

Monday, April 1, 2024


Let’s face it, you’d have to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny AND the tooth fairy to believe that a man could be both a man of the cloth and Democrat politician, at the same time. It would seem that the two are mutually exclusive. But even with that said, it certainly hasn’t prevented any number of these supposed ‘men of God,’ all of whom are also proud members of the Democrat Party, from making the argument that one can support their party’s anti-Christian agenda and still be a good Christian. And the absolute gall of these people to think themselves in any way qualified to lecture true believers is nothing short of amazing.

Which, of course, brings me to none other Raphael Warnock who just this past Sunday made another appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Host Dana Bash said, “Republicans are attacking President Biden for recognizing today as Transgender Day of Visibility. I want to be very clear that this day, this Transgender Day of Visibility is always on March 31st has been since 2009. This president has marked at every year since he’s been in the White House the date of Easter changes year to year. I don’t need to tell you that the House Speaker called Biden’s announcement abhorrent and said he betrayed the central tenant of Easter. What do you say to that."

Warnock said, “Well, apparently the speaker finds trans people abhorrent and I think he ought to think about that. The fact of the matter is as you said, March 31 has been a day to lift up transgender people who endure violence and bigotry. Easter, the date changes every single year, but this is just one more instance of folks who have who do not know how to lead us trying to divide us. This is the opposite of the Christian Faith. Jesus centered the marginalized. he sent it the poor and in a moment like this, we need voices, particularly voices of faith, who would use our faith, not as a weapon to beat other people down, but as a bridge to bring all of us together."

Warnock went on to say, “That is what Martin Luther King Junior said. I’m honored to preach from that pulpit every single day.” And then Bash proceeded to switch topics saying, “Donald Trump, is marking this Holy Week by posting a video. He did so encouraging people to buy at 60 dollars. Trump endorsed Bible listen to what he said.” Bash then continued with the video in which President Trump said, “All Americans need a Bible in their home and I have many. It’s my favorite book. It’s a lot of people’s favorite book. I’m proud to endorse and encourage you to get this Bible. We must make America pray again.” This guy is such a pathetic phony!!!

Bash asked, “The group selling that Bible says, it paid to license Trump’s name and image, which means he’s making money off the sales. What do you make of that?” Warnock said, “The Bible does not need Donald Trump’s endorsement and Jesus in the very last week of his life chased the money changers out of the temple those who would take sacred things and use them as cheap relics to be sold in the marketplace. The sad thing is that none of us are surprised by this. This is what we expect from the former president if he’s not selling us stakes, he’s selling us a school whose degree is not worth the paper that is written on."

And he went on to say, “If he’s not selling us a school is selling us sneakers and now he’s trying to sell the scriptures. At the end of the day I think he’s trying to sell the American people a bill of goods and that worked in 2016, although he did not win the popular vote even in 2016, it did not work in 2020. I don’t think it’s going to work in 2024.” Like all of these pimp-preachers, Warnock completely ignores the scripture when he pronounces what the Lord did and does. He proclaims the ‘Gospel of Warnock:’ which whatever is to the benefit of Warnock. As it’s nonsense to think that the Transgender Day is March 31st and just happens to fall on Easter this year.

The date was specifically chosen to always fall during the Easter season to falsely use the celebration of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross as a cover for the perversity and sin of transgenderism. You can either believe God’s word or you can believe the garbage spewed by those like Warnock, but you can’t believe both. Queers and perverts are sanctioned in neither the Bible nor the U.S. Constitution, so where did Warnock get his ideas? As a ‘Reverend’ he shouldn’t be promoting sexual deviancy as elevated by Democrats. He puts his politics above his religion. It was in piss-poor form to put this recognition day is on the holiest day on the Christian calendar.

People who advocate for the murder of the unborn, the mutilation of children, the oppression of women, and more, will never be the ones I set my moral compass by. Not very Christian of us to not accept trans folks, you say? Well, “Reverand”, if they could take a moment away from grooming or molesting or shooting kids, then maybe in between the marches or the protests and being offended 125 percent of the time, we could sit down and have a conversation about who it is that has harmed them. If there is a violent person out there, we need to catch them, right? How else can you guys then let them out of prison early to do even more damage?

Transgender people have always existed and always been tolerated. It is the left that rammed this issue down the throat of the public as a way to divide people. I suppose the movement started with the ‘Great Divider,’ ‘BO’, who will never be matched. What is difficult to accept are the self-nominated individuals acting in their role as government agents advertising alternative lifestyles and surgeries directly to children. They’re lucky that the world has been tolerant, save the Moslems who routinely throw them off rooftops. They came out of the closet and started forcing themselves on the world and that is when the rubber hit the road buddy.

This kind of drivel coming from a black Democrat politician is as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning. All the while many of his bIack constituents can not read and write well enough to fill out a job application in 2024 and become builders of the economy instead of giant mill stones around its neck. But I must admit, under the Biden administration, at least the welfare money ends up in the hands of American small businesses, rather than going to pay for the globalist’s ongoing war in Ukraine, and paying Ukrainians social security, and helping Ukraine's small businesses stay in business. But Democrats voters are not the sharpest of voters.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with selling bibles. Bibles cost money to make, and you can get them for free if you want so it’s not like he’s cornering the market. He’s putting his image to something he believes in, and any ‘profit’ he might have made is negligible when compared to his total wealth. As for the money changers, the dipstick Warnock of course got it wrong, Jesus chased out people from the temple because they were selling things and doing business that had nothing to do with faith. They were turning the temple into something it wasn’t supposed to be. President Trump isn’t in any temple, and he’s turning people towards faith, not away from it.

And Warnock, if I remember correctly, was a big fan of Fidel Castro but when he was running for the U.S. Senate, he whitewashed his encounter with Fidel and claimed that he had nothing to do with the event that brought Castro to the church where he was one of the ministers. Despite his love for Castro, he still got elected to the Senate and that tells us volumes about the black community who was primarily responsible for getting Warnock elected. The man is a disciple of the Marxist/Communist doctrine and should never be trusted. What a fraud. The satanic left uses religion all the time to promote immorality yet this satanic wolf in a reverend's clothing never says a word.

President Trump was simply acting in an ad for Bibles. Big deal. Turn the TV off if you don’t like it. This so-called preacher should open the Bible instead of Marxist books which would show him that the Christians do not use God’s word to beat up people. Their battle is between them and God regarding their sins in this life. Sins of the Flesh are pretty well enumerated in the Bible. We all commit sins because of weakness; but have the blood shed by Jesus on the Cross to give us to cleanse ourselves in God’s eyes. Deviancy in this life adds nothing to Society as a whole but leads people away from God which creates disunity. Simple choice this election: Government or God?

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