

Thursday, April 17, 2014


While there are very few things in this world that can be said to be certain, apparently at least one of those things is our inability to trust as being true, pretty much anything that our current president may say, and on nearly any topic on which he may choose to speak. From Obamacare to the current state of our constantly recovering economy to our bogus unemployment numbers to the need for taxes to be raised ever higher or to our need to combat ‘global warming’ by wasting billions of dollars on ‘green energy’, most of us now agree that Barry is lying to us every time he opens his mouth.

So when it was then that a recently released Fox poll asked respondents, "How much do you trust President Obama?", and what we found out was, "not very much." And I would venture to guess that that fact has very little to do with the color of his skin. This poll found that 61 percent of respondents in the poll said Barry lies at least some of the time on important issues. An additional 20 percent said he lies every now and then. It was only 15 percent who believe the president is completely truthful. I would doubt that many of those who make up that 15 percent watch MSNBC.

What comes as being no surprise here is the fact that Republicans were far more likely to believe Barry is a liar, with 85 percent of respondents saying that he lies some or most of the time. But among those Democrats who were asked the same question, it was only 31 percent who could bring themselves to say that Barry is always truthful. Those were probably Barry’s black supporters. One particular point of interest was the fact that independents were slightly more likely to believe Barry lies at least some of the time, 63 percent, compared with 61 percent for the total sample.

So here we are now faced with a rather peculiar dilemma of being able to believe only a very little, if anything, of what we are told by our president. And lying seems to be something that this guy rather enjoys doing. And let’s face it, after having been made to tolerate this dirtbag now for 5 long years, there’s really no reason to be surprised by this current revelation. Because in the first place socialists like Barry must always lie about what it is they wish to accomplish, otherwise they would face the risk of being voted out of office long before being able to actually get it done.

And yes I suppose an argument can be made that all politicians lie. And there is a lot of truth to that accusation. But few, other than maybe old ‘Slick Willie’, lie as often or are able to lie as convincingly as does Barry "Almighty". And by his so doing, Barry serves not only to demonstrate the blatant disrespect that he has for the office that he holds, but also for the people, whether the voted for him or not, who elected him to that office. But, at the end of the day I suspect that such trivial things matter very little to someone like Barry. He sees himself as simply being above all that.

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