

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


As much as any of us might wish it were not the case, racism is very much alive and well right here in the good old U.S. of A. And for that we owe all our thanks to those on the political left, including members of the Democrat Party. It’s their rather twisted preoccupation with inciting all manner of hate that allows racism to not only continue, but to flourish. And I’m sure that most have noticed how it is that those who scream racism the loudest, tend to be the most racist individuals among us. It's almost as if they’re trying to divert attention away from what is their own racist behavior. And yet they have the nerve to point their boney fingers at others.

All of which brings me to none other than one Lenard Larry McKelvey, alias Charlamagne Tha God, American radio host, television personality and once upon a time drug dealer. You see, it now appears that Lenny is on the payroll of the Democrat Party, in that he has turned on we supporters of President Trump, saying of us, “They’ve accepted fascism and those are the people who I feel like they want their rights to be racist back.” Lenny went on to add, “They want white supremacy to reign supreme over this nation.” Now, of course, he never actually mentions what it is that he bases such an accusation, but then neither was he actually asked to.

Lenny’s comments came as part of a 73-minute interview with Stephen A Smith, another racist kook, that was promoted as a discussion about “the changing social media landscape, the Black community, and the 2024 Presidential election.” But as some may know, this most recent rant was not the first time Lenny has made clear his thoughts on the man hoping for a White House return. It was back in 2020 that Lenny said more black voters were drawn to and support President Trump in that year’s presidential election because he was actively courting them and the “old Democratic regime” thinks black voters will simply “fall in line."

It was in an interview with then CNN’s Don Lemon that Lenny explained many black votes, especially males, appreciate how the Trump actively targeted them as part of his campaign message. He said, “When it comes to black people you see who maybe are showing support for Trump, I think it’s because Trump is actually talking to young black male voters. He’s directing ads toward them. They are a group that never get courted.” He said, “Black people don’t get courted either as a whole. But that old Democratic regime speaks to old black men and they think everybody else in the black community and black families are going to fall in line."

These guys always support Joey, and it will be the same at the ballot box, Jews will do the same, something about voter inertia, they won’t break new ground. There’s a chance Hispanics will support President Trump, for the most part they live in reality-based world, they work hard and focus on family, all the hocus pocus promises of the left isn’t swallowed “hook, line, and sinker.” You’d think Jew’s would be protesting and screaming about Joey, but they’re not. They’ll pull the lever for Joey even with him calling for their heads. It’s a weird world where they support a man who’s favoring and actively supporting groups calling for the annihilation of Jews.

If any demographic wants to improve their position here in America, it’s really quite simple. Stay out of prison, don’t get shot, and use the public schools to the best advantage. Yes, the public schools could be far better, but if you don’t go, and perform at your best, then it’s you who are the problem, not the school system. Blacks are 13 percent of our population and their track record on education, violence, drug use, crime, welfare use is embarrassingly high. And none of that has anything to do with “Trump Voters.” We, as a country have spent billions trying to help with these people and to no avail. They are the only ones that can fix these things.

People like Lenny seem to think that anything that isn’t hard left and government totalitarianism is somehow white supremacy. It’s difficult to take people seriously when they label things like correct answers in mathematics as racist, camping as racist, roads as racist and other such lunacy. What supporters of President Trump want is nothing more than a fair and limited government. We want to be judged by our merits not by the color of our skin. The left has even declared that quoting Dr. King’s desire for a color-blind society as racist. And I must admit that as Trump supporter I’ve been attacked by people who are better and far smarter than this punk.

Lenny speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He speaks of the usual “white supremacy” evil generalities he pretends President Trump will try to usher in but acknowledges that the Democrats can’t be bothered with the black community because they are used to blacks flocking to them. He makes clear, with such comments, that he’s really not very bright. Perhaps instead of continually whining and trying to find new ways to project his self-imposed victimhood, maybe he should realize that the majority of the problems in his community aren’t because of racism but are due directly to his community's attitudes, actions, and backward culture.

And it’s in Lenny that we have another brain-dead Democrat who has yet to figure out that the majority of issues in the black community are rooted in the Democrats. All these loudmouths have much to say after ‘making it’ on their gangster rap while the rest of their community languishes in poverty and crime. The minute any of these ‘accomplished’ blacks speak up and tell the rest to stop making excuses, to get educated or to get jobs, they are kicked to the curb and branded as ‘Uncle Toms,’ or worse. The continued whining about white supremacy is nothing more than an excuse, a card to play in an effort for more handouts and entitlements.

The real problem is that for generations far too many in the black community have listened to people who live in fancy, gated estates who tell them that they are being shafted, that they’re the victims of an unjust society and that none of their problems are their fault. These people are the biggest enemy of those in the black community. They are nothing but carpetbaggers betraying their own people for money. Espousing nothing but division and providing to proof to back up their incendiary comments. It’s really the only thing the Democrats have. Comparing President Trump’s four years to Joey’s three plus years makes this a no brainer to anyone who’s not a racist.

The left has equated western civilization generally, and American culture specifically with white supremacy. We are the only nation not allowed to have a heritage, or borders, or a history, or a national language or anything that would define us as a people, unlike every other nation on earth. We’re only supposed to exist as a petri dish for social experimentation, and any suggestion that we have a right to more is somehow racist. They are diluting us with low culture, from within and without, and if you point it out, you’re a racist. It’s getting tiresome. Anyone of any race should be able to participate in America. It’s not about race, it’s about culture and national survival.

Charlamagne the Fraud is simply grifting for more support since he doesn't have any real talent to contribute to society! Hate and racism is what he’s all about! Trump voters want meritocracy. Trump voters are not obsessed with skin color and ethnicity and believe blacks and other ethnicities are fully on an equal footing. People should be judged by skill and character, not the color of their skin. Lenny is just another left wing freak and a liar. If President Trump is racist then why during his administration was black household income the highest in history, black homeownership was the highest in history, black unemployment was the lowest in history.

Fools like this narcissist freak should be laughed out of the country. He’s just another a useful idiot for the Democrats. President Trump, and conservatives, believe in each person’s ability to better themselves if they want. The real racists are the Democrats who claim that blacks and minorities are too stupid to get government IDs. This dude has probably never had an original thought in his life. All he ever does is regurgitate left wing talking points. This is the same guy who interviewed Joey when Joey said, “If you don’t know whether to vote for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” And he STILL doesn’t get it. He still refuses to see the difference in the two political parties.

And finally, who knew that calling out the insanity of and opposing evil Communist Democrat Party cult: incompetence; fecklessness; hyperinflation; open borders; aiding/abetting criminal illegals to enter, to remain, and to commit crimes against U.S. citizens like the murder of Laken Riley; defunding the police; no bail; woke prosecutorial discretion; Communist show trials; Communist gulags for political prisoners; antisemitism; hate; intolerance; bigotry; and perennially failed Communist dystopia were acts of white supremacy? Don’t allow yourself to be fooled again by those in the Democrat Party cult or those who are its proud propagandists.

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