

Monday, April 28, 2014


Come this November Democrats could very well be made to face yet another speed-bump in their attempt to increase their numbers in the House while attempting to maintain their control of the Senate. Because, you see, Barry's overall approval rating is currently standing at a rather unimpressive 41 percent, and is especially low among noncollege-educated people and older whites who tend to dominate voting in seven red-leaning states where Democrats are trying to defend their Senate seats. At least that’s the latest from yet another new poll.

The Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor Poll, conducted of 1,000 respondents April 9-13, revealed that Barry’s rating is now the lowest recorded in 20 Heartland Monitor polls since April 2009. But this same poll also showed that Congress proved even less popular than Barry. Only 11 percent said they approve of Congress' performance, with 80 percent disapproving, one of the lowest ratings shown since Heartland Monitor began polling about Congress in November 2012. But then neither party possesses much in the way of congressional leadership.

Attitudes about a sitting president, especially one that has been as big of a disaster as Barry has been, often play a significant role in midterm elections. And the folks responding to this latest poll showed that they remain not only pessimistic about Barry, but about where the country is heading. Only 27 percent of the respondents said they think the country is heading in the right direction, while 62 percent said they believe the country is on the wrong track. It’s beyond me how anyone can look at the direction in which we are headed and say it’s the right direction..

But as is usually the case, there is a rather significant disparity in how minorities and whites answered the satisfaction question. Because 41 percent of minorities said they believe the country is moving in the right direction, but only 22 percent of whites agreed. Gee, no surprise there. After all, the majority of those on the receiving end of the taxpayer funded goodie train also happen to be members of some minority group. Meanwhile it’s the whites who are constantly being forced to further subsidize that very same goodie train while at the same time trying to make ends meet.

Barry's tumbling approval rates could create problems for Democrats in states that voted for Mitt Romney. And states like Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia all have electorates with older whites and white people without college degrees. The poll could spell further doom in red states where liberal-leaning groups already say they're torn over whether they should support red-state Democrats who are up for re-election in November after voting against the party on several major issues.

Americans are also quite pessimistic about Barry's effect on their economic prospects. Only 25 percent said they think their opportunities are increasing under Barry, one of the smallest responses the pollsters have gotten to that question. Last fall, 46 percent of the respondents said they believe Barry's actions will diminish their opportunities. Meanwhile, 40 percent of nonwhite respondents said their opportunities are increasing under Barry, compared with 24 percent who think Barry reduces their opportunities. Well of course their ‘opportunities’ are increasing.

One thing that kind of stuck out at me regarding this particular poll is the fact that we no have what is actually a near majority of those in the minority segment of our population who now actually think that their opportunities are increasing under Barry. But I’m curious, opportunities to do what, exactly? Certainly not to work and to pay taxes, that’s for sure. Because how many of these folks would really rather work when the government essentially pays them not to? They’re perfectly content not to work. Many feel they shouldn’t have to work.

Kinda shows you just how warped things have now gotten in this country when it the ones living off the government who now think that the country is now headed in the right direction. Is that what it now means to be an American? Makes you wonder who the stupid ones are really here. I mean, is it the ones going off to the job everyday, or is it the parasites who expend just enough energy to get to the mailbox to pickup this week’s ‘benefit’ check from the government, the cost of which is covered by the very same ones who still chose to work. It’s all pretty pathetic!

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