

Friday, September 17, 2010


I'm quite sure that we all remember, possibly not so fondly, all of the rhetoric of "Hope and Change" and of the "Change we can all Believe in" as well as all of the promises made regarding transparency along with the threats of "transforming America" that were made previously to the 2008 election. Well, it's been roughly 2 years now and how many of us, if we were to answer the question honestly, would be able to say that we are better off today than we were on January 19, 2009? Now unless you happen to be one of those in Barry's administration who collectively owe over $800,000 in back taxes, I'd be willing to bet that there are not that many of us would be able to answer that question with anything other that a resounding, "NO, WE ARE NOT!" Look folks, those of us who are willing to throw the B.S. flag by proclaiming that we are very much worse off now than we were before this train wreck of a presidency got started, may still be very substantially outnumbered by those who still can't bring themselves to admit it. You know the kind, the ones who can still have absolutely no problem voting for the likes of Charlie Rangel even though he's one of the biggest crooks in Washington. A crook, that I might add, who gets away without paying taxes while at the same time being in charge of the tax laws that the rest of us are required to adhere to. If we were he, we'd be in jail. But it just so happens that he's a crook who also happens to be the right skin color, so no big deal. Because in the big scheme of things, that's really all that matters to the majority of his supporters anyway. It doesn't matter that he's playing them like a Stradivarius, all that matters is that he's black. Which lays bare the caliber of the mentality that the rest of us may be up against. You see, in order for us to be successful against this kind of disturbing mentality, we who actually do care about making a serious attempt at saving our country by ridding ourselves of the scum personified by Charlie, are going to now need to band together in an effort to make our numbers superior to those whose sole requirement for a candidate is something as insignificant as race. And of course it is these vary same characters whose only interest is in the continuing of their entitlement driven lifestyles. Those who choose to only vote for those who promise to keep the government freebies coming. Barry has us chasing our tail with his spending of wildly outrageous amounts of money all designed to do nothing more that to get us headed squarely for the poor house. His only endeavor appears to be to get as many Americans as possible totally dependent on government. So, how's all that "Hope and Change" working for ya? We have a chance this November to attempt once more to return some degree of sanity to Washington. But I do question the level of commitment of many who at least say they are on my team.

It's painfully obvious that America is in a world of hurt right now and with no visible signs of improvement appearing anywhere in the not too distant future and none likely to occur anytime soon. With tax hikes looming just over the horizon at a time when our economy has already been placed firmly in the toilet, things are going to be getting much, much worse before we ever see that proverbial light at the end of the economic tunnel. And even then there is a very good chance that it will most likely prove to be nothing more than a train that's speeding in our direction. The absolute only hope that we may still have here, is to work toward the taking back of at least one house of Congress this November. Because if we fail in even that attempt, the dire consequences that will result, will be impacting us long after Barry "Almighty" has left office and gone on to earn big bucks cruising the "Leftist Lecture Circuit." Unless we can accomplish some level of success in the putting of some adult supervision back in place, the bottom will most assuredly fall out, with no one now being able to accurately predict just where the bottom might eventually end up. In his attempt to "transform America", Barry has taken us from the leader of the free world to banana republic status all in less than two years. And unless we decide to do something about it and become actively involved in bringing about some "real and substantive change," versus "Hope and Change", bad things are going to continue to happen. Very bad things! If Barry goes through with his intent to raise taxes, essentially all that he will succeed in doing is to effectively shove a dagger through the very heart of already severely weakened economy. Weakened by any number of actions the results of which can be traced straight back to him and the Democrat party. He is determined to finish the job that he has started regarding the driving of our economy completely into the ditch, with his intent being so that he can then bring it back with it then being completely revamped and under the auspices of an all encompassing Federal Government. Being able to get Big Brother further involved as much as possible in all of our lives seems to be his primary objective here, and one that he is determined to bring about through the use of any means currently at his disposal. And I have to wonder, is this what those who voted for this egomaniac were signing up for when they decided it would be such a good idea to vote for him? If so, then I would say we're in even more trouble than I thought, and any confidence about achieving any level of success this November may in the end prove to be nothing more than wishful thinking.

How about you take a little quiz. Even if you voted for Barry, or even if you choose to continue to support his ultra-progressive policies, please answer the following questions honestly:

1. Do you feel safer with a Janet Napolitano leading the Department of Home Land Security? Have you forgotten about the fruit of the kaboom bomber nearly causing a catastrophe as she said “the system worked”?

2. Does having Attorney General, Eric Holder, fail to investigate true corruption within ACORN, dropping the charges, while bringing charges against our Navy SEALS make any sense?

3. Did you want a socialized health care system with an ultimate goal of a single payer system, thus driving the Health Insurance Industry out of business?

Are you bothered that it will take a Freedom of Information Act request to determine who actually wrote the health care bill?

Does it bother you that unelected czars could have been responsible for writing this legislation? This would mean elected representatives didn’t write or read a bill that will potentially have a profound effect on the health care of Americans.

Does this bring new meaning to the phrase ” taxation without representation?”

4. Do you like having a ‘president’ making an international bowing tour apologizing for America’s arrogance rather than its exceptionalism, yet he stomps on Israel feigning abhorrence because it chose to build homes where it desired?

5. Do you think it makes sense to have a Wall Street banker and tax cheat as Secretary of the treasury?

6. Are you sick of the usual liberal nonsense of name calling, playing the race card, and continually trying to divide us using typical left-wing methods of demonization?

7. Has their ever been a more fiscally irresponsible administration in United States History?

8. Did you like paying income tax on the money you received when you traded in your clunker?

9. Do you enjoy being an owner of GM and Chrysler? What about those banks?

10. Happy with those tax increases as the ‘chosen one’ allows a real president's tax cuts expire? Are you loving the new taxes you will begin to pay as he redistributes your wealth?

11. Do you feel quite a bit safer with an administration that can’t even use the words war on terror but uses the term “man made disaster?” Would you rather have an administration that isn’t as interested in bringing socialism to America and one that believes that upholding the Constitution is paramount?

12. Don’t you love that in the 2011 budget $4 billion is still allotted for the criminal enterprise ACORN while the same amount was cut from NASA?

13. Do you feel great about paying more for your utilities as the current administration continues to attempt to impose Cap and Trade legislation in spite of overwhelming scientific evidence that CO2 has nothing to do with climate change?

14. Do you feel safer with a ‘president’ that is pushing the U.S. to become part of the One World Order while letting the UN subjugate our Constitution to its nut job beliefs while attempting to override the Second Amendment?

Now, after going over these questions, has your opinion changed in any way regarding where it is that we are now and where it is that we appear to be headed in the not so distant future with Barry and the present crop of Democrats at the helm. Hopefully enough voters are now starting to understand that there is an opportunity being presented to us to bring about real change we can believe in come November 2, 2010, but only if we remain dedicated to the cause. But are our numbers large enough? What's going to have to happen here, is that both Barry as well as a significant number of Democrats, and some Republicans, are going to need to be jerked up by the short hairs and made to understand, and in no uncertain terms, that we, the American people will no longer allow ourselves to be ignored or taken advantage of! WE WILL NOT GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT! We WILL be listened to or we WILL very cheerfully send those individuals, who make the conscious decision to ignore us, packing. But we're going to have to work toward making sure that we have sufficient numbers to actually carry out our threat of kicking the bums out, having turned it into a reality come November 3. Make no mistake, these are very dangerous times we live in and without some major changes taking place in Washington, this leftward journey that Barry has us on is not going to end well, for anybody. And when I see so many on our side who seem to be either actively working against a November victory or who are foolishly more concerned with their jockeying for little positions of power should the election come out in their favor, especially at a time when it is still very uncertain whether or not that will even become a reality, I question the motives of those in the leadership positions of my party. And quite frankly, I get more than a little PO'D. Are they more concerned about stopping this Barry agenda or are they more worried about they're being in line for specific committee chairs? It would seem that the priorities of many should now be very much called into question. And another area of concern for me regarding being able to achieve a victory, is the noise coming from all of these supposed "inside the beltway" conservative political geniuses doing their best to sway votes "away" from solidly conservative candidates. Whose side are they on? The importance of this election cannot be underestimated and victory should be the absolute top priority above all else for every party member. All this petty squabbling about specific candidates will do nothing more than to make the job all that much harder and only serve to assist Barry and the Democrats in their ability to maintain control of Congress.

There are far too many conservatives who seem to possess what can only be described as being an over-inflated sense of importance. Instead of focusing all efforts toward actually bringing about a much needed power shift, that which should be seen as being the primary goal here, far too many seem much more concerned with seeking out ways to further inflate their own personal stature. I have come to question the motives of many who I, at least up to this point, have come to respect for their conservative stands. I've become quite disappointed actually in many who have now decided to offer assistance, of a sort, to the enemy. The voices of conservatives have now become some of the loudest voices coming out against some truly conservative candidates. These folks who like to refer to themselves as being staunch conservatives and as being the voices of the conservative movement, apparently have some strings attached to they're being willing to back candidates who are truly conservative. Well, the time has come for them to either put up or shut up, either they are conservative or they are not, and if they are not, they should go work for the other team because they're not wanted here. In the end these people may run the risk loosing whatever credibility they may have. The current level of arrogance, even hypocrisy, currently spewing from those who make up the national Republican political establishment, should be seen by conservatives as a whole, as being nothing more than insulting. At the present time I can only surmise that the "rhetoric" which we've been hearing for years from these people concerning their strong supporting of conservative principles has all been nothing more than a sham. Since we now have some truly conservative candidates running for office and who apparently seem to be deserving of nothing more than varying degrees of disdain from those who deem themselves as being the conservative power brokers. And they should now be told, and in no uncertain terms, that from this point on they are either with us or they are against us. That if they are unwilling to lead or unable to follow, then they must simply get out of our way, because we see ourselves as being on a mission. A mission to rescue our country. Either they are conservatives and wish to be active participants in the fight, or they are not. And if they do claim to be conservatives, then they had better start getting with the program and stop what is essentially nothing more than the slandering of conservative candidates. Right now I have two heroes, Senator Jim DeMint and Governor Sarah Palin. The rest can go suck a lemon. The Mitch McConnells, John Cornyns, John McCains, Lindsey Grahams, the girls from Maine, the whole lot of them. They seem to have their collective nose out of joint because the people have grown tired of this moderate, middle of the road kind of crap that we've been forced to swallow for far too long. Change is in the wind, my friends, and some of these faux conservatives would like nothing more than to maintain the status quo. A message needs to be sent, a loud and very clear message. And God willing, that's exactly what will take place in just 45 short days.


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