

Friday, September 3, 2010


As we grow closer to the election, the expectations on the conservative side of the aisle for a repeat of 1994 seem to growing nearly exponentially. Expectations are at an all time high, fed by any number of talking heads, on both ends of the political spectrum, and need to be maybe not taken too seriously, at least at this point in time. I think that we need to be approaching things just a bit more cautiously because I fear we may creating the potential for becoming a bit overconfident, and a little too sure of ourselves, which could make for a rather nasty side effect being created by all the present exuberance. I worry that some voters may come to think that quite possibly there is no cause for concern, that we've got this thing pretty well sowed up. They may come to think that their votes aren't really going to be needed especially since there seems to be such an overwhelming number of those who are now voicing their dissatisfaction with Washington. I fear that too many voters may become lackadaisical about the whole venture, with many possibly being turned off but the endless negative advertising that we know is headed our way. Every single citizen who is interested in saving our country from this current leftist onslaught must come to realize that this is one if the most important times in our history, one that could very much prove to be a turning point for our nation. An important decision is going to be made in November and nothing should be taken for granted in our run up to the election, nothing. And if we are, in fact, to be successful this November, everyone will need to vote, everyone "must" vote! As well, each and every voter must come to realize that Election Day will be only the first step in our journey toward the successful rescuing of America. We have seen in the past how easily the Republican Party can be swayed and how it can seem to lose its way. So we will need to be vigilant every single day, and make the politicians aware that we will not forget any transgressions, as so commonly happens, and that they will be held to account come our very next opportunity. And we need to be wary of the tactics that will be used to thwart our efforts. Additionally, the word is already out that starting on this Labor Day weekend the allies of the Democrat Party will begin their full fledged attempt to alter an election outcome that is now being perceived as being one not all that favorable to Democrats. One of their primary allies comes in the form of Union leaders who have now made it well known that they intend to begin an unleashing of their typical scorched earth tactics against Republican candidates. And soon.

So, I guess the question is, are our expectations exceeding our actual chances of achieving any level of success regarding the upcoming election? Are we working ourselves into such a frenzy the only possible result of which may be nothing more than a massive letdown should the election results fall far short of our expectations? The answer to both questions is that we must not allow ourselves to get so carried away that we lose sight of the primary objective here. We must remain focused and not busy ourselves with counting our eggs well before they’ve had the chance to hatch. It probably would not hurt our cause if we were to simply ignore a very large portion of all that we are now seeing and hearing regarding the potential size of any theoretical victory that has yet to take place. We must act as if we're behind, way behind. After all, as we all know the only poll that really matters is that one conducted on Election Day. We must be wary of all the hype coming from those in the media, because you can never really be sure as to what it is that’s motivating any of those in the state run media. A lot of what they will be telling us may well in fact be very unrealistic in the hope of instilling a sense of over confidence in us as being their way of attempting to convince enough of us to simply stay home because our votes aren't really going to be needed anyway. DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT! Deceit runs very deep in the state-run media and you can be sure that every tactic in their play-book will be used by them in their attempts to dissuade voters, conservative voters, from actually going to the polls. And we should all be very aware that the Democrat Party is never the least bit hesitant about doing whatever it sees as being needed and/or necessary in an effort to attain electoral victory. As we have seen countless times, with I guess Al Franken's election "victory" being the most recent example showing the level to which Democrats will sink to ensure victory. And should they lose an election it is always because those evil Republicans "must" have cheated, because how else could the Democrat candidate possibly have lost? Trickery and every kind of shenanigans imaginable will be the rule of the day.

Now while the numbers of those who seem extraordinarily unhappy with Washington these days would appear to be quite substantial, let no one allow themselves to be convinced that we have yet attained the sufficient number needed in order for us to reclaim our country from the likes of Barry, Harry and Nancy. We must make sure to rally and to unite our forces in order for there to be no doubt in anyone's mind that we are truly serious about regaining control of our government. A government that has in a very short period of time, it seems, appears to have nearly completely come apart at the seams. It is all thanks to an absolutely out of control Democrat Party that our country is now on the verge of being destitute. Adult supervision is now required and needs to be reestablished, and soon. The rampant spending that has taken, and continues to take place, is going to need to be brought under firm control and the fiasco that is Obamacare is going to need to be repealed as soon as possible. As well, the damage that has been done to America's standing in the World is going to need to be repaired. These are the issues that we need to rally around, because it is going to take an all hand’s efforts if we are to achieve any degree of success. And make no mistake, propaganda of nearly every type will be flying around 24/7 from now until election day. Believe nothing that you are unable to substantiate through your own research. Sadly, lies will be coming at us one after another from none other than those whom we should be able to trust when attempting to properly vet potential candidates, so we must all learn how best to filter out fact from what is nothing more than pure fiction. We must not allow ourselves to become overconfident and make assumptions that are based solely on what the latest polls say. Numbers, no matter how large, mean nothing if we are unable to become a unified force for the specific purpose of retaking control of our country. So all manner of sleaze will be used against us in an effort to alter that which is, at least as it appears to be right now, a forgone conclusion. But we can ill afford to rest on poll results. Polls are at best ambiguous and at worst just flat out wrong. And like I mentioned earlier, we need to be acting as if the polls are showing us 40 points behind. Because in the words of Yogi Berra, "It ain't over till it's over."

And we should use this election as our opportunity to not only send a message to Barry and the Democrats, but also as our opportunity to send a very loud and very clear message to the Republicans who are newly elected as well as those not up for re-election. A message that says tread lightly boys and girls, we're watching and we’re listening very, very closely. From day one of our taking back control, if that it fact does come to pass, there will be no room for error or for second chances from anyone on our side. "I'm sorry," just ain't gonna cut it. You are either with us or you're against us, there will be no middle ground that is seen as being acceptable. Republicans were sent packing in 2006 because they lost their way and in a very big way, and were it not for the blatant socialism of Barry and the Democrats, they would still be wondering around aimlessly in the wilderness with no hope of ever recovering any degree of political power. We simply cannot afford to allow them to get to the point where they get maybe a little too comfortable in their positions. We cannot afford to allow them to lose their way as they so obviously did the last time they were handed control of Congress. And should they do so again, any chance at redemption will come very, very far into the future. So whatever happens to this country, that they could have prevented had they been in power, will rest squarely on their heads. So, we must strike the fear of God into those whom we choose to elect and never be afraid to let them know, and in no uncertain terms, exactly who it is that they work for and at the pleasure of. They will be warned once and only once, and that will be on Election Day, that to go against the will of the people will be to do so at their own peril. We must say what we mean and we mean what we say. There is much too much at stake to go about repeating the errors of the past, there is simply no time for that, so the point must be forcefully made that that will not be tolerated. It's just that simple. We will stress the priority of being fiscally conservative as well as for the need to approach, from a more conservative perspective, the remedying of any number of social ills that have lead to a serious decline in the quality of our society. Those who refuse to be part of the solution will be considered as being part of the problem. If they prove to be unwilling to follow the dictates of those who have put them in office they should not then be surprised, when come election time, they find themselves confronted with a primary challenge from a candidate who is more willing to abide by the will of the voters.

And now in what can only really be described as being an attempt to subvert the will of the people, union leaders are now poised to unleash a concerted attack against Republican candidates and their "right-wing agenda" beginning this Labor Day weekend. It is going to be their goal to work as hard as they possibly can to stem what are expected to be some pretty dramatic Democrat losses come November's midterm elections. Those of us who are dedicated to the bringing about of real and identifiable change to our country will need to be willing to work just as hard as they. Unions have substantial reserves of treasure, manpower as well as an army of thugs standing at the ready to intimidate, if needed, and are very determined to make there presence known. They have said that they intend to play roles in more than 400 races nationwide, promoting that very same Democrat agenda that has put our country where it is, economically, fiscally and internationally, at or very near the bottom. They are calling for a "massive mobilization" in 26 states. They will focus their efforts on 70 House races as well as Senate, gubernatorial and state legislative contests. The head of the nation's largest organized labor federation has vowed a two-month media and grass-roots campaign designed to define the election as a fight between Democrats' efforts for supporting the nation's workers versus Republicans' efforts to regain control of Congress for corporate America. So in other words, "Let the smearing begin!" There's just one thing wrong with that premise, and more than a little ironic, the majority of corporate America is Democrat. The Democrats have done more to take money out of the pocket of working Americans while the Republicans have been at least been attempting to prevent them from doing so. It's all just so much malarkey, because the majority of today's union labor force comes in the form of our nation's unionized government workers who already average more than double the average salary and compensation than of employees who actually work in the private sector of our economy. And straight out of the socialist manifesto comes such garbage as, "We either rebuild a fundamentally different economy that values hard work and a strong middle class, or we'll turn back toward one that puts corporate interests before people," AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka said. Just what is this clown is talking about? You know, anyone who actually believes this kind of drivel is nothing short of an absolute moron. Far from making the middleclass stronger, unions are doing nothing more than assisting the Democrats in decimating it. We are at a place where people like this are responsible for our nearly terminally anemic economy and this union hack is out there essentially making threats regarding what can only be characterized as being a fairytale. Republicans have dismissed labor's characterization that they are anti-worker, and knocked labor for supporting Democrats "job-killing agenda." "It shouldn't go unnoticed that the same worn-out message big labor bosses are spinning today is the same message they tried to sell in Virginia, New Jersey and most recently in Massachusetts, but their problem is that voters just aren't buying it," said Brian Walsh, a spokesman with the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC). Although I have stated on numerous occasions that I am not a supporter of the NRSC, I have to admit that that statement pretty much hits the nail squarely on the head.

So the name of the game between now and election day is to not get over confident, but to work toward the electing of those candidates who are seen as being willing do whatever is necessary to rescue our country. And we need to be ever mindful of the fact that while our numbers may be seen as growing we should never assume that we are of a sufficient number to get the job done. We are to consider ourselves as being the underdog in this fight and we should never see it as being any other way. In many ways the odds may be against us. The Democrats have some very potent weapons in there arsenal and some very strong allies in the form of the unions and the state run media. But if we are fortunate enough to succeed in our efforts to take back one or both Houses of Congress, the point must be made to all those who are elected, that any of those who chose to ignore us will be doing so at their own peril. We must be willing to stick to our guns and unwilling to cut anyone any amount of slack. All must be made to understand that if they choose betray "We, the People" some method of retribution will be forthcoming. We will hold them to account for their actions. Those who we elect must understand that it will not be us who will be forced to go quietly into the night. If they choose to ignore us we will be left with no alternative but to vote them out. They must be made to realize that this is not about them, it is not even about us, it is about something much, much bigger. It is about our country and making sure that its future is not filled with the darkness of oppression but is instead filled with the bright light of freedom. MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA and assist us in the achieving of our goal!

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