

Monday, July 15, 2013


With proof being pretty much everywhere you look of just how bad things can get whenever you have the Democrats in the majority, you have to ask yourself why it is that anyone in their right mind would actually think it a good idea for any state to go from Red to Blue. What sense does it make to use California, or New York or Massachusetts as your example? And in so doing simply shows how it is that the Democrat Party has become the party of the parasites. People who feel that they are somehow deserving of a free ride on the backs of those who wish nothing more than to be able to work and provide for their families.

There is now an organization in Texas that is being described as a 'fledgling fundraising machine' for Texas Democrats. It is said to have generated more than $1 Million in its first few months, the purpose of which is to bring Latinos and African Americans into the Democrat Party fold. And it could prove to be a major player in a, God forbid, Hitlery Clinton presidential run. Battleground Texas was formed in February by a Barry campaign operative. Now, after two significant fundraisers, Politico reports, the effort is gaining traction. The news comes as the race gets underway to replace retiring Republican Gov. Rick Perry.

Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott has made it official, throwing his hat into the ring and Democrats are now watching to see if dingbat state senator, Wendy "Catheter" Davis, the abortion-rights nut job who captured national attention last month, will also enter the race. And according to the Dallas Morning News, Battleground Texas is also shaping up to be a fundraising machine for Hitlery Clinton if she should decide to enter the 2016 presidential campaign. But with Texas in the solid red category, politics watchers speculate Democrats won't become competitive until some time after the next presidential race.

Looking back, Mitt Romney won Texas by 1.2 million votes and 16 points in November. Democrats acknowledge that it may be hard to make enough gains to turn the state blue before 2020, the year they have now marked as being their goal to make Texas a key presidential swing state. This group, Battleground Texas, is the so-called brainchild, if you can call it that, of Jeremy Bird, a former field direct for Barry's campaign, and who hopes to continue that campaign's successful use of grassroots manpower and data mining to deliver the state to the Democrat Party. And the way things are in this country today, it might be successful.

I mean let's be honest here, all the Democrats really need to do to convince blacks and Hispanics to vote for them is to simply promise all manner of free stuff. And since we know how much these particular groups love this country and want to see it survive, NOT, it's not difficult to imagine how quickly they will all line up with both hands out. Lazy doesn't really even begin to describe many of these people who are perfectly content to just sit back and let the rest of us work to cover their expenses. And how do you fight that. How do you convince people who have no interest in doing so, to become responsible for themselves?

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