his attempt to squash our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. You see, Barry is now out there suggesting, to anyone who will listen, that it's the House Republicans, on the issue of gun control, that appear neither willing to work with him nor to listen to the American public on the issue. Maybe that's because the House Republicans and a 'majority' of the American people, unlike Barry, still believe that the Constitution states, quite clearly, it is our God given right to own a gun. But, I digress...
In an interview that Barry recent provided to 'The New Republic' he makes the idiotic claim, "The House Republican majority is made up mostly of members who are in sharply gerrymandered districts that are very safely Republican and may not feel compelled to pay attention to broad-based public opinion, because what they're really concerned about is the opinions of their specific Republican constituencies." First of all, I think it more than just a bit hypocritical, and more than a little dishonest, of him to accuse anyone of gerrymandering congressional districts when the Republicans have done nothing differently that what Democrats have always done. That’s politics! But that's the way this lying douche bag operates, and has always operated, yet is never challenged on it. Barry might do himself a favor if he were to spend a little more time working on those supposedly on his side of the gun issue. After all, over in the Democrat controlled Senate, the votes aren’t there to move in his direction and in which he demands that we must.
Our stellar president and, for some, the ‘man’ who they describe as being their "Lord and Savior," has had all manner of praise heaped upon him regarding his masterful, and even unique, leadership skills. But sadly, he is completely lacking in that regard. And as is usually the case whenever discussing this fraud, truth is always proven to be much stranger than fiction. Because in truth, Barry is nothing more than a crybaby, who, at drop of a hat, seeks out others to be blamed, those who don't seem to share in his cockeyed vision of our country that he claims is in urgent need of being "fundamentally transformed." Someone else must always be blamed as being the reason for his lack of being able to accomplish that which he says must be accomplished if we are to able to, in his words, move "Forward." Barry complained, "I can't get enough votes out of the House of Representatives to actually get something passed. … I think there is still shock on the part of some in the party that I won re-election." It is not the job of those in the House to roll over as he commands, their job is to stop us from sliding further left.
He said that moving forward on the topic means understanding that the realities of guns in urban areas are very different from the realities of guns in rural areas. He said it's understandable that people are protective of their family traditions when it comes to hunting so "gun-control advocates also need to do "a little more listening than they do sometimes" in the debate. Barry also said one of the biggest factors in the gun-control debate will be how it is shaped by the media. "If a Republican member of Congress is not punished on Fox News or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest, then you’ll see more of them doing it," he said. "I think John Boehner genuinely wanted to get a deal done, but it was hard to do in part because his caucus is more conservative probably than most Republican leaders are, and partly because he is vulnerable to attack for compromising Republican principles and working with Obama." So Barry's approach would seem to consist of nothing more than to take aim at the messengers who refuse to kowtow, in this case that’s Fox News and Talk Radio.
And in what I see as being nothing more than idiotic was the attempt by Barry to somehow portray the rabid nutjobs that make up 99 percent of the state-controlled media as somehow being the only sane ones regarding the ongoing discussions about gun control. He tried to make the argument that "the more left-leaning media outlets recognize that compromise is not a dirty word." Well duh, that's because those scumbags define 'compromise' in the same way that Barry does. That is, as being a complete capitulation by Republicans, which happens far too freaking often as it is. He even went on to add that Democrat Party leaders, including 'Dingy Harry' Reid and old 'Stretch' Nancy Pelosi, are "willing to buck the more absolutist-wing elements in our party to try to get stuff done." Oh really? Since when? When was the last time you can remember either of these two clowns actually going out of their way to "buck" the nuts in the leftwing media? Come on, I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night! Some of us, granted none that may have voted for Barry, still do pay attention.
It's pretty common knowledge that Barry's White House has had a rather long and somewhat troubled history with conservative and/or right-leaning media, pretty much since first taking office. The rancor on both sides is generally equivalent with it being a bit more justified on the part of Fox. Certainly, an equal amount of rancor was loosed this weekend from both sides, when Barry, in yet another example of the pot calling the kettle black, took it upon himself to criticize Republicans for being overly beholden to Fox News and radio host Rush Limbaugh. And on this particular occasion one prominent Fox host apparently decided that she had had enough and decided to fire back accusing Barry of thin-skinned dishonesty. And this response, I must admit, came from one that I would have normally seen as being an unlikely source for such an outburst, as she is normally one willing to go pretty soft on Barry, having come from CNN before arriving at Fox News. She has always struck me as being far more comfortable on the left and has also never struck me as being particularly bright and a horrible interview.
First, there was Barry’s comment itself, which he made in an interview with the liberal magazine The New Republic': "Well, look, I’ve always believed that there are a bunch of Republicans of goodwill who would rather get something done than suffer through the sort of nasty atmosphere that prevails in Washington right now. It’s not a fun time to be a member of Congress. And I think if you talk privately to Democrats and Republicans, particularly those who have been around for a while, they long for the days when they could socialize and introduce bipartisan legislation and feel productive. So I don’t think the issue is whether or not there are people of goodwill in either party that want to get something done. I think what we really have to do is change some of the incentive structures so that people feel liberated to pursue some common ground.
One of the biggest factors is going to be how the media shapes debates. If a Republican member of Congress is not punished on Fox News or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest, then you’ll see more of them doing it."
So from whom was it, that the mention of Fox by name prompted an angry response? Well it was from none other than Fox host Greta van Susteren, one of those over at Fox of whom I’ve never been that big of a fan. She
fired back on her blog with the following criticism: "Apparently President Obama wants his usual media pass and Fox challenges his policies – which happens to be the media’s job.[...] And do you know what else? Brace yourself for this one! Some Democrats have told me that they want to come on Fox to discuss issues but they get heat from their Leadership for appearing on Fox. Does President Obama know that? So which Party is intimidating its members? And to say Senator Harry Reid is willing to compromise is just wrong. He has not allowed a budget to get to the Senate Floor for years to even begin a discussion. The budget process is where all compromise begins and ends and ended it before it even got started." Well, I can't argue with that. This is one of those rare occasions where Greta hits the nail very squarely on the head!
Look, this is not the first little dustup that we've heard about between someone in Barry's administration, or Barry himself, and Fox News. Back in 2009, White House spokesman Anita "Mao Is My Favorite Political Philosopher" Dunn, called Fox "opinion journalism masquerading as news," only to be blasted by the network’s hosts repeatedly, and
scathingly memorialized by Fox News contributor Andrea Tantaros when she (Dunn) left the White House. I think it tells a lot about Barry, as well as those who 'work' for him, that in this day and age when the majority of 'news' providers, those who used to be referred to as being mainstream, and who are now nothing more than wholly owned subsidiaries of the Democrat Party, he seeks to attack the one source that many of us have come to rely on for the truth. Kinda makes you wonder what he's afraid of? That more of us might come to realize just how frequently he lies to us? In Barry's universe, anyone who takes a position contrary to what he deems as being important, is treated as nothing less than an enemy of the state.
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