

Friday, April 11, 2014


I think it quite safe to assume that for no other reason that because Barry was able to become the first black president, any claims made by ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton notwithstanding, the likelihood that he’ll ever be impeached, no matter what high crime or misdemeanor he has committed, is pretty remote. And with that threat having been effectively removed, he has felt free over the course of his reign to further dismantle, or to "fundamentally transform" our nation whenever the opportunity presented itself, doing so without any fear of retribution.

And also I think we can also now say that America has now progressed well beyond that which was previously viewed as being the bottom of the barrel when it comes to having an elected ‘leader’ so willing to abuse the power of his office. And his only saving grace is that he’s America’s first black president and therefore will never be impeached. Barry has misused his executive power in three very troubling ways, first of which with his continuing disregard of the Obamacare law, his disregard of immigration law as well as his disregard of the drug laws.

And as is usually the case with everyone’s favorite Spokemoron, Jay ‘The Lying Sack Of Shit’ Carney, he does his best to make excuses for Barry’s rabid abuses of power. He just loves to very loudly tout the fact that Barry has issued far fewer executive orders than did his predecessor, the infamous George Bush. But it’s not the number of executive orders that should really be the main point of concern for people, it’s that he’s so blatantly abusing his power. The orders are designed to supplement existing law, not to change or create new laws.

One of the prime examples, and there are many, that one would think would be sufficient to warrant a Barry impeachment is the continuing IRS-Tea Party scandal. It is a scandal which many, at least those on the right, view as being worse than Watergate. Worse because because it is the corruption of much of the government, with many people being involved, not one guy telling some bad guys to do something. The IRS is certainly affecting individuals who were just minding their own business, but both were attempts at corrupting the political process.

Watergate was about the hiring of some second-rate burglars to steal stuff, they didn’t use the government to do it. They didn’t use the Marines or the IRS or Securities and Exchange Commission, they didn’t use the force of government to do that. What you don’t want to do is criminalize the government, and that’s what appears to have happened with the IRS. People working for the American people, paid for with tax dollars, abusing that power for political purposes. It’s just more evidence of the Chicago way of politics.

So short of some sort of massive uprising taking place by those of us who are able to see this corrupt thug for what he is, not much will ever happen to this creep. He’ll leave office with the same circus-like theatrics that he entered it with. He’ll hit the communist speaking circuit where he will be seen not only as the man who presided over the collapse of America, but also as the man who engineered it. He will have successfully taken America from being the world’s lone superpower to being nothing more than the equivalent of a third-rate banana republic.

And it’s because of that success that Barry will go on to make millions of dollars and be set for life. Sadly, things are unlikely to improve once he has departed. Because much of the damage that he will have managed to inflict upon us is imply irreparable. And the fact that Americans may actually be stupid enough to consider electing Hitlery Clinton as his successor, and in the event that that should actually take place, it would then be highly unlikely that any attempt to repair the damage resulting from Barry’s having been in the White House for eight very long years, would even be undertaken.

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