

Thursday, January 10, 2013


There are three things that created and then sustained our country for more than two centuries: patriotism, faith, and love of liberty. Things that, apparently, not too many people seem to care all that much about these days. We've always been a people who honored patriotism by showing respect for the flag, pledging allegiance to it, and honoring those who died in its defense. We have always held that we are a nation under God, and that God endowed upon us our sacred civil rights, and that government serves to secure those rights, acting only with permission from the people and according to our Constitution. We have promoted the cherished idea of liberty and justice for all by vowing to protect and defend the Constitution which provides for a system of government designed to limit government so as to protect and promote liberty.

But somehow, in this age of Barry "Almighty" something's changed, things now seem to have gone all haywire. We have always, I think, expected our president to lead by example. Granted, there have been times, in that respect, when we have been let down, which brings me to Barry. Because I can't help but wonder if Barry genuinely respects the flag, promotes patriotism, honors our Veterans, supports the Constitution, or demonstrates any level of respect for our faith traditions. Personally, I just don't think that he does. What we have here, today, is a president who disrespects the flag. During the campaign five years ago he refused to wear a flag pin on his lapel saying such pins had become a substitute for "true patriotism." He was also found ignoring protocol and not placing his hand over his heart during the national anthem, a salute all patriots recognize as honoring the flag and our Veterans. .

Furthermore, can you honestly say this man honors our military when he insists upon using those who serve their country as nothing more than his own personal little test bed for his favorite social issues or proceeds to send them into harm’s way with no clear mission, making them abide by rules of engagement that make no sense, and when he apologizes to our enemies all across the globe? Or when he refuses to allow Marines to properly guard our embassies, even denying them ammunition while on guard duty? Also, recall in an unguarded moment back during the 2008 campaign, unaware he was being recorded as he spoke during a private fundraising effort, he said this about average Americans in the Midwest: "And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

So can you blame me, especially after watching him get re-elected, if I sometimes find myself wondering just how far some Americans are willing to go in their continuing effort to shove their heads as far into the sand as they can and pretend that the policies that Barry continues to put into place are actually designed to bring the American economy back into prosperity. I wonder if some people even really care about the offenses that we have now committed against the generations that will follow us, and what kind of future they will have, burdened with the debt that we will have left to them to take care of. I can't help but ponder why people are still gullible enough to actually blame the disastrous state of our economy on George W. Bush, especially after four full years of what can only be described as being Barry's very purposeful attempts to bring about a complete and total economic collapse.

And it remains a mystery to me why is it that the American public can still believe or respect anything 'Dingy" Harry or Nancy 'The Botox Queen' Pelosi have to say about anything especially after both have been rather obvious about putting their petty political interests ahead of the country. Or, is that they know these folks are lying but they simply don't care. They are perfectly content to go along with absolutely anything as long as they continue to get their so-called 'benefits' check in the mail, and on time. The cost of which, by the way, is being covered by those of us who still believe that we are responsible for how we are able to live our lives, not the government. How long will it take America to recognize the folly of ignoring the vast oil reserves that lie beneath us right here at home while billions upon billions of dollars are sent overseas to those who support the very ones who are trying to kill us?

And the lunacy just never seems to end and yet many Americans just seem to go along blissfully ignoring the obvious and living out their lives fat, dumb and happy. Meanwhile, I find myself wondering how long will it take before more of my fellow 'Americans' finally grasp the fact that that which they view through their rose colored glasses is pretty far from how things really are. We have in Barry, a president that insists upon taking the "reform" out of welfare reform, and whose policies have lead us to place now where more of those once in the workforce are now applying for disability instead of for jobs. How much longer will Americans support a state-controlled media that does not represent their values, morals, ideals or even their tastes? Will we continue to allow an educational system that is based more on indoctrination than on learning, and that turns out 'graduates' who while they can repeat the lyrics to the latest disgusting RAP hit, couldn't name their members of Congress if their lives depended on it?

And now sadly, I sometimes fear that America may have now gone beyond that point of which there can be no return, that we've developed a national "play now, pay later" mentality, and that too many people have simply decided that living off the government is just easier, and is definitely better than working for a living. And many seem quite comfortable in viewing morals as something that should change with the times and if it feels good, then by golly, you should be able to do it. And as I look around I also fear that the pride once taken by nearly all of Americans in having a good work ethic has been, and in continuing to be, conditioned right out of us, and that far too many people are starting to look at the federal government for all their needs and all their guidance, swallowing whole whatever the propaganda du jour happens to be. It's all pretty depressing. But that's the way things appear today. All that many Americans want to do these days is to hold out their hand and wait for politicians to put something in it.

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