

Monday, November 27, 2023


Chris Christie continues to forge ahead on this rather peculiar journey of his to forever cement his place among those who have achieved nothing more than a certain level of political mediocrity. As I have said on any number of previous occasions, I’m not certain exactly what Christie is up to, but I’m as sure as I can be that he is not running to be our next president. And I think we can all agree that the ONLY reason that Christie continues to be asked to appear on any of our so-called ‘news’ programs is because he can be counted on to attack President Trump. Christie is merely striking while the iron is hot, because soon enough he’ll have no choice but to fade away.

It was Christie, a supposed candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, who, this past Sunday made yet another appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” during which he claimed that President Trump’s “intolerant language and conduct gives others permission to act the same.” Christie continues to spew much the same kind of crap that we’ve heard from him before, to the point where you have to ask yourself, are we still pretending that Christie isn’t already on CNN’s payroll, and won’t be announced as a CNN ‘contributor’ five minutes after he exits the race? And how many of those that Christie needs to have vote for him, even watch CNN?

There is only ONE reason that CNN continues to invite this boob into their studio, and that’s to trash President Trump. They try to cover that by asking him questions about Hamas and other issues that he has absolutely ZERO insight on. He’s not privy to inner circle information that would be credible. Hell, he’s not even in the outer circle. He’s a buffoon whose only outlet to mouth off about anything are the left leaning media platforms that ride him like the circus elephant that he is. One really must wonder who it is that are the money men who keep him afloat. He and they both know he that has no chance, his candidacy is nothing more than a means to an end.

Now be that as it may, anchor Dana Bash said, “I want to ask about the spike in hate against Jews in the United States. You told The New York Times that you believe Trump has contributed to this.” Christie said, “When you show intolerance towards everyone, which is what he does, you give permission as a leader for others to have their intolerance come out. Intolerance towards anyone encourages intolerance towards everyone. That’s exactly what’s going on here.” He needs to define “intolerant.” Does he think people are being “intolerant” of the socialist, destructive, deviant and coercive behavior that they’ve been watching take place is a bad thing?

Christie went on to say, “That’s been going on for some time, not just with Donald Trump, but with university professors on some of our most elite campuses in this country, with university administrators and presidents who have been unwilling to stand up against antisemitism on their campuses, most particularly. There should be no campus in this country where a Jewish student is afraid to leave their dorm, a Jewish student is afraid go to their classes, a Jewish student is afraid to go to have a meal in the dining hall. That is outrageous, and it’s wrong.” I swear he just makes this shit up as he goes along, and never once does he ever challenged on any of it.

Anyway, he continued, “I think governors in those states should be sending state police to make sure that they are protected on those campuses. We need to have university presidents who are willing to stand up and be counted against hate. That’s exactly what’s going on here. We saw this display at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. These are folks who are ignorant. My guess is two-thirds don’t know what intifada is. If they did, they would be ashamed for calling the elimination of the Jewish people around the world, which is what intifada is.” Christie added, “In the end, look, I think that there have been a lot of people who contributed to it."

Christie said, “I believe Donald Trump’s intolerant language and conduct gives others permission to act the same.” President Trump remains intolerant of ‘fake news,’ importing possible terrorists from ISIS influenced areas, letting Communist China continue to plunder our intellectual property and our university’s turning out little haters, that is true! I’ve always been intolerant and taught my children to be the same. I’ve told them to only associate with good, you tend to be the product of those whose company you keep. And I find it rather instructive, as others should as well, that Christie seems only to find ‘intellectual’ soulmates there at CNN.

Does anyone even have the slightest idea what it is that Christie is blathering about? President Trump has been out of office for three years. He’s conducting a successful campaign which is driving his opponents, both in the Democrat Party and his own, insane because nothing they have done, or said, has diminished his polling numbers. To the point where there’s no need for him to debate any of the second stringers. And isn’t it a good thing that people have finally had enough of what’s being done to this country, and watching those who they elect doing nothing to stop it! Being tolerant of all this insanity is how we have ended up bankrupt, both fiscally, and morally.

Let’s face it, it’s seems that those like Christie feel that President Trump can also be held responsible for the Great Depression, both World Wars, the sinking of the Titanic the Challenger explosion and the Spanish Inquisition! And worst of all, President Trump is also responsible for the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs, and over the countless millennia, gave rise to the Democrats, the most destructive force on earth. But since I still like President Trump, I’m willing to forgive him for that. And so it is, the saga is made to continue that whatever Trump is for, the left, in both parties, is against it, even if he’s correct. Which has been nearly 100 percent of the time.

And you know, it’s from where I’m sitting that the only one out busily spreading hate, is Christie! His entire campaign has been one based on nothing more than hate. His only mission is to bash President Trump on any platform that he is able to finagle an invite. How pathetic! No one in recent memory, perhaps ever, has been the target of as much verbal abuse as has President Trump has been. And trying to connect President Trump, to the rise of antisemitism, is a low and desperate act, by the Republican establishment's fat, obnoxious, and failing attack dog. So President Trump somehow forced progressives liberals and Democrats to expose their antisemitism.

So, I guess we’re expected to believe that before President Trump there was no antisemitism? And that before President Trump there were no problems between Jews and Palestinians? Christie thinks Americans lack any sort of personal autonomy and have no choice but to imitate politicians. The thing is, people do not have to indulge, allow, be subjected to, permit or approve ignorant and dangerous false statements and actions from politicians or their agents, that endanger themselves or their loved ones. The whole problem with politics today is that they have eliminated any truth. And when the truth is spoken it hurts them. President Trump hurts them a lot.

Frankly, I think it’s at this stage of the game that the American people should be intolerant. The status quo stage has long past, Christie is a political person, not a reformer. And he clearly has no personal morals. He needs to be aware that some things are intolerable, such as the crimes of the globalist deep state and the politicians that they own. Without the public exposure of those crimes. many of them unspeakable, those crimes will continue, and the criminals will remain in power and continue to make quite war on ‘We the People.’ Yet Christie is all eaten up with concern about manners, while the war against the people goes on unabated.

When the only reason you give people, in your attempt to convince them that you  want to be the president, is that you’re not the last guy many of them voted for, you don’t have much. What makes Christie think he could do better than President Trump? This political low life is making the rounds on every leftwing venue that will have him. Few care what Christie says. Maybe he should look at the reception President Trump gets at football games and other venues. Might be a clue for Christie to recognize just how few actually take him, or his candidacy, seriously and consider him as being nothing more than the poster boy for Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

And I ask you, have those on the left been all that tolerant of Christians? Have they been tolerant of Israel’s right to defend itself? Have they been tolerant of those who believe in our Constitution and our freedom of assembly and speech on January 6th? Have those on the left been tolerant of those of us who do not believe that C02 is a pollutant? Have they been tolerant of those of us who have the audacity to believe in only two genders, male and female? Has the left been tolerant of those who stand up and try to protect their kids from pervert child grooming at school board meetings, or who think that babies should be allowed to be born? I think we all know the answer.

And so, it has been faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, that Christie has skyrocketed in the latest polls to an amazing high of…three percent. Everyone who keeps rooting for a conviction as a means of removing President Trump from the contest will be sorely disappointed when he’s back in the oval office. The overwhelming majority of Americans are sick and tired of the corruption of this regime and will vote for the ONLY candidate who actually cares about the American people. And yet, there are those who would rather watch the country be destroyed than to vote for President Trump.

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