

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


And so it was on this past Saturday, that Barry "Almighty", in an effort to fire up that all important part of his support base ahead of this November's elections, told black leaders that he wanted their support to "guard the change" that he has been busy delivering. "I need everybody here to go back to your neighborhoods, and your workplaces, to your churches, and barbershops, and beauty shops. Tell them we have more work to do. Tell them we can't wait to organize. Tell them that the time for action is now," he told the Congressional Black Caucus. Yes, that band of hypocritical bigots who sees racists around every corner, under every rock and at every Tea Party rally. The change "HE" has been busy delivering. Don't you just love it? The Messiah talking to his flock about all that which he has seen fit to bestow upon us, the lowly unwashed masses. The sheer galactic magnitude of this jerk's ego is absolutely mind-boggling. And in so doing, Barry was doing his level best to show a deliberate effort in an attempt to recapture at least some of the enthusiasm that helped him to win the White House in 2008. Thus far, however, recent opinion polls have shown that African-Americans are much less likely to vote than whites this time around. "It's not surprising that a lot of people may not be feeling that energized or that engaged right now," he told an annual awards ceremony hosted by the organization representing black members of the U.S. Congress. "A lot of folks may be feeling like politics is something they get involved in every four years when there's a presidential election, but they don't see why they should bother the rest of the time," he said. And one cannot help but wonder why it might be that blacks, ever cognizant of any perceived threat to their never ending taxpayer funded gravy train, and ever on the receiving end of repetitive Democrat rhetoric regarding how it is that they should view themselves as being the victims of an unjust society, should not be more enthused about showing up at the polls. Especially if their beloved Democrats are in anywhere near the amount of trouble proclaimed by so many. With the election just over 40 days away, I don't see any ground swell of support suddenly becoming a reality, so I'm not sure why the apathy on the part of African-Americans, regarding November's election. Besides having to deal with an obvious lack of enthusiasm coming from the African-American community, Barry and the Democrats also have many working hard in their attempt to reignite the youth vote while at the same time working overtime to discredit both the Tea Party as a whole, those Republican candidates who are being supported by the Tea Party as well as anyone who chooses to endorse any of these candidates. The endeavor here, is to paint these people as being so far outside the mainstream as to be nothing more than "extremists." The race appears to now be about who is it that can portray those in the Tea Party as being the more crazy. And it does not help matters when supposed political gurus on our side are providing some of the fodder with which those on the left can then use to bash Republican candidates over the head.

If we can believe all of the pundits and recent polling data, then it would seem on the face of things that the Republicans could very well be poised for the making of some pretty impressive gains come November. Especially with high unemployment and slowing, nearly nonexistent, economic growth turning voters away from Barry's and the Democrats, and what are now proving to be their obvious foolhardy attempts at stimulating the faltering economy. But is there sufficient dissatisfaction with the Democrats to warrant the degree of enthusiasm that's presently out there? And is that level if dissatisfaction enough to potentially cost the Democrats control of one or both houses of Congress? A Gallup survey from earlier in September found that only 25 percent of blacks had given 'quite a lot' or 'some' thought to the November 2 congressional ballot, compared to 42 percent of whites. My question here would be to ask what the heck's up with the other 58 percent of whites? The only way we're going to be able to bi*ch slap Barry all the way back to the place of his birth is to amass a huge enough voting block consisting of Americans of every type who still love this country. Because it will be us versus those who are only looking for additional ways to perpetuate the subsiding of their lifestyles at the expense of those of us who do work for a living and actually "pay" taxes. But this 42 percent does represent a much larger gap than during the presidential election in 2008, when both groups were about equal when it came to their intention to vote. High turnout in the African-American community is vital for Barry and the Democrats because this one group more than any other has bought into the premise, hook line and sinker, that unless you're an athlete of some sort, then you just can't make it through life without getting plenty of help from the Democrats. Together with the enthusiastic support of young, albeit thoroughly indoctrinated, voters formed a striking feature of the 2008 election and an important part of Barry's strategy in securing the White House. So youngsters, how’s all that hope and change workin out for ya? Success in repeating at least part of that performance in the upcoming midterm poll, when voter turnout is traditionally low, could very well make the big difference to congressional Democrats running in close races. Let's not forget, all 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and 37 of 100 Senate seats are up for grabs. "The last election was a changing of the guard, now we need to guard the change," Barry said.

So in the effort to further his attempt to "guard the change", Barry's political advisers are ever on the lookout for new and ever more effective ways to be able to paint the Democrats as being the only sane ones in the room and they have been very busy discussing amongst themselves the formulation of a plan. A plan that can be utilized as they work to alter course in preparation for the midterm elections in the final weeks ahead. These wizards of deceit are considering a whole range of ideas that can then be used to deceive and/or distract the America people just long enough to assist Democrats in the pending election. Ideas which include a national advertising campaign designed not so much to inform as it is meant to distract. Distract voter attention away from our present high unemployment, present outrageous deficits, healthcare "reform", and a very slow growing economy all of which were direct results of a Barry inspired and Democrat enacted agenda of reckless government expansion and reduced personal liberty. Voters must not be allowed to focus on how it is that the Democrats have gotten us into our present predicament or how they have expanded the power of government. Also, they are coming up with ever more inventive ways than usual in their attempt to, at least to the greatest extent possible, cast the Republican Party as having now been all but taken over by all of those "racist" Tea Party "extremists.” I just love how the word "extremist" is now so easily being bandied about these days, especially by those currently in the employ of, or in support of, the most "extreme radical" to ever occupy the Oval Office, Barry "Almighty." And to use it when speaking about every day people whose only desire is one that sees a return to our constitutional form of government and away from government intervention into what is now so much of the daily life of every single American. They seek a return to government of, by and for the people, and to have a government with at least some semblance of fiscal responsibility and that shows at least some restraint when spending the monies provided the taxes they pay. It’s ironic that there is an attempt to portray these people who care for nothing more than the rescuing of their country as extreme, by those who are the true "extremists" in this country and are the ones actively pursuing its destruction. We’ve been witnessing this ongoing assault against our country for decades now, but it was kicked up a notch in 2006 with the Democrats assuming control of Congress. But with the election of our “community agitator” it has been taken to a level unseen since the days of FDR. And all in an effort to bring about a total financial collapse, the complete neutering of our national defense in the face of any number of growing threats, and of course what can only be seen as our unilateral surrender in the war on terror, or our overseas contingency operation. So the people are finally rising up against this renewed onslaught only be called "extremists."

Master strategerists from the White House working together with Congressional Democrats will be trying their best to energize all those supposedly dispirited Democratic voters over the coming six weeks, all in the hopes of limiting the party’s losses presently being foretold and to avoid losing control of either the House or the Senate. The strategists seem to think there are potential openings for exploitation, and exaggeration, after a string of Tea Party successes have, to their way of thinking, split Republicans in a number of states. Adding to their hopes are what culminated last week with developments that have somewhat scrambled Senate races in both Delaware and Alaska. “We need to get out the message that it’s now really dangerous to re-empower the Republican Party,” said one Democratic strategist who has spoken with White House advisers but requested anonymity to discuss private strategy talks. Yep, these gutless cowards always request anonymity. What a message to run on, demonize the people who actually believe in the Constitution and against the present attempt to bring about nothing more than just another form of tyranny right here in America. So it's now a "dangerous" time to elect Republicans? My God, how can any rational thinking human being look back over the time since the Democrats assumed control of Congress and back over the last 20 months of the Barry presidency and think that it's the Republicans who are the dangerous ones here? However, Democrats do remain divided to some extent. The party’s House and Senate campaign committees are resistant, not wanting to do anything that increases the chances of nationalizing the midterm elections when high unemployment and the drop in Barry’s popularity have made the climate so potentially hostile to Democrats. It was just this past Sunday night that White House advisers denied that the previously mentioned national ad campaign was even being planned. “There’s been no discussion of such a thing at the White House or the Democratic National Committee,” said David "The Pinhead" Axelrod, Barry’s senior adviser. And we know that there is just no way that Mr. Axelrod would be lying to us, right? Proponents say that a national ad campaign, most likely on cable television, would complement those individual campaigns and give Democrats a chance to redefine the stakes. The Democratic strategist said voters did not now see much threat to them from a Republican takeover of Congress, even though some Tea Party-backed candidates and other Republicans have taken positions that many voters consider extreme, like shutting down the government to get their way, privatizing Social Security and Medicare and ending unemployment insurance. So I guess that must mean that the American people must now be convinced that a threat actually exists that they would not have otherwise been aware of were it not for the Democrats warning them about it. I mean really, are there really still enough Americans stupid enough to actually believe any of this drivel? Let's be real here, with the passing of Barry's Healthcare "reform", who is it that has done more damage to Medicare. Which section of the population is it that will essentially be forced to bare the brunt of that whole fiasco? So in an attempt to salvage something from the November election, thus far Barry has largely limited his campaigning to fundraisers and small events. That will all change soon with Barry playing a bigger role in the rallying of the flagging faithful, officials have said. Another part of the White House strategy will be an attempt to mobilize those younger voters who supported Barry in 2008. In an effort to assist in accomplishing that goal, Barry will be holding four big campaign-style rallies, the first on September 28 at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, with satellite transmission to campuses in other states. Later rallies will be in Ohio, Philadelphia and Las Vegas. There will also be an e-mail campaign and robocalls to spur voters, and a national “town hall” Webcast to held sometime in October. “These events are about activating the Obama grass roots to help organizationally in terms of volunteers” for get-out-the-vote efforts, said Dan Pfeiffer, the White House communications director. “We’re not going to get all the 2008 Obama voters out. We may not get most of them. But in close races, it can be decisive.” Barry will also step up his efforts to draw contrasts between the parties, in particular by his continuing to pound away on his call for extending the expiring Bush-era tax cuts, except for “millionaires and billionaires.” He'll repeat ad nauseam how it is the Republicans who want the tax cuts to be extended for people at all income levels, not just for those with incomes below $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for families, as he has proposed.

Even with all this scheming, Republicans strategists remain confident of their party’s prospects for big gains in November, even as they acknowledge that they are unlikely to win the Senate race in Delaware after the victory in the Republican primary there of Christine O'Donnell, a Tea Party-backed candidate with a long record of controversial statements, over Representative Mike Castle. I do have to ask though, why it is that they are so quick to throw in the towel in Delaware. Now I'm sure that the search is already well on track to find whatever speck of dirt that can be found on Ms. O'Donnell just as it was with Sarah Palin. But ya know what, no matter what is found, short of her maybe being an axe murderer, I will still support her since she is running against a self-professed Marxist. And even if it were found out that she were an axe murderer, in this instance there would still be a very good chance that I would still support her. And then just last week, Alaska’s Senate race was sort of upended when sore loser Senator Lisa Murkowski, who lost the Republican nomination to a Tea Party supported, Jeff Miller, decided that it would be a good idea to mount a write-in candidacy against him, saying, “Alaska is not fair game for outside extremists.” Ok, who’s really being the extremist here? Who’s refusing to abide by the will of the people, after losing fair and square in a fair election? Ah, I'd say that that's Ms. Murkowski! You know, this bi*ch needs to understand one thing here, there are more important things than her feeling entitled to her cushy job in Congress. Had she been more conservative in the way that she went about performing that cushy duties, she just might have gotten herself reelected. But she made a conscious decision not to do so and should now have the guts to face the consequences of her own actions and quit whining about it. So now she just needs to stop acting like a spoiled brat and go the fuk away! But I'm kinda left scratching my head when I hear guys like John Weaver, who is supposedly a Republican consultant say things like, “While we may have a handful of nominees out of the mainstream, the American people have come to the conclusion this administration and this Congress are out of the mainstream.” I'd like to know which candidates this guy is speaking of as being "out of the mainstream." Is it guys like McCain, this bimbo Murkowski, or maybe someone like Charlie Crist before he decided to leave the party. Or, is he in fact speaking about candidates like Miller and McDonnell. Please, Mr. Weaver, I'm curious, can you please explain what you mean?

Looking back at the scenario that came about in 1994, Democrats were in power and took similar hope when Republican primaries yielded candidates that were initially deemed as being too far to the right for the general election. Yet the wave that took place against Democrats that year was strong enough to carry those very same "too far to the right" newcomers into office and put the Republicans in control of Congress for the first time in 40 years. What we're hoping for now, actually what the survival of the country may literally depend on, is something of a repeat performance. Will history repeat itself come November? Except for Ms. O’Donnell in Delaware, other Republican nominees that the Democrats like to showcase as being extremists, include those in Senate races in Nevada, Colorado, Kentucky and even blue-state Connecticut, where Republican candidates are either even with their Democratic rivals or are ahead in recent polls. In an effort to continue what is seen as being their best weapon, that being the slandering of Tea Party back candidates, the Democratic National Committee has begun work on a database that will be utilized to link the more controversial statements of the Tea Party backed candidates to possible Republican presidential aspirants who chose to support them. The sole purpose of this database will be to point out, for example, that Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney are supporting the Republican candidate for Senate in Nevada, Sharron Angle, who once said that victims of rape should make “what was really a lemon situation into lemonade,” and Ms. O’Donnell, who has said that having women in the service academies “cripples the readiness of our defense.” Look, this is the type of behavior that we are exposed to by the Democrats every single election. It is nothing more than further evidence that all the Democrats know how to do is whip out their standard playbook and to then do exactly that which they accuse Republicans of doing, use fear as a motivator. This is what the Democrats are now forced to resort to, the art of personal destruction, because that's all they have. Democrats can't go out and actually run on any of the legislation that they've passed, all they can now is to try to demonize their opponents. The question is, will Americans buy into this ploy yet one more time regarding this November's election? Will they see those who have been working so diligently to destroy their country as being the ones to vote for? Or, will they say enough is enough, we're tired of this nonsense. The tactic of linking potential Republican rivals to such statements was already in evidence last week. After Ms. O’Donnell’s victory, a Democrat party spokesman told reporters, “The fact that Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin would put their name behind a candidate that believes women who serve our country ‘cripple the readiness of our defense’ make them unfit to be commander-in-chief.” What a bunch of crap, if there is one specific individual today who is obviously unfit for hold the responsibility of being Commander-in Chief, that individual would be Barack Hussein Obama. Put your life vests on everybody, for the next 40+ days it's liable to get more than a little choppy on the political seas. Hopefully, it will be the other guys who get sunk!


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