

Friday, January 26, 2024


I feel pretty confident in saying that most sane Americans would have literally no trouble at all if they were ever to find themselves in the position of being asked who it might be that is the sleaziest individual in all of American politics. That would, of course, be the same guy who has overseen a mass exodus from his state with former residents of his state departing by the thousands and heading to all parts due east. And the same guy who took political advantage of covid. The same guy who personifies the sleazy politician and can safely be considered the poster boy for the Democrat Party here in 2024. So have I provided a sufficient number of clues?

If not, I’ll clue you all in, Of course the guy of whom I speak is none other than Gavin Newsom. And it was Newsom who, this past Thursday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight,” argued that the Republicans were “weak” because they followed President Trump’s call to stop negotiations on immigration and the border. Newsom said, “Mitch McConnell, I thought that was shameful. Just completely rolling over and capitulating. Don’t even get me started with the weakness of the current Speaker of the House. They don’t want to deal.” He lies. In truth, it’s Newsom and members of his own party that don’t care about this nation or its people.

Newsom continued, “They don’t want to make this quote unquote campaign win for Joe Biden. Everything you need to know about the fraud that they are perpetuating on the issue of the border. They want to make this a political thing. They have wanted to make it ever since there were a few brave souls in that Gang of Eight. If we all remember those few.” Newsom added, “They don’t want to solve this problem. They want to use it for political purposes. I say this is a border state governor who has introduced me to this issue. Where the largest port in the Western Hemisphere in the state of California. We live this."

He went on to say, “And I think it is a disgrace where the Republican Party is doing, what Donald Trump is doing. It is hidden in plain sight. He sent out a tweet or whatever saying kill it. Those guys are so weak. It’s so pathetically weak. This Republican Party, the new Speaker said ‘Oh yes sir what else would you like us to do?’ We don’t care about America. We don’t care about our freedoms and liberties. We care about politics exclusively, at the expense of the American people. It’s all we care about is winning for winning’s sake.” I’m guessing “weak” is likely the latest focus group tested word or phrase of the week that we can expect to hear from this crowd.

The smart thing to do whenever Newsom is spewing his typical brand of drivel is to simply take it with a grain of salt. All one has to do is look at how this imbecile ran San Francisco into the ground to know that he’s as full of poo as are now the sidewalks of that same city. What he described is spot on with the liberal position on the border. Ever notice how they project their weaknesses onto others? And while he can most definitely be considered a complete sociopath, by no means should he be underestimated. He’s determined to become president, and it goes without saying that all manner dumb suburban women and soy boys would line up to vote for him.

Look, I have no doubt that are just tons of Democrats who think Newsom is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and likely see him as being the smartest guy in the room. But those folks who actually possess a brain have a slightly different perspective when it comes to Newsom. For them he’s viewed as being little more than a babbling idiot who speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Frankly, it’s nothing short of amazing that most Democrats can’t, or won’t, open their eyes and see the damage they have created and/or caused by putting this guy into office. Newsom loves America so much that he successfully turned California into a province of Mexico.

Might Newsom be talking about all those Republicans who forced their citizens to lock themselves down, while at the same time going out on the town to dine at the finest restaurants in defiance of the very public health orders they signed. But wait, that wasn’t Republicans, that was Democrats like Newsom. Clearly if Newsom had any shame, he wouldn’t show his face in public. But, as we all know, Democrats, all Democrats, seem to be missing the shame gene. Newsom is a greasy charlatan to say the least. He’s made California so much worse. All he’s done is to create problems and not solve even one. ‘The Golden State,’ has now been made into ‘The Lead State.'

Newsom has all but destroyed California and still there are those who view him as being suitable for the presidency. And in adding insult to injury, it’s the streets in most cities in California, cities that are also run by Democrats, that are, these days, covered with feces, and overrun by homeless that are more abundant than vermin. If, as a politician, all you can do is to claim how evil your opponents are, while at the same time being unable to point to one positive thing that you have gotten done, well then, you just might be a Democrat. And does Newsom actually expect us to believe that is he and his fellow domestic terrorists really care about this country?

The Democrat Party is nothing short of evil, to see Democrats as anything else is to risk endangering our ability to survive as a free and prosperous nation. Democrats invert and reverse everything. They have done nothing but to work toward advancing an agenda that has as its main purpose the dismantling of America and they have the audacity to claim that the Republicans are the enemy and to do so with a straight face. The truth is a lie, good is bad, ugly is beautiful, on and on. Newsom dares to say that it’s President Trump who doesn’t care about America and yet it’s Newsom, and those like him, who are for open borders. President Trump simply wants them closed.

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