

Monday, January 22, 2024


To be perfectly blunt, RINOs are such hypocrites. They continually brag about how much they love this country while, at the same time, appear more than willing when it comes to joining forces with those whose main purpose in life is destroying it. To the point where they appear quite eager to assist the Democrats in what has been their continuing effort to impact just who it is that the American people should be able to vote for as their next president. RINOs can’t have it both ways, they cannot love this country while at the same time doing everything they can to ensure that the next president, be it Joey or someone else, is more in line with its enemies.

And don’t you think that if these RINOs were being the least bit truthful regarding just how much they love this country, they would put the petty bullshit aside and unite behind the guy who not only has the support, by a large margin, of Republican voters, but is also the guy who when last he was president had this country running like a well-oiled machine. And yet, it’s so many of these RINOs that seem far more content to do all that they can to ensure that the country continues as it is currently being run. Which, of course, brings me to New Hampshire RINO, Chris Sununu, who is a big supporter of fellow RINO, and candidate for president, Nikki Haley.

You see, it was this past Sunday during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” that Sununu argued that neither President Trump nor *president Joey could “barely make a cogent point.” It should seem obvious to someone like Sununu that these continued attacks being made against President Trump about how he is “unfit” simply aren’t working. President Trump is only gaining momentum. President Trump is as sharp as ever, they keep touting his age and comparing him to Joey as if to say that because Joey is rarely, if ever, even able to recognize where he is at any given time, that President Trump, because of his similar age, seems to have the same issues.

Anyway, it was Kristen Welker, a ‘journalist’ at NBC news, who said, “Let’s talk about what Nikki Haily is saying and she’s stepped up her rhetoric against former President Trump who seemed at a rally to confuse Nikki Haley with the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. I want to get your reaction.” She pointed out how at a campaign rally Trump said, “By the way, they never brought the crowd on January 6. Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, do you know they destroyed all of the information and deleted and destroyed all of it because of lots of things like, Nikki Haley is in charge of security. We offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, National Guard, whatever they want."

Welker said, “Setting a side that everything he said was factually incorrect.” Sununu said, “Setting that aside.” Welker added, “Nancy Pelosi is not in charge of security at the Capitol and she wasn’t on January 6. Nikki Haley said this is yet another moment that raises more questions about whether Trump is mentally fit to serve. Do you think Donald Trump is mentally fit to serve as president?” Sununu said, “If Joe Biden or Donald Trump either one get off the teleprompter they can barely make a cogent point.” Welker said, “Is Trump mentally fit? You’re saying he is not?” Sununu said, “Not at this moment. The point is you have two 80-year-olds fighting this thing out."

Sununu went on to say, “That is not what America wants. This is not the Donald Trump, the disruptor of 2016. The guy has lost his fast ball. That’s a great example of it. We always want to go forward in America. We always want that next generation. Neither of these guys represent the next generation.” Notice the consistent pattern of the left’s constant, “President Trump is mentally unfit” mantra. Yet, Joey is fermented, and thus, to the left IS “fit.” And Trump “has lost his fastball?” Seriously? He’s pitching underhand and still the entire field is striking out. These people are trying so hard and yet have made it even easier for him to win than they did in 2016.

Sununu’s ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ (TDS) very clearly interferes with his ability to see the stark differences between Joey and President Trump. He gave up the governorship in order to attack President Trump. Think about that for a minute. Does that sound like someone with sound judgement? Have you ever noticed how it is that Sununu always makes himself available for these idiotic Sunday news shows for the apparent specific purpose of bashing President Trump. For seven pieces of silver this guy will say absolutely anything. Sununu and Welker are both blinded by their hatred of President Trump. To the point where neither can any longer be trusted or believed.

President Trump wasn’t confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. He was humorously saying that they were very much alike in certain respects, with which I strongly agree. Sununu is a cut and dry RINO who represents a blue state, his comments regarding President Trump should be taken for what they are. He never stops being the fool.  There’s the new uniparty line, folks, as parroted by Trump-hater Sununu. Since they can no longer deny that Joey is senile, and is likely to lose in November, they will claim that both he and President Trump are mentally unfit due to age. Obvious nonsense on its face, and only proves that Sununu is simply desperate.

Sununu has proven himself to be one of the more reliable RINOs for those in the liberal ‘fake news’ media who can be called in on what will surely continue to be that which is nothing more than a full-frontal assault on the one man capable of preventing this country from plowing headlong into the deck. Sununu is always so quick to provide incredibly stupid quotes that can then put on an endless loop and played for days to push their anti-Trump hatred. What exactly was HIS point other than to take a shot at MAGA voters. And once again Sununu uses another opportunity to take yet another shot at both President Trump and his millions of supporters.

Personally, I can’t stand these arrogant self-absorbed heirs of political privilege who have never really accomplished anything yet feel fit to criticize others. Here we have this guy who is once again doing little more than to take pleasure in insulting our intelligence. I mean, President Trump is on the news every day making perfect sense, and speaking for an hour, or more, at rallies and at town halls, while the pinhead in the White House is stumbling, bumbling and fumbling all over the place. It’s time for these RINOs to give it a rest. No one with a brain really believes anything they’re saying, and their lies only give us even more reason to support President Trump.

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