

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


Let me just say, right from the start, that there is nothing on God’s Green Earth that could ever have me casting my vote, even for dogcatcher, for Chris Christie. If for no other reason than because Christie has now reduced himself to being little more than a one trick pony. You see, it’s regardless of which network it is that he may appear on, even though of late he seems to have limited his appearances to CNN and MSDNC, that he spews the same drivel over and over sounding like a broken record. Christie's entire ‘campaign’ consists of nothing more than him spewing, “I hate Trump!” He has nothing else to run on, so therefore he has nothing to offer the country.

And it was again just this past Monday that Christie, who maintains that he is a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, made another appearance CNN’s “Inside Politics,” this time to claim that he believed President Trump would end up paying a “big number” in his New York civil fraud trial. Christie joins a whole host of other lunatics, some of whom are also running for president, who claim they know what President Trump is thinking. I thought this delusion was just a Democrat thing, but apparently not. And what is it with Christie? I mean, there he sits with his average of 1.5 points in the polls and yet expects voters to take him seriously.

Christie said, “He knows that he’s committed fraud, he knows that this is over, and this is just about playing to the grandstand. He knows that he’s going to have very little impact upon the damages in this case, no matter what he says, because he knows at the core he did exactly what they’re accusing him of doing, which was to inflate his net worth in an attempt to be able to borrow more money and get more favorable terms from the bankers and financiers that he was working with.” I’m still waiting for someone to tell me exactly who it was that President Trump defrauded, and who was harmed? But that’s never going to happen, because no one was.

Christie went on to add, “I suspect the biggest thing that’s going to hurt him is he’s going to wind up paying a big number in this case, and we’ll see if he has the money to be able to do that, the cash to be able to do it. Secondly, he is getting ready to go to trial on March 4th in Washington, D.C. on a criminal trial where he won’t be able to come in and out of the courtroom like he is now. He has to be there every minute of every day that the court is in session.” I really can’t help but wonder who Christie thinks, after all of his constant attacks against President Trump, would actually stoop so low as to actually vote for him. And yet he persists in poking the bear.

Christie wrapped things up by saying, “He’s going to see Mark Meadows 20 feet from him testifying that the former Freedom Caucus guy in the House, his former chief of staff, is going to say he lied on election night, he committed crimes to try to stop the election results from being validated and confirmed.” Now speaking only for myself, I think it would be difficult to find a more worthless political hack, in either party, than Christie. Christie is very clearly a very hateful and bitter man. And he has demonstrated that he hasn’t got a clue on how to run a state much less a country, and he doesn't even pretend to know as he bashes Trump instead of promoting himself.

Now I’m certainly no banking expert, but from all that I’ve read there was no fraud and no one was harmed. Christie is again just blowing smoke and providing no proof to back up any of his accusations. But such is always the case when appearing on any of our ‘fake news’ networks whenever talking about President Trump. You can always be comfortable in the knowledge that you will free to tell whatever lie it is that may occur to you and never once be asked to provide anything to back them up. Contrary to Christie’s idiotic claims, lenders do their own due diligence, they never go by a borrower’s valuations or financials. Christie needs to go away, and stay away.

Banks never decide to grant a loan on what YOU say, banks do their own property assessments, and it is on that which bank base loans on. And if you pay back the loan, there’s no injured party. Who among us has ever walked into a bank, applied for a loan, and the bank just gave it to us without first checking your ability to repay it? Also, it’s not the barrower's responsibility to report real numbers when tasked with informing anyone of their worth or what their properties are worth. There are entire companies and divisions within companies that do that very thing. Donald Trump did nothing wrong. Every CEO of every company does the very same thing.

Christie is nothing more than a deep state puppet. He seems to be all in favor of these ongoing kangaroo courts and political persecutions by a police state, as long as President Trump remains the focus. He’s been a political hack for most of his adult life. He thinks he’s good enough to be President, but the voters seem to think otherwise. President Trump who had never been in politics even became the President of the United States, the leader of what remains of the free world. When Christie left office, he had the lowest approval rate of any New Jersey governor in history, perhaps that’s the reason he seems to be so focused on attacking President Trump.

Personally, I think one is perpetrating a fraud when one claims to be running for president when one really isn’t. The only reason for Christie’s fake campaign is to provide him a platform from which he is better able to endlessly attack President Trump. It takes a special kind of asshole to do what Christie is doing. Christie is one of those exclusive losers that no one, in either party, would vote for. So far two people convinced of President Trump’s guilt, are Christie and Judge Engoron. Those two had their minds made up prior to hearing opening arguments. Christie can’t run for President on his own merits. He is trying to pick up the haters by attacking Trump!

Keep digging your grave, Chris. Your political career and future is dead now it’s time to bury it. You are the fraud as a candidate for President which is an office you will never set foot in. Your resentments for Trump not giving you a position in his administration is eating you alive and destroying you completely. Christie has continually demonstrated that he will lie about absolutely anything to get elected. Christie is not even rated as a RINO; he’s just a traitor to conservatism. It’s incredible how little politicians care regarding the public trust, and responsibilities they have. It’s like the most irresponsible and arrogant frat boy getting an elected position.

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