

Thursday, November 9, 2023


And so it was just this past Wednesday that Hitlery and the hags of ABC’s ‘The View,’ had another little get together the purpose of which was, I guess, to commiserate over how evil Donald Trump is. And in so doing Hitlery once again proved herself to be similar to that stubborn, drug resistant sexually transmitted disease that just won’t go away. Personally, I had hoped that after suffering her greatest humiliation ever, at the hands of Donald Trump back in 2016, she would have simply gone home, put a gun in her mouth and pulled the trigger. But, sadly, no such luck. So here we still are, eight long years later, still having to tolerate her raggedy old ass.

So anyway, on Wednesday, during her appearance on ‘The View,’ the two-time failed presidential candidate claimed that she believes a second term for President Trump would be “the end of our country as we know it,” ushering in a dictatorship like Adolf Hitler in Germany. And it was dipshit co-host Sunny Hostin who said, “I think that your loss of Trump in 2016 will go down in history as one of the most pivotal times in our country. One of the most pivotal moments in our country. And it’s still reeling from, you know, Trump’s policies, I think, and the deep divisions that he sowed in this country. So what in your view, would happen if he were to be reelected?"

Hitlery responded by saying, “I can’t even think that because I think it would be the end of our country as we know it. And I don’t say that lightly. You know, I hated losing, and I especially hated losing to him because I had seen so many warning signals during the campaign.” She continued, “Literally from his inauguration on, it was nothing but, you know, accusing people of things, making up facts, denying the size of the crowd at his own inauguration. And everything that I worried about, I saw unfolding.” So who is it, other than the hags of ‘The View,” and/or the morons who watch this drivel, that are stupid enough to believe anything that Hitlery has to say?

Anyway, she then went on to say, “I think that he’d be even worse now because he was somewhat restrained, believe it or not, and, in the first term by people who he hired because he thought they would go along with him and they stood up to him.” She added, “Now he is going to if he were ever near the Oval Office again, find people who have no principles, no conscience, who are totally tied, you know, to his fortunes literally, and therefore would do whatever he said. So the wreckage is almost unimaginable. You know, when I was secretary of state, I used to talk about one and done.” As Secretary of State, Hitlery was nothing but an unmitigated disaster.

But still Hitlery persisted. She continued by saying, “And what I meant by that is that people would get legitimately elected, and then they would try to do away with elections and do away with opposition and do away with a free press. And you could see it in countries where, well, Hitler was duly elected. And so all of a sudden, somebody with those tendencies, dictatorial authoritarian tendencies would be like, ‘Oh, okay, we’re going to shut this down. We’re going to throw these people in jail.’ They didn’t usually telegraph that. Trump is telling us what he intends to do.” And she said, “So listen, take him at his word."

Hitlery concluded her idiotic rant by saying, “The man means to throw people in jail who disagree with him, shut down legitimate press outlets, do what he can to literally undermine the rule of law and our country’s values.” Hitlery did little more than to describe her own party, and Joey’s administration, to a tee: Trump supporters in jail for ‘trespassing,’ Trump and his family indicted on made-up charges, social media suppressing facts and ideas that run contrary to the Democrat leftist agenda. Just mind-blowing. You know, I wish the women in this country were bright enough to figure how it is that this worn-out old bitch is just playing them for fools.

So once again we have a Democrat comparing a Republican to Hitler. How original. But just to remind folks, Hitler was an avowed socialist who believed in gun control, government run universal healthcare, had the government own the means for production and hated Christianity and Judeo-Christian Western civilization and, of course, he hated Jews. So how is President Trump like Hitler?  Trump has already been president for four years and did NOTHING that even faintly resembled any of Hitler's atrocities. On the contrary, the country was better off until Covid and the BLM rioting undermined President Trump’s many accomplishments. Hitlery is a pathetic liar.

Actually, it’s the Democrats who try to imprison their opponents, from Michael Flynn to Roger Stone to President Trump himself. It’s the Democrats who have weaponized the FBI and DOJ and so on. And it’s the Democrats, from FDR on, who have used our various intel agencies to spy on American citizens. Hitlery is the most brazen hypocrite and liar of modern times. Where they get the idea that it’s President Trump who will destroy the country, I have no Idea. The country was flourishing under President Trump, and he had the Russians, the Chinese, Iran and North Korea at bay. Hitlery is either knowingly promoting a false narrative or is totally ignorant of history!

Perhaps Hitlery should brush up on her history before goes shooting off her big mouth. Hitler rose to power threw coercion and blatant intimidation. Leaders looked to appease Hitler resulting in Hitler consolidating power and he was not duly elected. In fact, he lost every office he ran for. The irony here, and likely lost on all of these hags, is the fact that he was ‘selected’ to be Chancellor by Hindenburg. Sound familiar to anyone? Then the Reichstag, controlled by Nazi's, gave him the power to become the Fuher. Again, sound familiar to anyone? History does repeat itself, and we’re now living through yet another example of how that is so very true.

Current Democrats are merely following the same playbook used by the Nazis back in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. The big difference here is that they rose to power in 10 years and had complete control of the people in 15 years. Also worth mentioning, I think, is the fact that the Nazis had concentration camps in the 1920s where they sent German citizens for re-education. On the other hand, it took the progressives over a century to get where they are at today. And Joey being re-selected will most certainly close the deal. Hitler used a fake insurrection to take power and to get rid of all opposition. All of which does nothing more than to sum up our present-day Democrat Party.

Hostin did say one thing that was right when she said, “I think that your loss of Trump in 2016 will go down in history as one of the most pivotal times in our country. One of the most pivotal moments in our country.” She’s absolutely right on this point. Democrats installed the most corrupt, most incompetent *president in all of American history. The pathologically lying, traitorous ‘divider in depends’ has done more damage to OUR country both domestically and internationally than our enemies could have ever pulled off. And everything, across the board, was better under President Trump. Hitlery can take her projection and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.

These people constantly spout off false historical “facts” in some twisted attempt to justify their own narrative. The only ones attempting to jail their political opponents at this point have been Democrats like her. On the very day that Donald Trump was elected president both the Democrats, and their many allies in the ‘fake new’ media, began calling for his impeachment. Now that he is out of office, they need to jail him to ensure the he doesn’t get the opportunity to win again. Hitlery has yet to get over the fact that she had her rather sizable ass handed to her by a political novice. It’s been eating away at for seven years now. And it’s clearly taking its toll.

Donald Trump was duly elected president, twice. And think about it, which party seeks absolute power? Which one is scapegoating a race, leading to riots and looting? Which party is turning whole cities into war zones and ghost towns with no path back to prosperity? Which party is flooding the country with illegal immigrants to dilute your vote, entrenching themselves as rulers in perpetuity? Who has become filthy rich by selling us out to our enemies? Who is it that’s purposely driving our economy into the ground? Now while Hitlery would like us all to believe that it is President Trump and those evil Republicans, it’s nothing that could be further from the truth!

What the Hell is she even talking about. She claims President Trump will do away with elections, throw people in jail who disagree with him, shut down legitimate press outlets, and an end of the country. Wait a minute, let's review a partial list of exactly what Joey is doing now: Raiding his political rivals’ home at gunpoint, trying to put a former president and rival in jail, spying on Christians by infiltrating churches, and shutting down political rivals by canceling them. Those are actual dictatorial authoritarian actions that have been going on since Joey took office! But she wants her supporters to disregard the truth and worry about what she thinks Trump may do.

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