

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Can someone, anyone, please explain to why it is that anyone thinks that Jon Stewart (born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz; November 28, 1962) is funny. Or, smart. I mean here you have a guy who's portrayed by some, I guess, not many, as practically being the next Will Rodgers. When the fact is, he's nothing more than some shmuck who does nothing more than to regurgitate words that are written for him by someone else so that all he has to do is to then read, like his buddy Barry, those same words from a teleprompter. I'm sorry, but I'm just not gettin the draw here. Now I honestly don't know what the size of his viewing audience may be. But taking into consideration the most likely average IQ is of the viewer that resides in his sought after demographic, it could be fairly large. I have sat down a time or two and actually tried to watch his show with friends who actually do think he's hysterical. They don't care if he's just reading words, he's just so darn funny doing it. But to me he just comes across as being nothing more than kind of tacky and even ride depending on the political persuasion of his guest. He’s really more of a sarcastic simpleton as well as being more than just a little ignorant. More often than not he doesn't really know much of what he's talking about, like I said he's only reading what others have written which under normal circumstances is only the repeating of something that has already been said or discussed elsewhere. And usually more seriously. And to be quite honest, whatever he chooses to support his rationale usually has absolutely no basis in fact. His take on things is usually a little skewed and more than a little warped. But then facts to guys like Leibowitz are kind of a nuisance, really. And the presenting of facts really isn't the business that he's in. He’s more into making things up as he goes along. He tries to pawn himself off as being knowledgeable on any number of topics, but in reality he doesn't really know very much about anything. And yet many proclaim him as being some terrifically skilled and talented political satirist. What Leibowitz does isn't satire, it's more like someone going on television and showing the world just how much of a moron you can be and still have your own television show. And that anyone watches at all doesn’t say much for the intelligence of his viewers. Granted I guess a lot of people watch him, but then you always see a crowd gathered a around a car wreck too.

And I guess he fancies himself as being some great interviewer. But I remember a while back when he had John Woo on his show and Mr. Woo made ol' Jonny Boy look pretty much like the dunce that he is. Like most Liberal, he likes to think that he's just so much smarter that everyone else and the truth of the matter is, that's he not. He's nothing more than a twerp who obviously has some connections that were available to him that enabled to get his own show. I see him as being the kind of know it all guy who goes on that television show "Are you smarter that a 5th Grader" and having those kids eat him for lunch. Of course he'll have his Lib friends on the show and they'll have their silly little banter about Palin or some other conservative they chose to do nothing more that ridicule, but it's just silliness that has no particular point. It's all nonsensical pabulum. If you're looking for a way to thoroughly waste 30 minutes out of your day, then watch his show and you will have satisfied that which you were trying to accomplish. It's easy to sit back and do nothing more than to make fun of people, it doesn't require any special talent. Growing up I see ol' Jonny letting his mouth get the better of him and in return getting his butt kicked on any number of occasions. I just have a very low opinion of smart-alecky jerks like Leibowitz, and that's all this guy really is. The only exception here, is that he get paid rather handsomely to do it. It's not there is any great intellect there, because there isn't. There's just a void of sorts and he tries to BS his way through whatever the conversation may be about and tries to come off as being some kind of expert. In this case what the definition of expert is, is a drip under pressure. And I suppose as long as he’s able to maintain a decent audience, he'll collecting a paycheck. But I refuse to contribute to it in any way. I don’t watch his infantile show, or anything that his name associated with.

And now he's planning some cornball joke of a "Rally to Restore Sanity" on October 30 on the National Mall, which just so happens to be the final weekend prior to the upcoming election. Ya know, here we are with our country essentially going down for the third time and a jerk like this comes along to do nothing more than to make a joke out of it. If he was really serious about the shape the country is in then he'd be talking to more of his nut job friends on the left who are hell bent on seeing it destroyed. That's where a good many reside who have lost any sense of sanity. Hell, even racist Oprah has gotten involved in the pushing of this cockamamie event. Supposedly the event is billed as being for people "who think shouting is annoying, counterproductive and terrible for your throat." Leibowitz is keying off the recent "Restoring Honor" rally hosted by conservative commentator Glenn Beck last month. Leibowitz's faux nemesis, fellow Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert, will hold a counter-protest, a "March to Keep Fear Alive" at the same time. The sole intent here of these two boobs is to do nothing more that to ridicule in anyway possible what Beck was attempting to do with his “Restoring Honor” rally. And then yesterday Colbert “testified”, although I’m not sure you could call it that, before some Congressional. What a joke! And yet “Botox” Pelosi has said that it was very appropriate for him to be there. Not! Is this what things have now been reduced to? These two pinheads think it's just so funny to make a complete mockery of those who are trying to bring attention to what is going in Congress, and the White House, and what is now being done to our country. America essentially standing on a chair with a noose around its neck and it’s imbecilic clowns like these two who wish to do nothing more that to cheer on those who wish to kick the chair out from under it. Laughing about it all the whole time. Here we are at what could very well prove to be one of the most pivotal times in our history and you have these two buffoons doing their very best to downplay the seriousness, and make light of, all that is presently going on in this country because it is their political party of choice that in control. Supposedly more than 132,000 of their fellow morons have signed on and plan to attend Leibowitz’s event, at least according to the event's Facebook page, with there also being satellite rallies being organized in Chicago, Seattle, Austin and other cities. But a Democratic Party official insisted that the rally would be a boost, adding: "Getting people engaged can only help." And you know, what do what to bet the news coverage of this thing will be nonstop with the reporting of much exaggerated numbers regarding the number of attendees. It is the type of behavior exuded by Mr. Leibowitz and his ilk, as well as his rather odd choice regarding what is actually humorous, that represents the thinking of the so-called New York and Hollywood elite. And if it also comes to represent the thinking of many more Americans, then I'm afraid that this country may in fact already be dead, it's just that we don't know it yet.

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