

Monday, March 4, 2024


Out of the plethora of examples that we have been provided with by none other than Joey himself, not one serves as being a better example of poster boy for what has been proven to be a rather impressive gaggle of incompetents and/or the cluster fuck of an administration that we have been forced to contend with for the last three plus years, than our current Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS), none other than Alejandro Mayorkas. You see, it’s this same moron who has now become the standard by which every other incompetent fuck can safely, and forever, be measured by. And it’s not that he is merely incompetent, but he’s a liar and traitor to his country.

And it was on Sunday, during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” that Mayorkas argued that Gov. Greg Abbott was purposefully “trying to wreak havoc in other cities and states across the country.” It was then that host Dana Bash started things off by playing comments made by Abbot before saying, “I want you to listen to what the Texas Governor Greg Abbott told me on the show about the idea of whether or not legislation is needed. Take a listen.” Comments during which Abbott said, “The president does not need new laws. The president needs a backbone to make sure that he said he enforces the immigration laws that are already on the books."

Mayorkas responded to those comments saying, “Couldn’t be more wrong, couldn’t be more wrong. As a matter of fact, former President Trump tried to close the border and it was enjoined in the courts and never saw the light of day.” He continued, “This coming from an individual who is purposefully refusing to coordinate, communicate, collaborate with other officials, and trying to wreak havoc in other cities and states across the country. That is not a model of governance and he couldn’t be more wrong.” Mayorkas added, “We encountered it historic number of individuals at the southern border in December of 2023."

He continued saying, “Mexico had seized its enforcement operations and its enforcement agency had been unfunded. President Biden reached out to President López Obrador of Mexico and spoke of the need for enforcement to resume. Then he dispatched Secretary Blinken and me to meet with our Mexican counterparts and echo that important message. Mexico did and the numbers in January of this year dropped more than 50%. So there are things that we can do.” Mayorkas is nothing more than a facilitator for the lies and continuing corruption we’ve seen from this group now in charge; besides his exuberant handling of a wide open, dangerous border.

What arrogance! I can’t believe the gall of this man to say that Abbott is “wreaking havoc” across the country, when it is he himself who is causing it. This man deserves to be stretching a length of hemp for his betrayal of country and oath of office. No punishment would be too extreme. Joey and Mayorkas are the ones wreaking havoc and chaos upon our country. Abbott has brought Joey’s catastrophic border mess to the attention of the entire nation. Invaders have been pouring in ever since Joey tripped and fell into the White House. The only reason for Blinken and Mayorkas’s trip to Mexico in December was because the ‘fake news’ media can’t hide it anymore.

Cry me a fucking river, Mayorkas. Deflecting just a small portion of the federally sponsored invasion of Texas to other states is merely sharing the wealth. And Abbott's not done nearly enough to stem the tide. He’s hardly even made a dent in it. What we have here, on the part of Mayorkas, is simply another exercise in projection in the hopes of affecting the shallow thinkers among us. Abbott is just rectifying a situation caused by decades of Democrat stupidity. Until, and unless, a crisis is made to hit Democrats where they live, they will not allow anyone to solve the problem. Every Democrat politician should be viewed as a being an enemy of the state.

And of all of the asinine and patently absurd comments that this incompetent fuck has uttered, this one has to go down in history. His boss and his party opened our borders in direct violation of our immigration laws. He has been the conductor for this invasion of illegal immigrants. Look at what he has done to our border communities and states. And now, now that this societal poison has reached the various Democrat enclaves, only NOW he is outraged? Really??? Does he truly believe that most Americans are that stupid??? This fraud of a DHS secretary needs to go prison for his treason and abdication of his duties. Mayorkas should be tried for treason.

This is yet another perfect example of how the Democrats have perfected the projection game. Mayorkas does it here with Abbott. Joey says it's President Trump’s fought. Voters know President Trump had the border sealed. Voters know that Joey invited them all here. These illegal immigrants are the new darlings of the Democrat Party. Why don’t black community leaders see that they are being kicked to the curb and replaced by very low wage illegal immigrants? When might Black community leaders finally find their voice? The only question remaining is how many Democrat voters are too stupid to see it. But then, most simply believe what they’re told.

Joey has enticed millions of people to come to America because he is willing to provide them with free food, with free living quarters, with free medical care and with free education. Abbot is most assuredly not to blame for this abomination. Joey and Mayorkas are solely to blame. The Democrats wanted to flood Texas with Illegals and effort to turn it from red, to blue, but it didn’t work. Mayorkas has NO SHAME! He’s the one running this country into the ground. Abbott is simply doing the job that our government is no longer willing to do. Even though he swore an oath to uphold the constitution. Why this guy isn’t in Gitmo is beyond me.

Joey and Mayorkas opened the borders and simply expected Texas to handle whatever it was that came its way. Abbott has done what any responsible elected office holder would do, and should do. Protect his state from economic disaster. It’s not Texas’ job to accommodate all the illegals that Joey’s hideous policies have attracted and continue to attract. Abbott is doing what he is supposed to do, to try to protect the people of Texas. And how is it possible that spreading these brilliant, hard-working, America-loving sparks of humanity around the nation for all U.S. citizens to enjoy is “wreaking havoc?” It sounds like Mayorkas may be just a wee bit racist.

Actually, Abbott is only trying to share the financial burden, the chaos, the crime and everything else that comes along with the illegal immigration that Joey and all of those in his party seem so much in favor of. But the truth, of course, is that while they do very much support the concept of illegal immigration, they just don’t want it in their own cities and states. There are no greater hypocrites on the planet than corrupt, radical left wing socialist Democrats. They preened and patted themselves on the back when they declared Democrat controlled cities as sanctuaries. But we all know that that was just virtue signaling. Democrats are frauds, every one of them.

And so let me get this straight. We have an individual who, as head of the DHS, has willingly allowed millions of unvetted illegal immigrants that he himself reclassified as ‘refugees’ thus allowing them to skirt existing immigration laws and to then gain entry into our country. He has bussed and flown them to red states forcing them into the position of then having to deal with them. He has also, of course, done so for purely political purposes. And this traitor is now relying on the uninformed among us to be able to allow this little charade of his to continue. Joey and Mayorkas are both a couple of corrupt, evil, lying traitors, and they both have blood on their hands!

Joey & Co. is a criminal organization. They’re clearly complicit in human trafficking, sex trafficking, the trafficking of minors across state lines for the purpose of prostitution and any number of other sex crimes, as well as drug trafficking. They’re complicit in the deaths of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of American and Mexican citizens. The lying ‘fake news’ media is complicit as well. They run the PR campaign that makes it all possible, just as they ran the PR campaign covering up the 2020 election fraud and resulting election theft. The ‘fake news’ media is now covering up the bribery and corruption of Joey and countless other Democrats.

And finally, how about this for a potential nightmare scenario? Say about May-June, the Communist Chinese announce they no longer accept an independent Taiwan and start their invasion. At the same time, they activate their agents now currently sleeping in the U.S., causing complete chaos across the nation. Joey then announces a national emergency, declares martial law, suspends the election and starts mass arrests of all MAGA conservatives. Meanwhile, the thousands of middle eastern sleeper soldiers currently in the U.S. start massive terrorist attacks in every American city. Nah, I'm just a paranoid xenophobe. Just ask any shitbag, piece of shit Democrat.

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