

Saturday, March 9, 2024


Clearly, the Democrats continue in their belief that there continues to exist a sizable segment of the American population who will believe whatever it is that they are told. I say that because they still expect us all to believe that Joey’s decision to immediately halt all of the policies that President Trump put in place in an effort to secure our southern border had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the fiasco that is now taking place. Instead, we’re supposed to believe that it was all just a weird coincidence. Now granted, I have no doubt that anyone in this day and age that is still willing to vote Democrat, is also willing to buy such a cockamamie premise.

And it was as recently as this past Friday that Chucky Schumer again landed in a friendly venue from which he was able to once again peddle the bizarre theory that Joey is not to be blamed for the mess at our border. You see, it was on Friday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View,” that Schumer stated that the problems on the border are not due to *president Joe Biden reversing several Trump-era policies, cited Republicans who saw the Senate border bill as Democrats “moving in a tough, strong direction” on the issue, and stated that by opposing the Senate bill, Trump said, “hold it out for political advantage and let this so-called crisis fester for another year."

Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin asked, “Well, Senator, Biden was right last night to bring up the strong bipartisan border bill that Trump essentially killed that Sen. Lankford (RINO) had worked on. But do you think that Democrats need to acknowledge that the immigration crisis we’re now in, which is a top issue for voters, is a result of a number of Trump-era policies that President Biden decided to reverse?” Chucky said, “No, I don’t think so. I think the contrast was amazing. President Biden has a real plan on immigration. I know, because we worked on it with the Senate. We put a bipartisan group, Sen. Lankford, Sen. Murphy, Sen. Sinema, and they put together a really tough immigration proposal that could pass in a bipartisan way."

Chucky went on to say, “The plan was so tough that it was supported by The Wall Street Journal editorial page, the fount of hard-right conservatism in America. It was supported by the Border Patrol union. They’ve been right-wing and pro-Trump. It was supported by the Chambers of Commerce because it was tough and strong. It stopped fentanyl — if we enacted it — from coming over our borders by using these fentanyl detection machines, it increased the number of people who would apprehend people crossing the border, and it even had a cap on any immigration if too many people came across the border. So, it was tough and strong."

And he said, “A lot of Republicans liked it at the beginning. When they were shown it, they said, I’m amazed, the Democrats are really moving in a tough, strong direction on [the] border. And then, Donald Trump, their leader, said, I don’t want them to do anything on the border, I want it to stay a crisis for a whole year so I can win the election.” He continued, “Can you imagine the nerve, the chutzpah of this guy? Here they say, the border’s an emergency, we better fix it. Here we have a plan that fixes it in a bipartisan way, and Trump says, hold it out for political advantage and let this so-called crisis fester for another year.” Chucky is nothing if not a skilled liar.

Anyway, Chucky continued by saying, “Trump’s the loser on this, and I’ll say one more thing, before we came up with this plan — and I was very proud to help put it together and push it — Democrats were on their back foot on immigration. Now, we are on our front foot. We are saying, we have a bipartisan plan, they don’t want to solve the problem, they just want rhetoric. And guess what, there’s a poll in The Wall Street Journal…today that said Americans side with what we’re doing. So, we have totally reversed this border issue. We still have to answer some questions. But now, we’re on our front foot, not our back foot."

The worst case of projection I’ve ever seen! Come in, Create a problem. Say there is no problem. Call people liars when they say they’ve broken it. After it becomes too bad to ignore, claim to be fixing the problem by codifying the bad ideas that created the problem in the first place. Then blame your opposition for the problem that you created. Wash, Rinse, Repeat This is what the Democrats have done for decades. Leftists are all about creating chaos and lawlessness, and then swooping in with draconian, expensive ‘solutions’ that don't really solve anything. Joey reversed over 90 of Trump’s policies which reduced the flow of illegal immigration to 45 year lows.

Schumer and the rest of the left can try to delude themselves that the people will side with them on the immigration issue all they want. But it has never happened, no matter how many times they’ve tried to do this stuff, no matter how many times they’ve lied to themselves that the people support them. The Democrats lost the immigration issue decades ago, and are never getting it back. Mostly because they don’t want to win it. They want open borders, the destruction of the U.S. and the flooding of the nation with millions of third worlders. They can’t sugar coat that anymore because they are doing it out in the open instead of trying to hide it.

And notice how those on the Right are willing to defend their actions and beliefs, while Democrats lie about what they did or what they believe. Regardless of the issue, Republicans will make clear what the problem is with proof and provide ideas to fix it. Democrats first deny the problem actually exists and if they do offer anything in the way of a solution, more often than not it accomplishes nothing more than to make the problem worse. Democrats are dependent upon those voters who are of low intellect and their ‘fake news’ media allies to control information and to push their lies and hide the truth. It’s the kind of stuff that happens every day.

And the ‘bipartisan’ piece of legislation that Chucky makes reference to was designed to facilitate the “newcomers,” not prevent their crossing. So why would Republicans, or anyone else, want to give money to a cause that will destroy the Republic? Chucky is a full-blown Communist. He is out to crush the working middle class, truckers, small businesses and farmers in America. Communists cannot have independent thinking people capable of making their own decisions in life. Joey and Democrats, like Schumer, have repeatedly demonstrated that they are willing to destroy the country to get a new voting group which will be bought off with your tax money.

And by the way, having the support of the Chamber of Commerce really shouldn’t be considered much of a selling point. After all, it’s composed primarily of Bush, Romney, McCain RINOs. They represent politicians and the swamp, never the American working-class citizens. Schumer knows he’s lying, and he knows we know he is lying. Still, he hopes a few suburban moms and others sitting on the couch at home watching ‘The View’ will accept this as an excuse and substitute it for any doubt they had about Joey’s incompetence to justify their irrational vote for him. Schumer is a prime example of why we should not trust those in government.

Finally, the American people know better than that about who is responsible for the open border and the lack of enforcement of U.S. laws to control illegal immigration. The Democrats and the Washington establishment Republicans are responsible for the problem and the resulting carnage from violent crime and drugs. The Democrats’ plan for the election is to repeatedly tell Americans that what we see with our own eyes as the consequences of putrid leftist policies is not happening. They will have Joey yell louder and more frequently that we, the American people, are just not understanding the great benefits of suffering under foolhardy and immoral leftist policies.

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