

Friday, April 12, 2024


In their bid to do whatever damage they can to President Trump, Democrats continue to spew their drivel about how he is nothing more than a wannabe dictator. And they do so because, frankly, it’s all they’ve got. Let’s be honest, if you were a supporter of Joey what would you have to genuinely brag about? And their many claims about President Trump would likely be a bit more believable outside of their kooky base if the man hadn’t already been elected to the White House. But still they persist, sounding less and less believable, and more and more unhinged. I mean, it’s difficult to persuade folks over to your side when you sound like a babbling idiot.

We saw that again this past Wednesday when during an interview on MSDNC’s ‘Deadline’ New York Democrat Dan Goldman attempted to make the argument that President Trump is a “wannabe dictator” who was undermining democracy. Personally, I doubt anyone outside of his district has ever heard of this boob. Perhaps MSDNC thought if they found a fresh face to come on and make the same stale accusations they could convince a few more people to believe the insanity. Goldman proves that he’s the epitome of a leftist never missing and opportunity to speak in an attempt to garner more power over the people rather than any attempt to work for the people.

Goldman said, “We all know from the classified briefings that if Ukraine does not get more funding that it will lose this war to Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin, a dictator, will conquer a democratic country in Ukraine.” And this moron went on to say, “This will be the first time since World War II that any fascist or authoritarian government has physically overtaken and conquered a democratic ally, and it will be on Mike Johnson’s hands because if we don’t pass this bill for Ukraine Mike Johnson and this House Republican Party and Donald Trump, who is leading the charge here, will be responsible for Vladimir Putin winning this war."

He added, “Russia is trying to undermine our democracy just as it’s doing with Ukraine, and the fact that a wannabe dictator like Donald Trump has captured the Republican Party to such a degree that they go along with his support for a despot and tyrannical fascist dictator like Vladimir Putin is just the tip of the iceberg. It is so shocking in its effort to undermine democracy not only in Russia and Ukraine but here at home. That is what is at stake this November.” Perhaps this imbecile should provide us all with the reasons, and not idiotic talking points, for wanting four more years of what we’ve had for the last three instead of whining about President Trump!

Look, Democrats have never been the ‘champion’ of the little man. They are blue blood corporate protectors. Look at everything they do and stand for, nothing to help the citizens and everything to protect and enrich corporations and themselves. The only reason Democrats say President Trump is a “wannabe dictator” is so they can feel justified in engaging in blatant election fraud. Joey has been a dictator since he was installed as *president. President Trump didn’t come close to dictatorial when he was in office and wouldn’t after he gets reelected the third time. So this BS continues to be speed by every liberal kook, like it is true. They must think everyone is stupid.

As I said, this is all they have, Trump/Russia, we’re gonna lose our democracy if Trump wins. Yet not a word, not is single, solitary word, about how great Joey has been for the country. The only thing these leftwing creeps have to talk about is fear and hyperbole. President Trump a wannabe dictator? Goldman makes the comment that “Putin is trying to undermine America” while Joey the dictator is telling us what cars to drive, what food to eat and how to cook it, what words to say and what media to listen too! I must say, though, that if President Trump wants to have ALL Democrats rounded up, arrested, imprisoned then, by God, he’s definitely my kind of dictator!

And I do have to ask, does Goldman perhaps have military suppliers or possibly a large number of Ukrainian voters in his district? I would think he has much to do in his own district that needs his immediate attention far more than to get all uppity over a nonsensical notion that President Trump is going to undermine Democracy. To tell you the truth, I worry about politicians being in the pocket of unelected globalist billionaires more than I do about Russia and Trump taking over the country. Nothing is stopping Goldman from writing a check and donating it to Ukrainian Charities to show his solidarity with the Ukrainian people. It would be a wonderful thing for him to do.

Unlike Democrats, we conservatives believe in giving people a fair trial, due process, the right to self-defense, and honest judge or jury, and all of their constitutional rights BEFORE any sentencing takes place. Democrats seem to have a far different approach, at least where President Trump is concerned. But then, all is fair in love and politics unless, of course, such tactics are being used against them. And I’m tired of these people saying anyone who doesn’t want to send billions more, that we don’t have, to Ukraine, automatically supports Putin. It’s always all or nothing with them. People like Goldman are the reason we’re running a $35 trillion deficit.

The Democrats apparently think they’re ruling the old Soviet Union. After all, they’ve purposely turned most of our cities into cesspools of crime and violence, allowed Mexican cartels free rein at the border, locked up political opponents and so much more. The Democrats cannot be reformed and must be dissolved using any and all means necessary. And remember, when Democrats use the word “democracy,” they’re referring to themselves exclusively as the holders of power. It’s strange, don’t you think, how the Democrats are hand-wringing about a communist country taking over a democratic one when that’s exactly what they’re doing here in America.

Granted not all criminals are Democrats, but most certainly all Democrats are criminals. Their philosophy is to get the ABSOLUTE POWER they all lust after, no matter what the cost and no matter who gets hurt. The Soviet Union was a dictatorship because criminals ruled over the nation. Nazi Germany was a dictatorship because criminals ruled over the nation. The U.S. has been acting like a dictatorship because criminal Democrats have been ruling most of the time over the nation. And there are those Democrats who would gladly put half the country in prison camps if they thought they could get away with it. Just listen to them talk.

There is a figurative bright red line that exists, sort of a ‘Great IQ Divide.’ It separates Democrat voters from all others. On an IQ scale going from lower numbers on the left to higher numbers on the right, Democrat voters exist on the extreme low end. Which, coincidentally, is the extreme left side. Democrat politicians are acutely aware of the fact that their voting base is intellectually challenged. In fact, they rely heavy on that fact, which is why they are able to get away with spouting all of the leftist nonsense they spout on what has become a daily basis. And they are continually provided a venue from which they are able to spew their drivel totally unchallenged.

Whether they’re talking about boys becoming girls, global warming, existential threats to democracy or what have you, there is no claim that is considered to be too absurd for them to make, because, in the end, they know that their low-IQ voting base will suck it up and buy it hook, line and sinker. These Democrat politicians, like this boob Goldman, laugh about it over their many adult beverages each night. Without low-IQ voters Democrats would have virtually no chance of ever getting elected. And as has been said before, by others smarter than myself, an informed, intelligent electorate is a Democrat politician’s worst nightmare.

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