

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Why is it, exactly, that Jerry Rivers, aka, Geraldo Rivera, is able to maintain any kind of a presence on anywhere near any credible news network? I keep asking myself, what purpose exactly does this guy or his current program on Fox News honestly serve? As near as I can figure, none. Zip, zero, zilch and nada. Unless of course, having him on allows Fox to further make the claim that their programming is in fact "Fair and Balanced". But then there's always Greta, another CNN reject, but that's a whole other story entirely. Let's be real here, this guy, Jerry, is nothing more than a product of a "Jerry Springer" type school of journalism and is someone who must have graduated at or near the top of his class. The most recent of his example regarding his brand of journalism comes in the form of "Geraldo At Large", which appears on Fox News, and is really nothing more than 60 minutes of him trying to portray himself as being some expert on just about any topic. Be that as it may, I tried once more to watch his show this past Sunday, or at least as much of it as I could stomach, because I was interested in the topic of conversation, which was Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally from earlier that day. But from quite early on you could very plainly see where it was that our good buddy Jerry was headed with it very shortly becoming quite obvious that Jerry is far from anything that would even remotely be considered a fan of Mr. Beck. But the real clincher, I suppose, was when he brought that raving racist Al "Bullhorn" Sharpton on to provide his commentary and opinion on Beck’s rally. After about 2 minutes I just couldn't take anymore of Sharpton’s blubbering and had to turn the channel to "The Three Stooges", who at least possess some degree of social redeeming qualities. Which is more than I can say about either Geraldo or Sharpton. These guys are nothing but frauds. I mean really, is there anyone anywhere out there who genuinely cares about what it is that Sharpton thinks or has to say about anything? And this is the caliber of individual that Jerry insists upon having come on his show allowing them ramble on about any number of topics to the point where I'm amazed that anybody even watches his “At Large” show. Maybe he's after the CNN crowd, I'm just not sure. I've tried to watch him on any number of occasions, but I just can't watch for much more than about 5-10 minutes. And if you ever watch his show, it seems that he always has many more guests of the liberal persuasion than those of the more conservative genre. And when he does have someone who tends to be of the more conservative flavor, he does nothing more than to go out of his way to belittle or ridicule them the entire show. And when they try to respond to his criticism, he just cuts them off and goes to a commercial. He always comes across, as liberals generally do, as someone who thinks that they’re just so darn much smarter than the rest of us common folk. It's all like watching some really, really bizarre reality show, one that ranks right up there with that stupid show about those morons living in New Jersey. You know the one with "Snookie" and the little band of mentally challenged misfits. And now it seems that Jerry is on the verge of celebrating 40 years of his being a "journalist". Come on, a "journalist"? Really? Geraldo? Here is a guy who has written a book detailing his sexual prowess by telling us about the thousands of women that he as supposedly slept with, who tried to present the opening of a mobster's vault as being an important news story and who had some squirrely "Maury Povich" type show on television for I don't know how many years. To come anywhere near calling this jerk a "journalist" is absolutely laughable. If he's a "journalist" then I guess that would make me a nuclear physicist.

And to show just how little regard guys like Jerry really have when it comes to how race relations should be honestly and openly addressed or discussed, the very best they can continue to come up with is to roll out "Bullhorn" Sharpton time after time as if he actually has any credibility whatsoever when it comes to having honest discussions on the topic of race relations. It's beyond being ridiculous to have a racist comment on race. Sharpton is always one that can be counted to display just the right amount of feigned moral outrage. This outright bigot, thinly disguised as a supposed civil rights "leader", told thousands of people gathered at a "Reclaim the Dream" event that took place at a Washington high school on Saturday that people at "the other rally" want to disgrace the day but "we won't let them." Just what would lead old "Bullhorn" to make such an imbecilic statement as that, other than what is obviously his deep-seated sense of racism? Such a statement is just another clear indicator that Sharpton derives much pleasure in doing nothing more than to perpetuate his continuing attempts at stirring up as much hate and discontent between people of different races as he possibly can. And it is his possessing just such a mentality that should effectively disqualify him from being asked to present objective commentary regarding an issue that he very obviously cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be objective about. "Bullhorn" sees it as being his mission in life to stir up as much racial unrest, even hatred, as possible. For him it's nothing more than money in the bank. Therefore, if no evidence of racism exists, it must then be created with "journalists" like Jerry being only too happy to assist any way they can to guarantee the success of any such endeavor. And just so there is no doubt in anyone's mind about just how much of a racist "Bullhorn" is, he attempted to characterize the people attending the larger "Restoring Honor" rally, led by Glenn Beck, as being the very same people who once criticized African-Americans for marching for civil rights. This is the caliber of individual that the faux journalists like Jerry Rivers insist upon having on their TV shows, most of which have a minuscule viewing audience. And by the way, was "Bullhorn" also talking about the many African-Americans who showed up at Beck's rally? Or, was he just talking about all those mean old racist white folks? Every time "Bullhorn" opens his mouth he does nothing more than to put his ignorance on full display for everyone to see and still he is usually the first out sought out by those in the media for his great insight. And then of course we also have Mr. Benjamin Todd Jealous, another pathetic racist as well as the present leader of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) who is one more "expert" that fellas like Jerry repeatedly turn to for commentary on race relations in America. Jealous also criticized the Beck rally for having to tell the participants not to bring signs or guns. The NAACP president said it is time to remind the country that the majority of Americans believe in hope and justice. I would tell Mr. Jealous that from the video clips that I saw of Mr. Beck's rally, I would agree with that statement. As far as the signs and guns comment, I'm not sure how much truth there is to that, most likely not much, but if there is any truth in it at all, it might be something that should be better practiced by Mr. Jealous and his little cadre of racist followers. Bigots such as these guys really serve no useful purpose for anything or to anybody. And it is quite sad to see how the likes of such men are able to command such respect from and seem to have some degree of control over so many people. Where they could be doing so much good "for" so many, they choose instead to do so much damage "to" so many. And every time some clown like Jerry provides them a platform from which to spew their vitriol, nothing is accomplished other than the creating of one more needless opportunity for them to spread their special brand of bigotry.

Prior to the day of these competing rallies, there had been much concern, most likely stirred up by Jerry's fellow "journalists" of the state-run media, warning that there could be a likelihood of confrontations, and possibly even violence, breaking out between the two rallies. But good old "Bullhorn" Sharpton said that the participants in the "Reclaim the Dream" rally would not disgrace the anniversary by allowing themselves to be provoked. Provoked? Did anyone see the video clips from Beck's rally? Did any of those people appear to be looking for a confrontation? And what's really funny is Al "Bullhorn" Sharpton talking about anyone being provoked. Is this guy serious? That’s how this bum makes his living, by provoking! He's nothing more than a buffoon of the very highest order. And then earlier in the week, we had Martin Luther King, Jr.'s son, Martin Luther King III, defending Beck's right to hold a rally on the anniversary of his father's historic "I Have a Dream" speech. King wrote in the Washington Post that his father championed free speech. But, being unable to resist, he also wrote that the civil rights leader "rejected hateful rhetoric and all forms of bigotry." Ok, so what was the purpose for throwing the last little accusatory comment in? The only source for any "hateful rhetoric and bigotry" visible anywhere during the entire day came not from the "Restoring Honor" rally but from the "Reclaim the Dream" rally from none other than “Bullhorn” Sharpton himself. Which is pretty much par for the course. I guess this moron failed to notice, or thought it not worth mentioning, that Rev. King's niece was an active participant in the "Restoring Honor" rally. And, from what I saw on the various news shows and on line, there was a healthy number of African-Americans in the "Restoring Honor" crowd. And so it is then that when speaking about Jerry, "Bullhorn" and any of the many similar type individuals, it is very easy to see that there is much truth in that old adage about "birds of a feather". It is characters like these who are absolutely toxic when it comes to being able to advance the cause of race relations in this country. They constantly work at creating scenarios which serve no other purpose other than to further aggravate things. Where they could be acting as the voice of reason, instead they resort to a pathetic level of behavior in their weak attempts at increasing their own personal stature among the weak-minded. What needs to be done here is that these individuals need to be shunned until the time comes that they are seen for what they really are. They are users, men who have no interest in anyone but themselves. They should not be listened to because they really have nothing constructive to say. They are nothing more than the equivalent of background noise. They have no interest in "Restoring Honor", because that defeats the whole purpose of their existence. Instead they wish to work at bringing the rest of down to their pathetic level. So, Geraldo Rivera a journalist? Hmm, I'm thinking not so much. His is but one more example that proves that journalism in America can now be officially declared as being very much dead. Reporters have become nothing more that activists and outright propagandists for the cause of the day, be it racism, Climate Change, terrorism, taxes, healthcare reform, the evils of oil, you name it. They have moved beyond merely reporting the news, they are now much too busy trying to create it.

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