

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Ok folks, I think it quite safe to say that we are now living in what can be called some dangerous times. And if we hadn't already begun the trip before now, we are, most definitely, now headed down that very slippery slope that has the potential of ending very badly for all freedom loving Americans. Our president now seems possess a rather high opinion of himself, to the point where he views himself as being someone who is less an elected official, and more an individual possessing special powers that other lack. Powers that he sees as making him uniquely qualified to ‘lead.’ Now they say the road to tyranny is paved with good intentions. But we need to be very wary of what Barry has in mind here, because there is nothing it what he wishes to do that is based in good intentions.

It was just earlier today that we heard old 'Slow Joe' Biden tell reporters at the White House, "there are executive orders, executive action that can be taken" on gun control. 'Slow Joe' revealed that Barry "Almighty" has at his discretion the using of various executive orders to deal with guns. Biden was gathering with members of a task force to address gun violence Wednesday when he said, "I want it clear to the American public that on behalf of the president we are reaching out to all – all parties, on whatever side of this debate you fall. But the president is going to act. " Well, while the president is entitled to act, he still must remain within the confines of the Constitution, and can act only on those things normally considered to under the purview of his office.

So with 'Slow Joe' saying that, "The president is going to act," in giving some comments to the press before a meeting with victims of gun violence, he makes it sound as if the president is permitted to somehow act unilaterally on this issue, which he most certainly is not. 'Slow Joe' went on to claim that, "There are executives orders, there's executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet. But we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required." Right we have a racist president being added by a racist Attorney General determining what can be done to violate our Constitution and how they can then manage to get away with doing so.

'Slow Joe' did his best to describe this as being a moral issue and that "it's critically important that we act." That's a load of bullshit and Biden knows it. It is all nothing more than incendiary rhetoric the specific purpose of which is to get people worked up to the point where it will then be made all the easier for these truly despicable characters to prevent law abiding citizen from owning guns and therefore continue their effort to further shred our Constitution. As everyone should know by now, 'Slow Joe' was appointed by Barry to head up this cockamamie task force the purpose of which, or so we've been told, is to explore the issue of preventing what they claim to be is a growing gun tragedies. What this is though, is yet another manufactured crisis by Democrats that must not be allowed to go to waste, by Democrats.

‘Slow Joe’ also talked about there now being the need for taking responsible action. "As the president said, if you're actions result in only saving one life, they're worth taking. But I'm convinced we can affect the well-being of millions of Americans and take thousands of people out of harm's way if we act responsibly." Well using that idiotic logic, which is typical for this senile old fart, why not ban cars that kill over forty thousand people every year, or ban swimming because over four thousand people drown each year, After all, if we can prevent just one person from dying needlessly because they went swimming, isn't it worth it? This whole scheme is just all so transparent. These scumbags are positively salivating over what they see as being their best chance in a log time to ban guns.

And I'll tell something right now. Any Democrat, anywhere, who goes along with this very obvious assault on our Constitution, will be revealing themselves to be nothing more than a subversive, and as such not deserving of the position that has been entrusted to them to work in the service of the people. And any attempt by Barry to steal from law-abiding American citizens, that which that same Constitution clearly states is a God given right, must be met with a sufficient level of uprising the likes of which has never before been seen in this country, at least by white folks. Barry may see himself as being another Chavez, or Castro, but he's not and we must do whatever is necessary to remind him of that fact. We are not his subjects!

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