

Thursday, January 31, 2013


This past Wednesday there was a rather pointless little Senate hearing, as most Senate hearings are, that took place, the lofty intent of which, I guess, was to, both, talk about ways of ending gun violence in the United States and to berate, Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association (NRA). Neither of which, I might add, was accomplished. In pointing out the idiocy of proposing more gun laws, Mr. LaPierre pointed out that until the federal government finally starts doing its job by enforcing existing laws, any actual solution would remain pretty far down the road. He made his point by citing a 2010 report that stated, "Out of more than 76,000 firearms purchases denied by the federal instant check system, only 62 were referred for prosecution, and only 44 were actually prosecuted." I find myself agreeing with Mr. LaPierre on his point.

Mr. LaPierre was a witness at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing the purpose of which, like I said, was supposed to be to discuss gun violence in the wake of the December attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.. An event that the Democrats, including Barry "Almighty," seem to now see as being their prime opportunity to institute some manner of gun control. While they may continue to make the claim that it's all about keeping our children safe, nothing could be further from the truth. Because what it's really all about is the using of a terrible tragedy to do nothing more than to further a political agenda. An agenda that seeks to completely disarm the American people. And let's face it, if these pathetic political hacks really cared about the children, they would start asking the important questions regarding this president's conscious decision to forgo enforcement of thousands of current gun laws.

"We joined the nation in sorrow over the tragedy that occurred in Newtown, Connecticut," LaPierre said. "There is nothing more precious than our children." He went on to say, "We have no more sacred duty than to protect our children and keep them safe," LaPierre said. The way to do that, LaPierre argued, is armed security guards in the nation’s schools. And it only makes sense. I mean, after all, is Congress designated a 'gun free' zone? Hell no! Or how about the White House, is that a 'gun free' zone? Nope! But yet our schools are. Only imbecilic liberals would come up with such an idiotic plan. Or maybe there's something more sinister at wok here. Maybe it was their intent all along to use our kids as nothing more than bait, so to speak, hoping that the temptation of a 'gun free' school zone would be just too tempting a target for any well armed nut to pass up. Thus providing Democrats the opportunity to do exactly what they’re now doing.

"It’s time to throw an immediate blanket of security around our children," LaPierre said. "About a third of our schools have armed security already – because it works." "And that number is growing," LaPierre said. "Right now, state officials, local authorities and school districts in all 50 states are considering their own plans to protect children in their schools." And that’s the way it should be. The decision about how best to protect our children should be left up to the individual states. And if those in blue states, like New York, are so enamored with having their schools identified as 'gun free' zones and therefore made easier for nuts to attack, then let them. But I think it's safe to say that those in red states might have a different philosophy about such things. After all, if armed guards are good enough for the school that Barry's kids attend, then they should be good enough for the schools where everybody else's kids go too.

Idiotic Democrats on this stupid committee, however, seem to see things a bit differently than do normal people. To them the only solution to what they describe as being a "growing problem" is the proposing of legislation that would ban "assault weapons," limit capacity of ammunition magazines, and impose universal background checks. But I'm just not making the connection between such things and making our schools safer. "Americans are looking to us for solutions and for action," Sen. Patrick Leahy, chairman of the committee, said in his prepared opening remarks. "This committee is a focal point for that process," Leahy said. Addind, "I have introduced a measure to provide law enforcement agencies with stronger tools against illegal gun trafficking." Gun trafficking? Ok, I'm confused here, how the Hell is that even related to keeping our kids safer? You see, that's just how nonsensical the entire liberal approach is to this problem.

Someone really needs to tell this senile old dope, Leahy, that his stupid little committee is really little more than an unfunny joke! Granted I'm sure every Democrat present was salivating over their chance to go after LaPierre. "Little Dick" Durbin certainly took his shot. But it would seem to me that Durbin should be a little more concerned with what's going on back in his own state and the 40 or 50 folks who get murdered in Chicago every month. Stricter gun laws sure are working out pretty well there. But nope, I guess his aim is to turn the rest of the country into the same type shooting gallery that the "Windy City" has become. Now there's a pretty impressive aspiration. Ya know, it's like I've said before, this is all just a ploy, because if Barry was really serious about keeping our kids safe he'd be enforcing the laws already on the books, but he's not! Might somebody want to ask him why that is, exactly?

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