

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


And so while our country is being turned into a shithole right before our eyes, and in every way imaginable, what issue is it that remains most important to the Democrats? Is it skyrocketing crime, rising inflation, the high price of gas and food, or the fiasco at our non-existent southern border? If you guessed any of these, you’d be dead wrong. And just what is it that is the most important issue to Democrats, the one on which hinges the very survival of ‘democracy?’ Well, the issue that seems to trump all other is, at least according to Democrats, that a woman be permitted to murder her unborn child right up to, and in some case even after, the moment of birth.

And it was just this past Sunday that we had yet another Democrat saying as much. You see, it was during an appearance on CBS’s ‘Face the Nation,’ hosted by one of the network’s many resident bimbos, Margaret Brennan, that former astronaut and now U.S. Senator Mark Kelly actually tried to make the argument that women in his state could die from a 123-year-old law that bans nearly all abortions except to save the life of the mother. Personally, I’m thinking it’s safe to say that Kelly has perhaps spent just a bit too much time in a weightless environment because he’s clearly not making much sense. This is clearly the only thing the Democrats have left.

And so it is a partial transcript of this idiotic exchange that follows:

Brennan: I want to ask you about what’s happening in your home state of Arizona, as you know the State Court ruled an 1864 Civil War era law can take effect that would criminalize abortion, it’s on hold at the moment, but this is a live issue. Do you have confidence that your state legislators will take action before it goes into effect?

Kelly: Well, let me start by saying this has been a disaster for women in Arizona. They’ve lost a fundamental right to abortion, and it’s all because of Donald Trump. And our legislature, yeah, they tried to fix this a couple of days ago, that did not work. We’ve got to get- we’ve got a ballot initiative in November to fix this. Donald Trump owns this. He said just yesterday that he broke Roe v. Wade and because he did that, this enabled our court to bring back this draconian 1864 law to take away this right, send doctors to jail.

Brennan: I mean, to be fair, your Republican state legislators have some agency here too, they could have done something different, but I take your rhetorical point.

Kelly: They could have. Yeah, they could have and right, they did not do- do anything about it. They had the opportunity.

Brennan: But, there is that initiative you just mentioned to put on the ballot in November a chance for your state to vote on this particular issue and it would guarantee abortion access up to viability, which is anywhere between 21 and 24 weeks, typically, of pregnancy. From a political position, how much is this going to help offset some of the disappointment and exhaustion we’re seeing in polling from Democratic voters? Will this issue drive up turnout in a way that benefits the president in your state?

Kelly: Well, my first concern is women in Arizona and their- and their health and women could die from this 1864 ruling that once again was enabled by the former president. So that’s my biggest concern. We’re going to have an election in November. I imagine we’re going to have large turnout because of this issue. I also want to point out, Margaret, that I don’t think this represents who we are in the state of Arizona. This is a moment in time, we’re gonna get through this. We have an opportunity to fix this in November."

There they go again, blaming President Trump for a court decision that was made back during the Civil War. It just never seems to end, nor will it if scumbags like Kelly continue to have their way. It is nothing more than further proof that the Democrats have nothing to run on. He should head back into space. You’d have to be completely ignorant, uninformed, and stupid to believe any of the lies that leftists scapegoat at President Trump. And not only did he have nothing to do with the making of that ruling, Kelly, himself, seems to be unclear on the law itself that includes, “except to save the life of the mother.” He’s simply spewing his party’s talking points.

Kelly reveals exactly how ignorant he is by spouting lies and shifting blame to President Trump for a law on the books since the 1800s. Democrats view life very subjectively. If abortion suits their agenda, then let the murders continue. Using lies and fearmongering, Kelly is simply showing his belief that all women are stupid and unable to take care of themselves. Kelly is a complete fraud. How did President Trump become responsible for a 123 year old law in Arizona?  The Supreme Court sent the decision on abortion back to the states. Only 1.5 percent of abortions are for rape and or incest. Birth control products are widely available and pretty much free.

So what are Kelly and the Democrats really saying? That if a woman has the baby she’s somehow going to die and if she doesn’t have the baby, she’s not going to die. You know we do have birth control readily available. The Democrats have nothing else to run on so they are making abortion their main issue. How about open borders, inflation, crime, or any of the many other far more important issues? What about the women killed by illegals and dangerous felons released without bail? Kelly is lying, and Democrats are very good at spreading lies. Another pathetic Democrat who is perpetuating bullshit and hysteria because they have nothing positive to run on.

And what’s going to kill all these women? The Supreme Court made a rightful constitutional decision to right a wrong done by an earlier leftist Supreme Court that cost America between 50 and 70 million potential lives over 50 years. That is who and what broke Roe. Yes, President Trump had three Supreme Court appointments during his term, and they were ‘conservatives.’ But more importantly, they were constitutionalists. They made the decision, not President Trump, and power was deeded back to the states to make abortion decisions. So Kelly, as a Senator, can lobby his own state’s legislature for changes that he feels are good for Arizona.

Funny, Democrats always claim women will die unless they can kill their babies. Yet the media never questions them or their logic or provides proof of how all these women will die or why. How many women die in these violent blue states each month. So perhaps this man, instead of slandering President Trump for something that he believes is correct, which is allowing the people of a state to vote for something they want, should go do his job by actually asking all of the citizens, not just the loony left, what they feel is best for all concerned. In my opinion that would be abortion in only extreme instances and responsible usage of readily available birth control.

The most disgusting thing about this entire conversation is the fact that this man does not care about the women of Arizona, or the women of the United States. He cares only about attacking President Trump. This man is not attempting to understand and/or to work with the issue thus trying to do something that actually helps women. All he can do is to smear President Trump because he, President Trump, said he believes it’s the right of the states to determine their position on abortion. Absolutely it should be in most instances the right of the states to determine their position on numerous things that the federal government has taken over.

I believe everybody who supports abortion for any purpose other than to protect the life of the mother is an accomplice to murder. There are three persons involved in a pregnancy resulting from rape or illegal incest. One of them is guilty of a felony, one of them is a victim of what should be a capital crime and one of them is a tiny person who has the very same rights as the other two have. I’m still going to vote for President Trump despite his triangulation. I believe in incrementalism, and I believe in voting defensively. Also, President Trump was more instrumental than any other person for Dodd and I think he would sign prolife legislation if it ever got to his desk.

This is a political stunt they waited to use this election because they believe murdering babies is an awesome issue for them. Democrats are dragging the worn out abortion issue up for election because they have NOTHING else. Democrats would rather see a murderer spared the death penalty than see an innocent unborn baby spared a violent death. This was never about abortion. This was about the control of women, nothing more. The ruling has zero to do with President Trump. The state has the right enact as much abortion as they want. Their new law was sloppy in failing to repeal the old law. Their fault. Enough disinformation and interference.

Kelly’s statement attempts to disparage the character of President Trump. Kelly gets away with it by hiding behind the Senate, he will not be held accountable. President Trump has made his personal opinion known and would seek to make it his policy if elected again. That policy supports abortion for up to 15 weeks. Women don’t need freedom for abortions, they need freedom FROM abortions. The secret Democrats are hiding at all costs is, empowered women don’t get abortions. That’s why Democrats OPRESS women. Keeping women desperate and without means feeds customers to big abortion’s multi-billion dollar business, and fills Democrats coffers.

The law in Arizona was legalized in the 19th century and stood until 1973 when the Roe decision was handed down. That decision was widely attacked for its lack of legal scholarship for both sides of the debate. Eventually it was struck down for that reason only and not in support of prolife supporters. The issue of abortion was then placed back into the state legislatures of all states. Most states chose to return to the laws prior to the 1973 Roe case. This reality demonstrates President Trump had nothing whatsoever to do with state legislatures who themselves also refused any challenge to the 2020 elections. Many simply had no answer so they sat on their hands.

Compare that to progressive Democrat politicians such as Gretchen Whitmer and Katy Hobbs who think that it should be perfectly acceptable to terminate a nine month fully developed child just moments before it takes its first breath. I think that position is highly extreme and nothing short of infanticide. This position was first proposed under ‘BO’ who even went so far as to argue that unwanted birthed children should be left alone to starve to death. That’s sick! Still others would push that allowed window to kill further by arguing the child doesn’t even know it’s alive, cognition, therefore it could be argued that it’s really not murder.

Finally, I am flabbergasted how someone so ignorant could not only become a U.S. Senator, but also an ASTRONAUT? How low have the standards of NASA become? And for how many years? President Trump did not appoint a single judge to the Arizona Supreme Court. President Trump did not write the Arizona law in 1864. President Trump holds no more sway over this matter than I do. President Trump, while he appointed three of the Supreme Court Justices, had nothing whatsoever to do with Dobbs. He was not a plaintiff. He was not council. He did not sit in with the Justices while they were deliberating their decision. And yet he is the one constantly under attack.

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