

Thursday, November 23, 2023


I have often wondered aloud about how it is that some of the most uneducated people in the country continue to assume that just because they have, only through the grace of God, been able to amass a sizable amount of wealth, they are also worthy of being listened to when it comes to all that ails this country. Which when you stop and think about, it’s more than a little ironic since ALL that presently ails this country has been brought about by those whom these very same people have supported, continue to support, and to whom they have provided mountains of campaign cash. And it’s all of these leftists that literally reek of desperation and fear of President Trump.

And if we’re being honest, it really takes no great amount of skill to do what these people do, it’s really nothing more than the luck of a draw that they have been blessed with a talent that allows them to do what they do. And it’s none of these people who provide anything of value to the fellow man and they rarely use their wealth to do anything other than to spend money on those things that improve their own lives. Much like an athlete that has been blessed with certain abilities, those who are in the business of providing us with ‘entertainment’ tend to take themselves far too seriously, to the point where they feel entitled to lecture the rest of us.

All of which brings me to Rob ‘Meathead’ Reiner, who said Tuesday on MSDNC’s “The Beat” that voting for President Trump in 2024 will cause the United States to “slip into fascism.” Now you have to ask yourself, what does this stupid fuck know about fascism? And what exactly was it that President Trump did during his first term that was fascist? Was it creating our booming economy? Was it making America energy independent for the first time in decades? Or perhaps was it actually making a serious effort to secure our southern border? If not, then it must be the fact that for the first time in history he brought relative peace to the Middle East. Well, ‘Meathead?'

Anyway, Reiner said, “Last segment you talked about how young people are confused. They don’t like Trump, they don’t like Biden, they can’t decide who they wnt to vote for. But I’m trying to impress upon people as best I can that every time we have a presidential election, they always say, this is the most important election of our lifetime, they’re tired of it, this one actually is.” He continued, “You have one candidate in Trump who actually tells you he’s going to govern like an authoritarian. He says it. It’s not a mystery.” Now, as is usually the case with people like Reiner, he provides nothing to back up his idiotic claim, but then neither is he asked to.

And so this dolt went on to say, “And you have another guy who has been there, knows how to run the government, believes in the Constitution, believes in democracy, the rule of law, and you’ve got to make a choice. You have to make a choice. Do we want fascism, or do we want to continue the 248 years of self-rule?” Reiner added, “Right now we’re at a place where it’s a crossroads. Do we want to continue democracy, or do we want to slip into fascism?” And it’s once again that Reiner, like most of his ilk, needs to be reminded that what we have here is not a “democracy.” What we have is a Constitutional Republic, but that matters not to him.

If ‘Meathead’ was as smart as he seems to think he is, he would understand that the only fascism present in our country today is both performed by, and exhibited by, the very Democrats that people like him very enthusiastically support. No matter where you want to look, from draconian Covid restrictions to the censorship of free speech, it’s all Democrats, all the time. Despite all of their sophomoric rants, it’s not President Trump, it’s not Conservatives and it’s not Republicans. Again, it’s because of those like Reiner and those like him and the Democrat politicians they support. ‘Meathead’ has been stuck on the same script for half a century.

As I’ve said, the problem with Reiner, and just about everyone else in his rather pointless profession, is that he actually believes that he is intelligent, and far more intelligent than those whom he relies upon to go to his movies, piss poor as they may be. I doubt very much that he would recognize stupidity if he looked in a mirror. He has been on the train to nowhere for decades! We can only hope the end of the track comes sooner rather than later! Reiner appears to view most Americans as his personal enemy and unworthy of the life that he is able to enjoy. And imagine accusing your ideological opponents of the essence of your own loathsome tactics.

Reiner either seems not to notice, or hopes that the rest of us won’t notice, the fact that everything he says about President Trump is actually true of the traitorous, corrupt piece of shit that now occupies the White House. The writers of ‘All in the Family’ must have tapped into some kind of cosmic connection, because they couldn’t have come up with a better moniker than Meathead! Clearly this country was much better off under President Trump than we are under this demented old fossil, Joey. Liberalism is like a most virulent form of cancer and it’s killing this country. And love him, or hate him, the only shot we have at a cure is re-electing President Trump!

Reiner rather cheerfully overlooks all of the damage done by Hitlery, ‘BO’, Joey and any number of other Democrats have done, and continue to do, to our freedoms. Seems like Fascism is what the left wants, and if President Trump gets back in office, they’re afraid that their power will be greatly diminished. They like being able to have unlimited ‘cosmic power,’ they have no interest in the concept that power belongs to the people, not to the political elites. And just who is it that is actively suppressing any viewpoints other than the ones they approve of, just as Fascists would? Again, that would not be President Trump or those of us on the right!

And on the contrary, ‘Meathead,’ it’s your guy who has proven beyond all doubt that he is the one who prefers to act like a dictator not constrained by our Founding documents. It’s he who ignores Supreme Court rulings, makes unconstitutional mandates for experimental drugs, who jails those he considers to be political opponents, who he makes ridiculous appointments of unqualified, incompetent radicals, who prioritizes illegal immigrants over the American people and is ruining our economy on purpose. President Trump put America and Americans FIRST. He left the White House poorer, where Joey is enriching himself and his family.

And finally, after having heard these loons screaming fascist and Nazi for so long, I’ve actually become kind of numb to it. It’s like being called a racist, what does that even mean anymore? I get it, these people don’t like President Trump. But you must admit that under President Trump life was easier, we had lower gas prices, inflation wasn’t so high, I could feed my family, rent was lower, interest rates were lower, America didn’t get involved in any new foreign wars, our southern border was pretty secure and so much more. So ‘Meathead’ can go vote for whomever he likes, I will vote for my choice and there’s really nothing he can say that will dissuade me from doing so.

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