

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Well, apparently that senile old sack of horse shit, 'Dingy Harry' Reid, thinks that he knows exactly what, and who, is to blame for our nation's lackluster to piss poor economic growth, and oddly enough it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with rabid amount of wasteful spending that has been underway, and nearly nonstop, for the last 4 yours. On the contrary, says old 'Dingy Harry', it's all because of Republican ‘austerity policies’. Yup, it's those cheapskate Republicans who are to blame.

So despite the fact that our government has been busy wasting literally Trillions of dollars to, we're told, 'stimulate' our economy, 11.8 million Americans are still without jobs and the nation’s overall unemployment rate has, remained at, or above, 7.5 percent for 54 consecutive months. And that's according to Barry's own Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). So I guess I'm wondering, just how much 'MORE' money, that we don't have, does 'Dingy' think we ought to be spending?

Because, you see, again according to old 'Dingy', "We need to continue advancing policies that spur growth and create jobs. It's time for Republicans to let go of their failed austerity policies that weigh down our economy and prevent a speedier recovery. We simply can't cut our way to prosperity." I am a little curious here, exactly what growth has been spurred and just how many jobs is it that old 'Dingy' thinks have been created. Because our work force has been doing nothing but to shrink.

In June, 332,000 Americans saw their full-time hours 'involuntary' cut to part-time as small businesses seek to avoid regulations required under Obamacare. Under the law, businesses with over 50 full-time employees will be required to provide a health care plan to their employees or pay steep fines/taxes. Now as we all know, the employer health care mandate was originally supposed to go into effect in 2014, but, as we also all know, Barry recently took it upon himself to 'modify' that, for purely political purposes.

Because of the potential that it might have an adverse impact on Democrat candidates during the 2014 campaign season, with them being asked to explain their rationale for supporting Obamacare in the first place, Barry announced last month that he would be extending the mandate’s deadline for another year, or past the election. Speaker John Boehner stated that it's a decision that would seem to make quite clear that Barry "Almighty" recognizes his own law as a coming "train wreck."

And evidently, old 'Dingy Harry' was not referring to what are the many Obamacare business disincentives when he warned Republicans that "the last thing we need is another self-inflicted wound" to the American economy, nor to the recent revelation made by Sen. Ted Cruz that the immigration bill the 'Dingy' shepherded through the Senate would effectively penalize employers who hired American citizens over illegal immigrants. I'm sure that that was just an oversight on ‘Dingy’s’ part..

'Dingy' also went on to say, "It is unconscionable for Republicans to continue to play political games when a full, robust recovery is in sight." And that was less than a week after Republican Senator Orrin Hatch said, "While a delay of this mandate is welcome news since it shows the challenges the employers are facing complying with it, a delay – conveniently past the 2014 election – only adds to the uncertainty these job creators face because of Obamacare." Obviously it wasn’t done out of some concern for employers.

Now look, this idiotic line of 'Dingy Harry's' may work on your typically ignorant Democrat, but hopefully there are still enough people with enough remaining brainpower who will be able to recognize it for what it is. Which is pure political bullshit! What do we have to show for the massive amount of money that has already been spent? Nothing! Other than, of course, and massive debt resulting in a decrease of our credit rating for the first time in our nation's history.

Because of the policies that have been put into place by Barry and corrupt shits like 'Dingy', and that 'Dingy' thinks are still somehow insufficient, a third of our entire population has become dependent on the government for their food. And if the American workforce was of the same size that it was when Barry came into office, our unemployment rate would be at roughly 16 percent and not at the very bogus 7.6 percent advertised by Barry's team. We're plummeting toward the deck and all 'Dingy' wants to do is to push the stick forward.

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