

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


If you listen to any Democrat or, for that matter, anyone in the ‘fake news’ media, talking about any other Democrat you would think that the Democrat Party in its entirety is as pure as the wind driven snow. You see, it’s only Republicans who are to be considered as: being corrupt, willing to sell their country out to the highest bidder, wanting to see our country overrun by those who don’t belong here in their quest to create more voters for themselves, free to commit election fraud whenever needed and willing to do damage to this country to accomplish that which, again according to Democrats, is their primary goal. The being, destroying our “democracy."

And it is with each passing day that it becomes more apparent that those in the Democrat Party have a very low opinion of those over whom they have been ‘elected’ to govern. And their disdain is not reserved solely for those who persist in voting for the other side, but even for those people who, for whatever reason, would crawl over broken glass to vote for them. It would appear that they view their own supporters as being especially stupid. Which brings me to Jamie Raskin, Democrat and member of the U.S. House, who said Sunday, during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” that he believed the Biden administration was “law-abiding."

CNN resident bimbo Dana Bash said, “I want to move on to something that’s going on in your committee. You are ranking Democrat in the oversight committee. Your chairman is asking the White House for any documents that President Biden played a role in his son, Hunter’s decision to defy a subpoena from the Republicans on your committee. They point to the White House press secretary saying that the president was, ‘Certainly familiar with what his son was going to say.’ Should the White House comply?” Raskin said, “You know, the White House has been complying, unlike the Trump White House, the Biden White House has been complying all along."

Raskin went on to say, “And we have looked at, for 11 months now, thousands and thousands of documents. We have had testimony from all kinds of people in the government, treasury, IRS, you name it.” Bash asked, “So they should comply.” Raskin said, “They don’t have anything on Joe Biden. I assume they should continue to participate in this charade because the Biden administration is a law-abiding administration, unlike the Trump administration, which collected millions of dollars from foreign governments in violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause. We’ll have a report about that coming out about that in the beginning of the year."

And he said, “That will be a shock to a lot of people. The documented receipts we have from foreign governments that were giving money directly to the Trump Hotel, the Trump Tower, Donald Trump himself in a lot of different ways, millions and millions of dollars.” While I am likely stating the obvious here, Raskin is nothing more than a lying scumbag politician continuing to spread ‘fake news’ so that his Democrat Party can hold on to power. And those like this imbecile Bash are only too happy to allow those like Raskin a platform for him to make his insane claims him and never require him to substantiate any of them. She’s merely an accomplice in the deceit.

But it doesn’t end there. During this very same appearance Raskin also argued that he believed President Trump was part of a small group of Americans who had “disqualified themselves” for the presidency. Raskin said, “Every state will control its own ballot access and access to candidates for the ballot. And that is obviously difficult when we’re talking about electing the president, who is the one official we’ve got in America who is supposed to represent the entire country, represent everybody. And so I think that the urgency is for the Supreme Court to act, but I think it’s going to be tough for some of them if they want to keep Trump on the ballot."

He added, “If they’re falling for the argument that this is undemocratic. Is it undemocratic that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jennifer Granholm can’t run for president because they weren’t born in the country? Of all of the forms of disqualification that we have, the one that disqualifies people for engaging in insurrection is the most democratic. It’s the one where people choose themselves to be disqualified in terms of your age or where you were born. That’s not up to. But Donald Trump is in that tiny, tiny number of people who have essentially disqualified themselves.” Across the board this kind of nonsense shows how desperate the left is.

After all that we have witnessed taking place over the last eight years, on the part of Democrats, what is in the Constitution seems to be irrelevant to them. Their own interpretation of events is all that matters. Their own version of history is all that matters. No evidence or facts are required. And it’s much the same that can be said for the vast majority of those that comprise our ‘fake news’ media. Raskin, as are those like him in both his party and in front of the camera, is the epitome of the enemy inside the gates. Neither can any longer be trusted to tell us the truth. They have formed an alliance, of sorts, the goal of which is the end of America.

Raskin knows he’s full of shit, and yet he has no problem staring into the camera and lying to those few viewers who thought it would be a good idea to tune in. And, again, Ms. Bash is quite content to allow his lies to go unchallenged. Such is the role of those in the business of providing to us that which is nothing more than ‘fake news.’ And so it’s yet again that we have a Democrats making the case that they actually believe that there are two sets of laws, one for everyone else and one for themselves. Those like Ms. Bash allow Democrats to lie with impunity. And as long as that continues, we can expect little to change. Lies are so much more useful to them than is the truth.

Raskin is the face of today's Democrat Party -- a Champagne Socialist, America Last authoritarian, and a proven liar hopelessly infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. As for Joey’s regime being “law-abiding,” that’s a pathetic joke. The only laws today’s Democrats obey are the laws they make up as they go along, or that they can brazenly twist out of the Constitution. President Trump has been neither convicted of insurrection or of rebellion against our country. Every action taken against him for insurrection is unlawful and unconstitutional. And if those clowns prosecuting him think they have a case then they should either make it or go away.

This guy, Raskin, is the Poster Boy for today’s Democrat Party. He has zero credibility! He’s corrupt, dishonest, unethical and a compulsive liar! He represents the worst in humanity! It’s hard to believe that anyone would associate with him! He is a very disgusting human being! ‘Pedo Joe’ has failed to protect the very citizens he promised to protect. He has not respected or followed the ruling of the Supreme Court regarding school loan giveaways. He has allowed Red China and who all else to fly a balloon over our nation to steal who knows what. I could go on and on. But law-abiding is not exactly how I would choose to describe the current administration.

And finally, perhaps Ms. Bash, in her capacity as a ‘journalist, could have asked Raskin how, after all that has come to light and continues to come to light, it might be that any rational adult might still be able to view ‘Pedo Joe’ as law-abiding? I would have loved to have heard the answer to that. The perverted imbecile who now occupies the White House has been a leech on taxpayers for over half a century. The Democrats are scared stiff of President Trump because this time around he’s better equipped to deal with the bureaucratic riff-raff, he’s not the novice he was the first time around. Most Americans want accountability, going forward as well as looking backwards.

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