

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


If there is one person whose opinion I value even less than that of, say. ‘Pedo Joe,’ it would be that of Moochelle Obama, aka ‘Big Mike.’ I mean other than being ‘married’ to one of the worst presidents in our nation’s history, just what is it that’s ‘her’ primary claim to fame, and why should we pay any amount of attention to ‘her?’ Is it because ‘her’ husband did so much for this country, or was such a boon to his fellow blacks? Well, not really since he did his best to destroy our country and he did virtually nothing for black Americans. So why is it that anybody should give a fuck about Moochelle or what she has to say about 2024, President Trump or anything else?

It was in a recent interview that ‘she’ revealed how ‘her’ fears about the 2024 presidential election actually keep her up at night. It was during Monday’s episode of Jay Shetty’s “On Purpose” podcast that ‘she’ said, “I am terrified about what could possibly happen.” Personally, I’ve never heard of Mr. Shetty or his silly podcast, but that should come as no surprise if he spends his time interviewing people like ‘Big Mike.’ And when asked to name some of those fears that keep her up at night she said, “Because our leaders matter. Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit, it affects us in ways that sometimes, I think, people take for granted."

Now I’m quite sure that most will notice how it is that she doesn’t say who we ‘elect’ but “who we select.” For a ‘woman’ who hates this country, ‘she’ sounds rather concerned. Most likely what ‘she’ is so afraid of is that the destruction of this country will be impeded if the Democrats lose. That’s ‘her’ real fear. Anyway, Moochelle went on to say, “The fact that people think that: ‘Government, does it really even do anything?’ And I’m like, ‘Oh my God, does government do everything for us.’” She continued, saying, “And we cannot take this democracy for granted. And sometimes, I worry that we do.” And she said, “Those are the things that keep me up."

The ex-first lady listed other concerns, including wars “in too many regions,” artificial intelligence, education, people being “too stuck” to their cell phones, and voter engagement. Shetty asked, “If anything, what does still offend you? Moochelle replied, “Injustice, ego, greed.” And she added, “Racism, ignorance — it’s offensive. And I’ve always been that kid. I don’t like unfairness; I don’t like bullies. But I have to think about how I deliver messages.” Moochelle’s interview dropped amid reported concerns from her husband, ex-president Barry O, about the possibility of President Trump being successful in his bid to return to the White House.

What keeps me up at night is the fact that twits who think they matter can spread statements intended to strike fear in the minds of the twits they feel they have some influence over. And it was during this same interview that Moochelle appeared to call out the Republican frontrunner without directly naming him. She said, “The tone and tenor of the message matters. We can’t just say the first thing that comes to our minds.” And she went on to say, “That is not authenticity to me. That’s childish, and we see childish leadership right before us — what that looks like and how that feels, where somebody is just base and vulgar and cynical in a leadership position."

And she continued by saying, “It doesn’t trickle down well. That just begets more of that.” Speaking only for myself, I rather look forward to having someone who is “base and vulgar and cynical in a leadership position” if it means having our borders made secure, low inflation, peace around the globe, official hostility to all of the wokeness insanity and the Greens, a return to energy independence and so very much more. Moochelle and her husband were terrible for our country. Everything ‘she’ says could easily be applied to ‘herself’ and her husband. They are terrifying in many respects. The Democrat agenda cannot run an economy without breaking the bank.

I’m glad ‘Big Mike’ is terrified, serves him right. The one thing that needs to be understood is that we are a Constitutional Republic. The ‘democracy’ spoken of needs to be destroyed, since it’s nothing more than mob rule, and those who want ‘democracy’ to be saved, are using it to destroy our country. There is a reason you will not find the word ‘democracy’ in the Constitution OR The Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers knew it to be nothing more than mob rule, the very form of government they despised, and fought to be free of. Something we need to revisit, since we are currently being attacked by a tyrannical government.

I finally agree with Moochelle about something. I’m terrified as well. I don’t trust ‘her’ or ‘her’ husband, or the party they run like a criminal enterprise, not to steal another election. I’m petrified that President Trump will do what he did when he was President the first time! I’m terrified that my grocery bill will be made less than it is now. It would be so scary to have money enough to actually buy something I can pay for and not have to take out a loan. I’m afraid to get a great paying job. When ‘she’ says ‘she’s worried about what could happen, ‘she’ means ‘she’s worried that ‘her’ side will lose the ability to further destroy the country she clearly has no love for.

Having had the gall to state that her worry is that ‘the People’ might vote against ‘her’ preferred choice preventing ‘her’ favored policies from being enforced by an omnipresent government to later state that “ego” is something that ‘she’ hates as if ‘she’ was not hubris personified in a vaguely human form. World War III is brewing. Wars are raging. Our country is on the verge of collapse. And what’s the most important thing to all these greedy narcissistic power-hungry Democrats? Why nothing but themselves of course. They must win the election at all costs. The hell with you, the country, and for that matter the rest of the world. None of that matters.

In short, Moochelle is terrified that our borders will again be under control again, that inflation will be back to low levels, that food and gas will be affordable, that there will be no more of Democrats getting us into wars, that we will have a president who isn’t taking cash from China for favors that are destroying our country, that race relations will vastly improve without Democrats in charge, that America will be once again strong and unwavering, that the law will be equally enforced for everyone and that confused little children won't be having their sex organs removed. She’s terrified that things will be so much better with the Democrats awaiting prison sentences.

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