

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


I must admit that I always get a kick out of Democrats who insist upon going all preachy, and shit, when acting as if, in reality, they’re all big believers in God and devoted followers of ‘The Ten Commandments.’ Now keep in mind, these are the very same people who see virtually no problem with the butchering of babies, who think boys and be girls, girls can be boys, and who are practitioners of every perversion known to mankind. And yet, they seem to have convinced themselves that, despite the fact that that have no knowledge of the subject, religion, they are somehow qualified to lecture us on it. But then, what would be new about that?

All of which brings me to none other than that pervert of an ex-senator from Minnesota, Al Franken. You see it was this past Monday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Inside” that Franken claimed that if President Trump testifies in his court cases and puts his hand on the Bible, it would burst into flames.” This coming from a dirty old man is quite amusing. Franken should get his own morals in order. Another Democrat corpse dug up by MSDNC. This is the clown elected by ballots found in an 'abandoned' car and then had to resign when video emerged of him groping a sleeping female soldier. Real credible source. Like ALL MSDNC chatterers.

Host Jen Psaki asked, “As you’re watching this, and you see all the different messages the Democratic party is throwing at him, there’s a lot of material there, there’s no question, there’s the legal cases obviously his threat to abortion rights, the threat to the Affordable Care Act. What should people be doing? There’s almost too many to pick from. What is the right approach, in your view?” Franken said, “The right approach is to go door to door and knock on doors especially in blue areas and get out the vote. That’s the right thing for people watching today, watching MSNBC, who care about this election, get involved and do that. That’s the right argument is."

He added, “I think that as these cases unfold and thank God, we actually have one coming to trial. I think it’ll be very clear. You started your show talking to Michael Cohen. I think it’s pretty clear that this case was exactly that, a hush money case. You know, I’m looking forward to — I don’t know whether he will testify, I know his lawyers know that he lies a lot, but I hope he testifies because when he puts the hand on the Bible, I want to see it burst into flames.” And it’s this little note on Christian iconography brought to you by none other than Al Franken, a Jewish Socialist who hates Christians and America, but wants you to still believe him.

And so it looks like it’s all hands-on deck for the Left with all of the perverts, deviants, liars, grifters, tax evaders, cokeheads and Chinese puppets that they can muster to accuse President Trump of what they themselves are guilty of. Franken is just another Hollyweird pervert, on a long list of many, that no one should ever waste any amount of time listening to. Considering that he had to cheat his way into office, I don’t think we need any lectures from him about Bibles bursting into flames, or about anything else for that matter. He should be hanging his head in shame, but just like virtually everyone else in his corrupt party, he has no shame.

And so, it’s the not-ready-for-ANYTIME-national-disgrace Franken that once again slithers out from under his rock to dare speaking about putting its hands on anything!! Franken is nothing more than political roadkill. Who the hell is Franken to judge a man’s heart, does he really think God is okay with killing babies in the womb, pushing transgenderism on children, gay “marriage” and whatever else Democrats impose on the rest of society?? Franken, a proud member of the very same party that fully supports transitions for toddlers and men competing in women's sports talking about prompting the Bible to burst into flames!

What a contemptuous statement by Franken. It’s his party that has identified Christians as dangerous, supports murdering the unborn, uses government agencies to go after law abiding citizens and seems you believe that the Bible is their book. How convenient! Is Franken devout in any faith, if not, what’s he even talking about. These losers won't go near the real issues with a ten-foot pole. All they can do is petty character attacks. The Democrats are throwing everything they can at President Trump, hoping some activist judge will find some excuse to make it stick. And bringing up the “affordable care act” as a positive, is like saying inflation is all in our heads.

The Democrats haven’t stopped attacking President Trump since he first announced for the Presidency back in 2015, and these purely personal, political, and business attacks have continued to escalate day by day since then! And why is that? The Democrats want to destroy America as we all know it. Family, church, community, respect, honesty, moral values and education are all under attack by these people. President Trump symbolizes the America we all want to return to, if the Democrats succeed in destroying him, if we allow them to drive him away, then they win. We must not allow them to succeed, with us behind him he can’t lose.

Look around you Mr. Franken, and what do you see? I’ll tell you what I see! I see a world that, just four years ago that was at relative peace, that is now at war. And the common denominator in all of these ongoing conflicts is none other than Joey. And how many have paid the price? Five hundred thousand? One Million? And it could become catastrophically worse. Joey ignited chaos in Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East. Joey has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for the last 40 year and has now extended that streak to 50 years. It’s amazing the level of destruction that can be unleashed by just one imbecile who wields power.

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