

Friday, November 3, 2023


So just what is it with some people that somehow prevents them from being able to recognize the fact that the time has come for them to move on with their lives and to finally just get the Hell outta of Dodge. And it matters not whether we’re talking about some actor well past their prime, a singer who can no longer carry a tune with a wheelbarrow, an athlete who’s determined to keep playing although he should have long ago quit or even a politician who, despite the fact that he, or she, has been booted from office, still seems to think that they are important enough to be listened to. Which of course quite naturally brings me to none other than Liz Cheney.

You see, it was this past Tuesday that Ms. Cheney again demonstrated that she is nothing but a corrupt fraud when, during an interview on something called the Center for Politics podcast “Politics Is Everything,” she made the idiotic claim that our new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson was “dangerous” because he went along with President Trump’s claims of election fraud in 2020. Cheney said, “Mike is somebody that I knew well. We were elected together. Our offices were next to each other. Mike is somebody who says that he’s committed to defending the Constitution. But that’s not what he did when we were all tested in the aftermath of the 2020 election."

She continued, “Mike in my experience, and, I was very, deeply involved and engaged as the conference chair, when Mike was doing things like convincing members of the conference to sign on to the amicus brief. He was acting in ways that he knew to be wrong. And, I think that the country unfortunately will come to see the measure of his character.” She added, “In my view, he was willing to set aside what he knew to be the rulings of the courts, the requirements of the Constitution, in order to placate Donald Trump, in order to gain praise from Donald Trump, for political expedience. So it’s a concerning moment to have him be elected speaker of the House."

Cheney concluded, “One of the reasons why somebody like Mike Johnson is dangerous is because when you have elected Republicans who know better, elected Republicans who know the truth but yet will go along with the efforts to undermine our republic, the efforts, frankly, that Donald Trump undertook to overturn the election.” Now as long as we’re on the subject of what’s dangerous, personally I would argue that what I find as being so much of a danger, is the fostering of an environment that outright forbids and questions of election fraud. Telling people that it’s dangerous to question election integrity is what’s dangerous. But apparently not to Ms. Cheney.

And another thing, why is it that Democrats are to be the only ones able to call into question the results of an election when it’s their candidate that comes out on the short end. I’m sure many remember back in 2016 when Democrats were stepping all over themselves to be the first one to call out President Trump for having cheated. After all, how could it have been that an outsider, such as he, could have possibly defeated she who was supposed to be the smartest woman on the planet besides being a very seasoned insider? It just wasn’t possible, the only way he could have possibly won was by cheating. And yet it’s none of that that Cheney sees as dangerous.

But back to the subject at hand, it’s knowing Ms. Cheney as we all do that her comments regarding out new Speaker should be seen as being nothing less than a ringing endorsement of Mr. Johnson. After all, if Cheney is against him, we can rest assured that he is most definitely the right guy for the job, at just the right time. And seriously, are there more than three people in the entire country who actually give a crap about what Cheney thinks? I very seriously doubt it!!! She’s a one hit wonder, constantly singing the same tired song that portrays herself and her cronies are being the true patriots qualified to root out and label those deemed to be disloyal.

And her complaints about Mr. Johnson once again reveal much about how it is that she seems to be bothered not in the least regarding the many actual threats that now face our ‘Republic.’ Things like blatant, and continuing, attempts made at censorship, gun confiscation, the persecution of political enemies, election malfeasance, open borders, a woke military, energy dependence, rampant crime, as well as a *president who is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party. None of which Cheney sees as being all that much of a problem. Instead, it’s Mr. Johnson who seems to concern her the most. Cheney again makes clear why she was not re-elected.

Look, Cheney is many things, but she’s not stupid. She’s being played and she knows it. She’s nothing more than a turncoat, an accomplice to those who are out to destroy our country. She has now sold out the conservative movement which she once claimed to be an integral part of. She’s sold her soul to the Devil for a few pieces of gold. Cheney is quite simply just another of those whose real aim is to undermine and destroy our ‘Republic,’ and who busily point their boney fingers at Johnson while accusing him of being the guilty one. She couldn’t be further from the truth. The only reason that she still manages to get airtime anywhere is because she’s a Trump hater.

And we’re again witnessing how it is that she’s willing to say absolutely anything in her attempt to remain even somewhat relevant. But let me be the first to tell her, it just ain’t working. As I said, the majority of Americans, at least those of us on the right, see her as being little more than a stooge for the left. Someone with an (R) after her name who’s willing to badmouth those who are true conservatives and who support the agenda to salvage what remains of the country that those on the left have been so desperate to destroy. Those like Cheney, the RINOs that we have working undercover in the Republican Party, must be forever purged if we are to survive.

And so, according to Ms. Cheney’s way of thinking the best way to convince people that elections aren’t stolen is by choosing not to investigate any of the claims. I mean, who in their right mind would ever be for that? It’s best to keep those claims at bay, never allowing them to see the light of day in a courtroom. And something else that would likely prove to be very effective, would be the hunting down of supposed protesters and when found to throw them into prison and to then go after their attorneys by threatening to have them disbarred or also finding themselves charged with some crime. Also, you go after your political opponents with lawfare.

Also, there’s the tactic to generally marginalize, smear and put the full boot of the judicial system on the throat of anyone who might say, in the most reasonable of ways, that we just might want to take a closer look. And then there’s the conducting of Stalinesque show trials as the populace can always be counted to fall for that old trick. Such is where we are now in this country, and it’s all quite terrifying, if I’m being honest. And I’m afraid it’s the American people who have allowed things to get so far out of control, after all, it’s we who put these people in their positions of power. And, quite frankly, I’m not sure we can ever put that genie back in the bottle.

Finally, Cheney now seems to have been reduced going on podcasts that most have likely never heard of and will probably never hear of again. Apparently, she can no longer even wrangle a gig on MSDNC. That said, no one really cares about the opinion of a disgraced, has been, politician who was voted out of office. And so, she again shows zero self-awareness of her own very real crimes against our ‘Republic’ and her own hypocrisy. What she did on the bogus, and outright corrupt, January 6 committee was nothing short of criminal. Why doesn’t she just come out and admit to being a Democrat, she very clearly has no issue with all that Joey is doing to our country!!!

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