

Friday, January 26, 2024


I take it rather personal when some scumbag Democrat seems to think that the American people are not particularly bright. And suggests that we really shouldn’t really pay attention to what we’re seeing take place before our eyes but should, instead, pay attention only to what we’re told by those in the Democrat Party. Democrats seem to think that they should be able to say whatever they please and that we should believe them no matter what we may be experiencing in our own lives. They’re supposed to be able to talk and we’re just supposed to listen, and not much else. Because, you see, they’re just so much smarter than the rest of us.

And it was during an appearance, just this past Wednesday, on the broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, a Democrat, stated that while the American people want more financial security, it’s the Republicans who are “rooting for failure, they will never say something’s working.” And it’s according to Walz that it’s *president Joey who has a more positive vision for the future and prices are starting to moderate after being higher earlier in the Biden administration. Walz said, “People care, and they’re seeing prices, I was up in Duluth yesterday, saw gas for $2.49, you’re starting to see those things moderate. Wages are up."

Walz said, “We’ve got low unemployment. But, look, with the Trump people out there and the Republicans rooting for failure, they will never say something’s working. They will — we talk about job growth, oh, it’s bad, or something like that. I think this general sense of they don’t want the chaos and they want a positive vision for the future.”  From there this clown went on to say, “And I think that’s now, as we pivot, and we start to see this general election shape up to be the binary choice we’ve all been talking about is, it’s going to [be] do you want chaos, negativity, doom and gloom, American apocalypse?” What a bunch of typical leftwing malarkey!!!

Walz added, “Or do you truly want to say what Joe Biden said, this is the United States of America, there’s nothing we can’t do. And I think this idea of building the economy out, creating jobs, coming and announcing a bridge project, the largest one we’ve seen in the north land in history, those are exciting things. And I think those are — what people are talking about is, they want to feel more secure, both in their finances, they want to feel more secure in terms of how their politics is working. So, I think that bodes well for the President.” So, in short, Americans continue to hurt while Democrats piss on our heads while telling us it’s just raining! It’s what they do.

This guy Walz, who may think he’s being pretty clever here, essentially did nothing more than to serve up a word salad, to the point where I started to wonder if he might be Kamala Harris in disguise. You’d think things would be simple enough so even this guy could understand. It’s clear that Joey’s economy is a disaster. They can’t run up prices for three years and then claim victory when prices start to level off. They can’t claim victory when wages start to climb due to massive inflation, when wages are nowhere close to keeping pace with inflation. The economy is in the crapper, and everybody knows it. And no amount of word salad is going to change that.

And so it’s according to this guy that when gas goes from $1.65 a gallon to $4.99 and then backs off to $2.49 that we should stick with that guy and dump the guy that had gas at $1.65 a gallon. Also, I guess, we should dump the guy who got this country involved in no wars, in favor of the guy who is busy starting wars all over the world, because, well he is handling that quite well? And I would guess that Walz is also wanting us to dump the guy on who the IRS, FBI, CIA and the Five Eyes agencies could find no evidence of wrongdoing, for the guy who reeks of so much corruption that even the IRS, FBI, CIA and those same Five Eyes guys are unable to keep it covered it up.

Walz is just another typical Democrat, he’s a liar and a dumbass. Americans are carrying the highest amount of personal debt in history. Food and energy costs are still at record highs. People can’t afford to buy a home or a car anymore, let alone have enough disposable income to meet their daily expenses. Groceries and other essentials have doubled, and real wages are down about $10,000 annually over the last two years. The mortgage interest rate topped eight percent last spring, for the first time in 25 years. Credit card debt is nearly $2 trillion, and the blue-collar workers are using them for groceries, other staples and fuel. Guess what?

The governor of ‘The Peoples’ Republic if Minnesota’ is clearly being dishonest, just like everyone else on the Left!!! This is just your typical artificial tamping down of prices to get your vote. It’s a game they play in an election year when inflation is an issue. It’s been played in blue states so many times. Then, the Democrat wins and boom, just like magic, the prices escalate again. They always seem to work their temporary magic when the public starts to get angry about the problems. Democrat politicians are experts at crisis management when their jobs are on the line, and then throw their constituents under the bus after winning their next term.

It’s been every time since WW II that the Democrats have been handed control of the government they have damaged the economy to some degree, and often disastrously. That is why anyone who is directly connected to and ‘riding on’ the economy knows that people who can afford major purchases quit spending money when the Democrats are in charge and the economy always suffers. Economic hardship and Democrat excuses are always to be seen when the frivolous are in charge. The Democrat Party positive vision is all based on falsehoods and tricky statistics. They want Americans to not believe their lying eyes and their hemorrhaging wallets.

Minnesota has high inflation like the rest of America, that’s a fact. How many people are suffering from high prices in Minnesota? And why isn’t the Democrat governor there so obsessed with the economy there? Walz has legalized abortion up until the moment of birth, he wants euthanasia legalized, he blew an 18 billion dollar surplus to handout to his donors all the while increased the state budget by 50 percent. He is also responsible for 40 percent of all Covid deaths forcing nursing homes to take in positive patients! Conservatives want Joey to fail because his failure means lower inflation, lower gas prices, lower fuel costs, not to mention fewer wars.

The governor seems not to realize that most Americans have memories longer than that of a hamster. Need I remind him that it was near the end of Trump’s Presidency that here in Florida we had gasoline around $1.65 a gallon. Nationally, we had a booming economy with essentially no inflation, low interest rates, we were energy independent and the number one exporter of oil on the planet. We had a Secure Border and were building a secure border fence, had peace in Europe, Ukraine and the Middle East. Red China was in check, we were fighting for law and order and we had one of the few Presidents who actually believed in putting “America First."

Finally, Walz is simply gaslighting! And it was Hitlery, when running for president back in 2016, who did a little gaslighting of her own when she made the rather bold claim that the economy always does better when there is a Democrat in the White House. Clearly President Trump proved that that was nothing more than a fallacy. Democrats relentlessly trash talk, they gaslight and spin, spin and gaslight. Prices are not starting to “moderate,” other than consumable commodities whose market prices are inherently volatile, like gasoline and some food. Most things are considerably more expensive and will remain that way. Walz is simply blowing smoke.

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