

Saturday, March 23, 2024


So I’m curious, after the last three years of ‘America Last’ policies, and the last eight years of get Trump-mania, at what point might we expect there to be a red line to present itself that if crossed by the Democrats would finally prompt enough of the American people to come to their senses to the point where their eyes would be fully open regarding what the Democrat gameplan truly is. But then, if there is nothing the Democrats can do that will cause Americans to abandon their self-destructive voting habits, then I suppose we’re already dead. Just what is it that might cause them to consider what kind of country they wish to leave behind for their children.

It was with the arrival of ‘BO’ onto the scene, with his dream of transforming the country, that the level of political intolerance in this country was taken to the point where it may now be necessary to follow a suggestion recently made by one of those the other side and carry out a little “wet work” of our own. The time for complacency in the way we continue to deal with these people has long since passed. They have made themselves a threat to not only our children, but our children’s children. And it would seem that the time has now come for them to be reminded that their chosen profession is not about personal enrichment, but about serving their constituents.

Which brings me to our *president, whose priorities are not those of the American people. And anyone who sees this guy as being a better choice than President Trump has clearly spent too much time in the hot sun. And to claim Joey has done some magnificent job as *president is to deny the reality of all that has taken place in this country during his tenure. Our country is now in a shambles, we’re broke, we’ve been made into a laughingstock and we’re being sold off, piece by piece, to the highest bidder. Joey is the most corrupt individual ever elected. And how sick, how lazy, or how perverted must one be to support Joey on his mission to destroy our country?

You see, as amazing as it may sound, it’s still roughly 4 in 10 of us who continue to support Joey in his bid for re-election. And this is despite the fact that he was been described as being underwater on the three top issues facing voters in 2024, at least according to a YouGov poll conducted this past week. According to this same poll Americans ranked the three top issues as soaring inflation/prices (21 percent), illegal and legal immigration (16 percent), and jobs and the sour economy (9 percent). Overall, only 40 percent of Americans approved of Joey’s job performance, well below the 50 percent threshold that incumbents historically need to win re-election.

And it was less than a quarter of independents who think Joey capable of defeating President Trump, while three-fourths of Democrats predicted a Joey win. But to be honest, I’m not sure that those pulling his strings from behind the curtain really care if Joey gets re-elected or not! I only say that because the Democrat’s big cheat in 2020 has resulted in them accomplishing, in just four years, what they originally thought would take them a decade or so to achieve! The plan was to unleash chaos to the point where it would be difficult, if not impossible to reverse, and to make the dementia addled dolt the fall guy! They have achieved much success in that endeavor.

Democrat voters have a genetically incurable disease. Symptoms include, but are limited to, being unable to process information in a critical manner, a total lack of common sense, being afflicted with ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), blame Republicans for crime they live with, flock together in urban cities, being generational welfare participants, never had a job, cheer the deterioration of our culture/society and lack basic reading, writing and arithmetic skills. And all these polls would seem to validate my conclusion. Somewhere between 35-40 percent of Americans approve of Joey turning this country into another third world shithole. Why I don’t know.

One would think that by cancelling student loans for a few deadbeats, allowing rapists, murderers, and terrorists into our country, wars in the middle east, the highest inflation in 40 years, eliminating the fossil fuel industry, prosecuting his political opponent, sniffing little girls hair, wandering off and stumbling through speeches, would be more than enough to push him well over the top. As I have said many times before this is not the America of my youth, on almost every level. And continuing to elect Democrats will only serve to make matters far worse. How can we hope our nation survives when we elect those who seek only to destroy it?

Our country is being invading, wars are breaking out, our economy is in the crapper, people are suffering, and Democrats are trying to destroy our candidate. And so I ask again, is there a red line that can be crossed by the Democrats that will prompt enough Americans to finally wake up to where they are willing to admit that it is not in America’s best interest to continually vote for those who are driven solely by their addiction to political power, damn the consequences. It’s those screaming the loudest regarding a supposed threat to our ‘democracy,’ are in fact the greatest threat we face. Democrats must be reduced in number to the point where they are harmless.

Joey is the biggest failure as *president in our history, especially when it comes to protecting and defending the Constitution, the nation, and the citizens. But that said, sadly we have more than a RINOs in Congress who also want open borders, reduced tariffs on Chinese imports and even more wars. President Trump should win this fall if the Democrats aren’t able to cheat and game the system as they did in 2020. But as well know he can’t eliminate the deep state without our help. We have to be willing to vote for, and to elect, those willing to stand with him. To do anything else does nothing more than to kick the can down the road and allow things to worsen.

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