

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Well if it can be said that Barry is good at anything, it most definitely is his ability to spend, and in great amounts, other people’s money. Since first coming into office he has proven himself to be quite adept at living large. He very much enjoys living like the rich and famous. And nothing proves that better than the fact that Barry’s two golf outings this year cost the taxpayers nearly $3 million in flight expenses alone. This little revelation comes to us courtesy of Judicial Watch in pointing out Barry’s tendency to abuse "the perks" of his office.

The conservative watchdog group whose purpose is to keep an eye on our out-of-control federal bureaucracy, obtained records from the Air Force revealing that the 9.8-hour round-trip journey to Palm Springs, Calif., in February cost $2,066,594 in air travel at $210,877 an hour. The 4.2-hour round-trip flights to Key Largo in Florida came to a total of $885,683 at the same hourly rate for flying expenses. But these are simply the most two most recent examples of Barry’s love for the extravagant. There’s little doubt that Barry sees himself as being worth it.

"It is clear that the Obamas continually abuse the perks of the president’s office at taxpayer expense," Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said in the statement. Mr. Fitton added, "It is particularly interesting that Obama has chosen to take not one but two luxury vacations back-to-back while inveighing against 'income equality.' President Obama’s waste of the hard-earned tax dollars of working Americans on unnecessary luxury travel is an abuse of office." But I’m sure Barry is bothered very little by the fact he’s wasting money others have had to work hard for.

Mr. Fitton said that although the administration billed the President’s Day weekend trip to California as an effort to highlight the state’s severe water drought, his official schedule showed that Barry "Almighty" spent just four hours at three drought-related events on the afternoon of Friday, Feb. 14. He then spent much of the next three days playing golf at exclusive golf courses in Coachella Valley, Calif., with each course using nearly 1 million gallons of water a day, also according to Judicial Watch. So what was the real reason behind this trip?

And it was back in March that Barry and Moochell went on a little spring break trip with their two daughters to the rather exclusive Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, which boasts two championship golf courses. The watchdog group pointed out the fact that it was this costly vacation that just so happened to take place on the heels of Barry’s State of the Union Address during which he made sure to focus on a favorite topic of his, income inequality. Information on those flight costs were also obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.

Now I’m quite sure that there will likely be more than a few out there who will be only too happy to make the claim that by my choosing to highlight Barry’s penchant for spending other people’s money, I’m demonstrating the fact that I’m motivated by nothing more than the fact that Barry is a black and I’m just a racist old white guy. But in all honesty, one thing really has nothing whatsoever to do with the other. Personally I simply can’t stand the willful disregard for those who have to work so hard for the money that he can so casually blow through.

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