

Saturday, April 12, 2014


I’m quite sure we all could rattle off any number of things for which any one of us could be requested to provide some form of identification. Everything from opening up a checking account to boarding an aircraft, demands that we identify ourselves. So to us, providing proof that we are who we say we are at the time of casting our vote, besides simply being no big deal, is something that most us think makes a great deal of sense. But our ‘Dear Beloved Leader’, Barack Hussein Obama, and his many Democrat comrades have a far different opinion on this commonsense matter. But commonsense and Democrats are like oil and water.

With Barry, race must be interjected into absolutely everything. So, at least according to Barry and those of his party, recent moves that have been, and continue to be, made by Republicans at the state level to enact stricter voter-identification laws are nothing short of an affront to the ideal that all Americans have an equal stake in their government. According to Barry, these ‘restrictions’ are being put in place for purely partisan reasons and then being justified with "bogus arguments about voter fraud." Or so Barry loudly claimed at the National Action Network conference earlier this week in New York.

This idiotic event was all about politics, and, as such, was simply another example of how Barry seeks to divide us along racial lines. Because dividing us allows him to increase his odds of achieving electoral success. This man who is now our president said, "Every citizen doesn’t just have a right to vote, they have a responsibility to vote." He went on to say, "I’m not going to let attacks on these rights go unchallenged." Barry delivered his typically incendiary remarks while attending this ‘conference’ organized by faux preacher, supposed civil rights activist, and recently discovered FBI informant, Al ‘Bull Horn’ Sharpton.

It’s ‘Bull Horn’s’ idiotic little shakedown group, The National Action Network, that’s really nothing more than a front group for the Democrats. And in this particular instance it provided Barry with the necessary venue, which allowed him to extend the arc of a narrative he began to weave yesterday in commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act at the Lyndon B. Johnson presidential library in Austin, Texas. But a fact that was strangely missing from the conversation was anything about the fact that had it not been for the Republicans in Congress at the time, the legislation would have never made it to Johnson’s desk.

But because the stakes are indeed so high for Barry and the Democrats, especially as they relate to the coming election, we should expect, and not be surprised by the fact that, all the stops will most definitely be pulled out. And this latest event is but one example of what we are likely to see much more of. Because, you see, Republicans are, as of right now, expected to retain their majority in the House and to contend for control of the Senate. November’s midterm election promises to set the boundaries of what Barry will be able to accomplish in the final two years of what has been a rather disastrous presidency.

And because of the fact that they tend to prefer living off the government and, therefore, off those of us who actually do work and pay taxes, Black and Hispanic voters, are typically strong constituencies for Democrat candidates. And it’s because they are also less likely to vote in midterm elections than their white counterparts, according to data compiled by the Pew Research Center, that Barry now apparently feels he must stoke the fires of racism in an attempt to motivate them to get out to the polls. In 2010, only 31 percent of eligible Hispanic voters went to the polls, compared with 44 percent of blacks and 48.6 percent of whites.

Barry said, "We’ve got to be vigilant to secure the gains we’ve made but also to make more gains in the future." And then went on to say, "That’s the meaning of these last 50 years since the Civil Rights Act was passed." Barry claimed that the fight for voting rights won’t have meaning unless people show up at the polls in November. "The biggest problem we have is people giving up their own power," he said. Sharpton, Eric "I’m A Blatant Racist" Holder, and others have said the state-level voter-identification laws create an impediment to voting that is reminiscent of the poll taxes outlawed in federal elections by the 24th Amendment.

Barry claimed that it’s a "sign of weakness" of the Republican Party that it is attempting to keep people from voting rather than trying to expand the number of those who cast ballots. ‘Bull Horn’, as you may, or not know unless you’re one of his 15 or 20 viewers, hosts a show on that ‘Looney Tunes’ network, MSNBC. And as strange as it may be for many to understand, he, for some bizarre reason, has become Barry’s go-to civil rights expert. They have worked together on a variety of issues, including Barry’s "My Brother’s Keeper" initiative. Earlier this year, Barry noted that ‘Bull Horn’ and Bill O’Reilly were both involved in the program.

Old ‘Bull Horn’ has consistently proven himself to be a valuable ally for Barry because he provides to Barry unvarnished advice, follows through, and can work on issues from outside government. At least that’s how the relationship was recently described according to an administration official, who, of course, asked for anonymity to talk about private discussions.  Actually, ‘Bull Horn’ serves as Barry’s main rock thrower when it comes to all matters related to race. He keeps Barry from having to get his hands too dirty, and to at least appear as if he’s above the fray, and out of the gutter. Neither of which, of course, is true.

So at the end of the day, Barry can make all of the idiotic claims that he wishes, but I ask you, when was the last time that you remember hearing about how it was that any number of dead voters showed up to cast their votes for the Republican in any election? You know, I seem to recall how it was, back in 2008, that we were all told how this guy was the one who we had all been waiting for and about how much smarter he was than his predecessor. So I find it all a bit strange that he has always found it necessary to resort to sleazy tactics like this. To me, at least, it only serves to point out, and very clearly so, the obvious weakness of his position.

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