

Thursday, January 18, 2024


It’s every time that I see, or hear, our *vice president, Kamala ‘Headboard’ Harris that I expect to hear her say, “Who am I, and why am I here?” Because, as I’m sure most folks have also noticed, there have been more than a few instances where it has seemed that she simply did not have a clue. Look, we all know that the job is little more than ceremonial. But even at that, Harris has been little more than an unmitigated disaster. And while I admit that Joey is doing a horrible job as *president, what truly scares the shit out of me is the mere thought of Joey suddenly dropping dead and Harris assuming the top job. Talk about your basic nightmare scenario.

And so it was, just this past Wednesday, that our *vice president paid a little visit to those of equal intelligence, the hogs of ABC’s “The View.” And it was during this rather bizarre appearance that Harris proclaimed that “we should all be scared,” because if President Trump is elected again, our freedoms are at stake. Harris said, “I think most people don’t think of it in the context of democracy so much as freedom. The freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body, the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride, the freedom to be able to be free from gun violence, these are fundamental freedoms that are at stake right now."

She said, “We’ve got a guy right now, the former president, running for office openly saying that he promises to essentially be a dictator. A person running to enter back into the White House who is proud that he stripped Americans, women of the right to make decisions about their own body. A person running to become the commander in chief who is admitting he would weaponize the Department of Justice.” But our freedoms are already at stake, courtesy of our current regime busily stamping out political dissent. Meanwhile their ‘fake news’ media allies promote the regime's propaganda and advocates violence against anyone who speaks out against them.

Co-host Joy Behar said, “President Obama reportedly has said that he thinks the Biden campaign is too complacent when it comes to Trump. Representative Jim Clyburnhas said the campaign isn’t breaking through the MAGA wall. Michelle Obama says she’s terrified, as we are, about the potential outcome of the election. Now, are you scared? What could happen if Trump ever became, God forbid, president again? And what are you going to do to stop the crazies?” “The crazies?” So who is it that might be crazier than these pathetic hogs, or those stupid enough to pay them any amount of serious attention. Between them they have the collective IQ of a doorknob.

Harris said, “I am scared as heck. Which is why I’m traveling our country. You know, there’s an old saying that there are only two ways to run for office: Either without an opponent or scared. So on all of those points, yes, we should all be scared.” She added, “But as we know, and certainly this is a table of very powerful women. We don’t run away from something when we’re scared. We fight back against it. So many of us know when we are scared for the future of our children, do we then stay in bed with the covers over our head? Nope. No, we can’t. We cannot. We cannot.” One thing for sure, we can always count on stupid liberals to drum up fear and hate!

Harris finished up by saying, “And this is where this election requires, rightly that President Biden and I and and all of us who are part of this administration, we got to earn reelection. There is no question.”  These power-hungry Leftists should be scared. Let this sink in folks, we now have a member of the very regime that has: arrested it’s primary political opponent, who is harboring political prisoners, who is using every government agency at its disposal to: arrest, intimate, threaten anyone who dears question anything it is doing/saying, and who is using the ‘fake news’ media as a propaganda arm to...wait for it, wait for it, claim that our freedoms are at stake.

For one thing, I find it all to be rather embarrassing that this sIut is actually our sitting *vice president. She says our freedoms are stake, while she and the rest of the “Hate America First” traitors still work to strip law-abiding citizens of their constitutionally protected rights and endanger the country by allowing millions of unvetted illegal garbage to cross our border. I wish nothing but the very worst for her and anyone who thinks as she does. First appointed to lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border and then made the point person for the administration on artificial intelligence, she has done nothing but run around the country cackling.

What scares me are the people like Kamala believing what they have to offer is what Americans are expected to relent to, to think like her and the other leftist lunatics! If President Trump isn’t elected, people just like Harris will be telling us all how to live your life from birth to death! Freedom is real and they intend to take it from you! Never vote for a Democrat! Leftists are the masters of projection. They are the ones who have politicized the DOJ/FBI/Treasury Departments. They are the ones who have corrupted our election system through their mail in ballot scheme. They are the ones who are attempting to deny democracy by keeping President Trump off the ballot.

Harris says, “The freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body.” But a woman makes a conscious decision when she chooses to engage in sexual intercourse, it’s just that she doesn’t have the freedom to escape the consequences of having done so. Killing human beings is at the very core of the Democrat agenda. From abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and now to all manner of medical assaults. These people have lectured us for over 50 years about how the population is unsustainable, how humans are ruining the planet, and when an ‘epidemic’ comes along, they then want us all to believe that they only want is to save lives?

Kamala supports the Democrat gang, the party that was formed by slaveholders, established the Ku Klux Klan, and insisted on public school segregation. Doesn’t sound very much like freedom to me. To conservatives, freedom means having the ability to pursue excellence and be free from tyranny. To the left, freedom means you’re free to be a pedophile, a pervert, a sexual deviant, lazy slob and to get welfare and sympathy. To want to “Make America Great Again” didn’t used to be called “crazy,” it was patriotic. It was patriotic to stand for what so many have fought and died for. Today’s Democrats have a very different definition for what it means to be free.

I’m sick to death of all these generalizations regarding MAGA and/or conservatives.  Harris is worried about MAGA “crazies?” I got MAGA crazy because of the Left’s ideas of “freedom.” A woman’s “freedom to choose” does not mean the slaughter of babies in the womb. The “freedom to love whom you choose” does not mean we stop promoting traditional marriage and family as being the bedrock of society. And “being free from gun violence” does not mean the government can take away our God given right to protect ourselves. They’re scared because they know what they deserve. And they fear that with Donald Trump back in the White House, they just might get it.

What I find to be utterly insane is how it’s anyone who thinks that we’re in a better situation now, with this current administration, than when we were during President Trump’s tenure. It would require an alarmingly delusional state of mind. Harris has done nothing in her capacity as vp, and everything that ‘Pedo Joe’ has done, when not on another vacation, only serves to do more damage to our country. The other insane thing about those on the left is the fact that they really do seem to believe that the American people are brain dead enough to take what they, and those like them, say as factual. Be scared, be very scared, because the whirlwind cometh.

But this will be the theme in the coming weeks, from the weasels calling the shots from behind the curtain. Moochelle said the other day that she’s afraid of what might happen if President Trump wins, of what it might do to democracy. These fools are so predictable and phony. If they didn’t lie, misrepresent, and/or cheat, they would never win an election, because their policies are totally against the interests, of the American people, and far more in line with the global elites. You can tell a lot about a man by who he counts among his enemies. The fact that the globalists, the Democrats and RINOs are all against President Trump, tells you all you need to know about the man.

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