

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Once again our less than stellar Speaker of the House, John 'Spineless' Boehner, has made it crystal clear that's he far more interested in being politically correct than he is in dealing honestly with what is a growing problem in this country. His most recent demonstration came when he said that it was "deeply offensive and wrong" for fellow Republican Rep. Steve King to suggest many younger unauthorized immigrants are drug runners. You know, sometimes the truth can be a little hard to take, but that doesn't mean you simply choose to ignore it. And facts are facts, and you can't ignore them in the hopes that they'll just go away.

Boehner already had issued a written statement earlier in the week condemning King's comments, but at his weekly news conference Thursday he chose to elevate his criticism and took the unusual step of calling King out by name. Boehner said the Iowa Republican's comments don't reflect the values of the American people or the GOP. Obviously, Boehner has a rather difficult time dealing with things as they are, preferring, instead, to see them the way he wishes they were. And this is the main reason he's been such a disaster as Speaker. In order to deal with the substantive issues hurting this country today, you have to be a realist.

What seems to have caused Boehner so much angst is the fact that Mr. King told a conservative news website that with respect to immigrants brought illegally to the U.S. as kids, "for every one who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert." As far as I'm concerned, there more than just a little truth to what Mr. King said, and if Boehner is incapable of dealing with the truth, then maybe he should just pack his things up and head back to Ohio! Because he's doing us no good in his present position!

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