

Monday, September 13, 2010


Barry promised us long before he was ever elected that if he in fact did get elected he would work to “fundamentally transform” America as our nation’s president. Well my friends, it would appear that he is proving to be true to his word as he goes about doing just that. With him already having assumed control of car companies, financial institutions and even our healthcare, he has set his sights on yet liberal dream and has even more insidious plans for us. Because in addition he has, all under the guise of his rather destructive policies regarding our economy, set about implementing that same tired old Democrat mantra of class warfare in order to institute his income redistribution scheme, and in doing so has thus embarked on the continuation of the liberal dream of eliminating poverty. In all actuality this whole eliminating poverty notion is nothing more than a sick ploy that is being used to expand governmental involvement into the lives of every single American, not just the poor. Which has pretty much been a stated goal and has long been something very near and dear to the heart, as well as the wet dream, of every Democrat going all the way back to Woodrow Wilson.

Would it now seem at least a little plausible that all of those who were calling Barry’s absolutely meaningless campaign theme of “Hope and Change” nothing more than an empty bumper sticker slogan, can finally be told that just maybe we were right? There will be some numbers coming out, if they're not out already, that might provide more than just a little proof to back up all those claims. While it all sounds very nice, because no one actually "wants" anyone to live in poverty, despite claims made by Democrats, at the same time, those living in poverty must take some initiative to get themselves out of poverty. It is not my responsibility through the paying of higher and higher taxes, to make sure that fewer people remain stuck there. And despite the fact that methods embarked upon in such an endeavor have proven to be nothing more than an abject failure and waste of money, it hasn’t prevented liberals from claiming it as a reason justifying both higher taxes and increased government involved in not just the lives of the poor. And even those who were so enthralled by what Barry called his agenda of “Hope and change” and “Change we can believe in,” I think can now very plainly see that it’s not quite turning out to be like how he described it. Exhibit One, and really the only one needed, would be the most recent census data, for the year 2009, that is expected to show that the number of those who are now living in poverty here in America is on track to “increase” by record numbers. As such, it should be very plain to see even for the most hardcore of Barry's supporters, that this fanciful notion of his is essentially nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of anyone with a (D) after their name. Because the number of those who now find themselves below the poverty line is rapidly approaching 1960 levels. Does anybody remember LBJ’s “War on Poverty” and the billions of dollars that have been wasted since then on that battle. And what exactly has been accomplished? That would be…NOTHING, obviously!

This stark reality comes heading at us with all the subtly of a speeding freight train. And it comes in the form of the patently socialist ideals on which the economic policies of Barry are based and accompanied by some very telling census data becoming known just seven weeks before some of the most crucial elections in my lifetime. Census data that could very likely help in determining which Party it is that will end up in control of Congress for at least the next two years. An anticipated poverty rate increase, from 13.2 percent to about 15 percent, is but one more example that Barry is being “successful” in that which he hopes to achieve, a population that is ever more dependent upon the government for everything. Should these estimates hold true, some 45 million people in this country, or more than 1 in 7, were poor last year. It would be the highest single-year increase since the government began calculating poverty figures back in 1959. The previous high was in 1980, during the Jimmy Carter administration, you all remember Jimmy, when the rate jumped 1.3 percentage points to 13 percent. Barry "Almighty" said Friday at his White House news conference, "The most important anti-poverty effort is growing the economy and making sure there are enough jobs out there." He once again stressed his "commitment" to helping the poor achieve middle-class status and said, "If we can grow the economy faster and create more jobs, then everybody is swept up into that virtuous cycle.” Well, why is it then that Barry appears to be less serious about growing the economy than he is about growing the Welfare rolls? And among those in the 18-64 working-age population, there is expected to be a rise beyond 12.4 percent, up from 11.7 percent. That would in effect make that percentage the highest since at least 1965. That was one year after the afore mentioned “LBJ”, yet another Democratic president, officially launched his “War on Poverty” that expanded the federal government's role to a level not previously seen, in social welfare and entitlement programs. This most recent census data is also expected to show that: 1) Child poverty increased from 19 percent to more than 20 percent. 2) Blacks and Latinos were disproportionately hit, based on their higher rates of unemployment due in part to their apparent willingness of rather accepting a government checks instead of actually looking for work. 3) Metropolitan areas that posted the largest gains in poverty included Modesto, Calif.; Detroit; Cape Coral-Fort Myers, Fla.; Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Now that’s a shocker, more Democrat strongholds reflecting an increase in poverty. Go figure! What the heck is it with Democrats anyway? Nothing about the policies they inflict upon us ever works! Ever! And yet we find them in charge of Congress and the White House.

"My guess is that politically these figures will be greeted with alarm and dismay but they won't constitute a clarion call to action," said William Galston, a domestic policy aide for none other than “BJ” Clinton, yet another Democrat. "I hope the parties don't blame each other for the desperate circumstances of desperate people. That would be wrong in my opinion. But that's not to say it won't happen." Well I would disagree with Mr. Galston, obviously another Democrat trying to avoid anyone casting any blame on his party, on one point. It is and always has been the Democrat Party that is the party solely responsible for this continuing debacle, and as such are the ones that should specifically blamed for its sad outcome. That more people are still in poverty after such huge amounts of money have been spent and all in the supposed effort of reducing that number, is a sad tribute to, as well as represent the pure fraud of, the liberal Democrat policies enacted over the last 50+ years. Furthermore, it would be more than fair for the Republicans to very forcefully, and very loudly, place that blame squarely where it belongs. My worry is that, as on so many other occasions, they simply won’t have the cojones to do so, and we all know that this is exactly the kind of information that the state run media keeps very tightly under lock and key. At least until after an election as important as this one. Lawrence M. Mead, a New York University political science professor who I'm told claims to be a conservative and who wrote "The New Politics of Poverty: The Nonworking Poor in America”, seems to be of the opinion that the surge in those now living poverty won't have much of an effect regarding the outcome of November's election. Mr. Mead "argued that the figures will have a minimal impact in November." Adding that, "Poverty is not as big an issue right now as middle-class unemployment. That's a lot more salient politically right now," he said. Well I would disagree in that it is higher taxes that are directly related to the unemployment crisis, which in turn is then directly related to the number of those forced into living at or below the poverty line. The forthcoming 2009 projections partly rely on a methodology by Rebecca Blank, a former "poverty expert", whatever the heck that is, who now oversees the census. She estimated last year that poverty would hit about 14.8 percent if unemployment reached 10 percent. "As long as unemployment is higher, poverty will be higher," she said. Ah, "Hope and Change" you gotta love it!!

However, if the census numbers that are anticipated prove to be anywhere near accurate, Republicans who are now in the midst of an increasingly strong drive to win control of the House, if not the Senate, would be provided with yet one more very strong argument to make against costly Democrats polices that have achieved absolutely nothing. The GOP is saying that voters should fire Democrats because Barry's “supposed” economic fixes are doing nothing more than acting a as major impediment allowing for, a best, only a very sluggish economic recovery. Republicans should now cite this higher poverty rate as further evidence of the outright failure of typical Democrat legislation. And yes, I’m sure that we all can already hear the Democrats right now, arguing about why it is that they are not the ones to be blamed for the growing poverty numbers, after all, look at how much they have spent on trying to fix the problem. And of course they’ll say that the poverty increase did begin under President George W. Bush with the near-collapse of the financial industry in late 2008. The point not to be missed here is that the Democrats have been in charge of Congress for 4 years. And they have literally wasted billions of tax dollars on their dream of ridding America of poverty for over 50 years. So I think it much more difficult to attempt to pin any substantial amount of blame on Bush, or the Republicans. Of course now, that doesn’t mean that they’re not going to try, or even that a significant amount of people aren't going to buy into it. It’s all they know how to do. It is thought that Hispanics and blacks who are normally seen as being solid Democratic constituencies, could very well take the cowards way out and stay home in November if, as expected, the Census Bureau reports that many more of them were poor last year than the year before. I guess that makes much more sense to these people than actually going out and voting for those who honestly want to improve the economy for all and thus are working to create more jobs. But no, it’s much less work to just sit back, stay at home and wait for the next check to arrive.

There are some who have even said that the effect of these numbers could very well progress beyond the November elections. They seem to be of the opinion that the findings could actually end up putting some pressure on Barry to expand government safety net programs ahead of his likely 2012 re-election bid. They are obvious the same ones who are apparently oblivious to the fact that that’s exactly how we got into our present financial mess in the first place and advocating more such programs completely ignores the fact that…WE’RE BROKE!! And Republicans would be right to criticize Barry for attempting any increase in federal spending that would accomplish nothing more than to add to our already bloated federal deficits. That is what should be the primary area of concern for the independent voters whose support is critical in elections. As well, there appears to be some "experts" who have said that the jump in the poverty rate could very well prove the point that the liberal viewpoint and social expenditures actually make it more profitable for the poor to actively avoid actually going out and looking for work. Gee, ya think? Makes you wonder just who these experts are? It’s as if they are somewhat fearful that such numbers will gain some steam for the conservative position that the poor have opportunities to work but simply choose not to because they get "too much" help from the government. In reality they’re actually encouraged not to work. "The Great Recession will surely push the poverty rate for working-age people to a nearly 50-year peak," said Elise Gould, an economist with the Economic Policy Institute. She said that means "it's time for a renewed attack on poverty." A renewed attack on poverty? What planet is it that this bimbo is from? If the billions of dollars that have already been spent have failed to put so much as a dent in the poverty level, just what is it that this obvious loon, Ms. Gould, would like to see proposed? And Mr. Douglas Besharov, a University of Maryland public policy professor, says the big question is whether there's anything more to do to help these families. To answer Mr. Besharov I would respond with a very enthusiastic, NO! That it is way past time for these people to get off their butts as well as the government dole, voluntarily or not, and begin to take at least some responsibility for their own lives. It’s not my job to subsidize their laziness. I’m tired of it and from where I'm standing I've done more than enough.

So it would seem that the one surefire result of Barry's "Hope and Change" is that we now have more people living in poverty, which is the normal outcome regarding the political philosophy so strictly adhered to by Barry. Poverty, squalor and misery have all been the natural occurring outcomes from this philosophy everywhere it has ever been tried, yet Barry and the Democrats insist upon shoving down our throats. If he is allowed to continue unabated the number of those living in poverty, as well as those who are unemployed will continue to go nowhere but UP! Come November, we must be willing to send a message to both Barry and all those in Congress. The question that remains is, are we up to the task that lies before us. We won't know the answer to that question until November 3rd.

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