

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I always have to laugh whenever someone tries to tell me that because minorities are supposed to be more religious than others, it would seem only natural that they would be drawn more to the Republican Party than to the Democrat Party. But just because people go to church, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are in any way religious. Remember the sermons screeched from the pulpit of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church. How often do you think it was that the word of God was ever heard there? I’d bet, not very often.

Let’s face it, if they were truly as religious as has been claimed how could 95 percent of blacks support a man who favors the murdering of a baby fortunate enough to have survived an abortion. And why would the vast majority of them decide to have children with any number of different men and without any thought ever being given to marrying one? These are not people who are necessarily more religious, or even religious at all, these are simply people who like to dress up and hang out together on Sunday.

And I’ve often wondered what it is that I might hear were I in attendance in one of these black churches on any given Sunday. Would I hear anything at all about how best to salvage the black family, or how to stem the number of out of wedlock births, or ideas about how best to steer young black men in a direction that would reduce the chances of them landing in prison? It would appear that such issues are rarely if ever addressed. Or if they are, it must be only in passing. Certainly not much time is being spent on them.

But then how surprised should I really be by anything that might be spewed by black preachers when the men of God in the black community are symbolized by such purveyors of hate as Rev. Al "Bull Horn’ Sharpton, Rev. Jesse ‘The Extortionist’ Jackson, Rev. Jeremiah "God Damn America’ Wright and Minister ‘Calypso Louie’ Farrakhan? And oddly enough, it’s these guys who always receive the loudest cheers whenever and wherever they speak. So, are blacks more religious than other folks? Nope, I don’t think so!

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