

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


There’s an old adage that says, “People who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones.” And clearly, that would be one of those old adages that Democrats tend to ignore. And I only say that because while Democrats have no problem when it comes to telling we Republicans how fucked up President Trump is, it’s at the very same time that they actually praise all of what Joey has done, and continues to do, to this country. It really is quite bizarre. Because anyone who can look at our country today and claim that it is better, on any level, than it was under President Trump is clearly not only living in denial but also resides in some weird alternate universe.

Which bring me to Gerry Connolly, dipshit Democrat from Virginia. You see, it was this past Monday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Deadline” that Connolly argued that President Trump is a “narcissistic sociopath” who had seduced the base of the Republican Party. Connolly said, “We are really watching a narcissistic sociopath in action. The problem with sociopaths is they fool a lot of people. They develop external skills in terms of charm and even a detainment skill that really can seduce. I think we have seen mass seduction of a large chunk of the population when it comes to Donald Trump and they have to really kind of filter out other reality."

He added, “Objectively, every court found Joe Biden won the election and challenges to that were frivolous, every single court over 60 of them. The facts didn’t matter, did they? With Donald Trump, you have to put aside the fact that he has been criminally indicted on 88 counts in four different venues. To say nothing of the fact he’s already been found guilty and fined a half $1 billion from sexual assault to massive civil fraud in his business dealings in the state of New York. In any other circumstance, I would think, the average American would take that very seriously. In this case, for some reason Donald Trump gets a pass by his cultist followers."

Why is it always sexual with these wackjob, liberal Democrats. This ignoramus just described *president Biden, his minions, and every other Democrat in Congress! Just because they get elected by voters, clearly under false pretenses, they think they have a mandate to degrade others, do their thinking, and speak their mind, particularly those of us, me included, who did not vote for them in the first place! Connolly is nothing more than a stone-cold fool to see President Trump as a narcissist. Especially when you consider how it is that President Trump is willing to sacrifice his wealth for the country while Joey sacrifices the country to amass personal wealth.

Joey has been a buffoon, a liar and a sell out for over half a century. So riddle me this, how do find credibility in a member of a political party that can’t even define what a woman is, encourages its followers to riot, encourages illegal immigrants to stream across our southern border and also seems to be very much in favor of allowing criminals to run free. This is nothing more than another attempt to demonize an opponent when you have nothing to offer except four more years of Joey. The problem they have is American’s remembering when they could afford to live. Now we’ve got politicians telling us just how good we got it and how much safer we are.

Democrats keep pushing this blatantly fraudulent indictment BS. We all know it’s Democrat judges. He’s not getting fair hearings, you don’t need to be an expert in the law to see that. Every case is ridiculous. MSDNC would be finished if it wasn’t for President Trump. We all see very clearly how much it costs to go to the grocery store or fill up the gas tank of the family car. We all see that this next election is probably going to be as rigged just as the last one was. Anyone with a brain can recognize that the indictments of President Trump are the result of a vindictive, malevolent, and cowardly Democrat gang that want to stop him from returning to the White House.

Frankly, I am sick of these leftist judges who are far more interested in advancing their political agenda than they are in upholding the law. They are merely bit players, willing to assist in these bogus attempts to indict President Trump on made up charges just so that the Democrats, like this ass Connolly, can call President Trump a criminal and try to ruin him financially. He is getting indicted on charges that would never be used against one of their own. President Trump has seduced no one. The Republicans should be glad to have a man like President Trump bringing in their voters. After Trump I could care less about the Republican Party. You can tell them that.

These radical leftists, again like Connolly, hate President Trump because he represents freedom and justice. They also hate all of those who continue to support him. And that we have elected officials who actually hate half of our population should be considered disturbing by all Americans. These people want to destroy our country and to replace ‘We the People.’ The ongoing border invasion proves that. Everything has a breaking point, and we are rapidly approaching it. It’s only a matter of time. That’s why it’s so important for the American people to rally behind President Trump, because, regardless of what clowns like Connolly say, he is our only hope.

And why is it that the Democrats never understand that when they make these crazy claims about President, more and more people know that they are actually talking about their own behavior? Their claims about being the brightest and most compassionate among us are constantly being betrayed when they project their foibles and their many sins upon their opposition. Saying it’s “just about politics,” like when they said ‘Slick Willy’s escapades were “just about sex,”  misses the moral aspect and the subsequent degradation of social and political interaction. Indeed, they are toddlers in adult bodies blaming others for their sophomoric behavior.

These disreputable clowns, like Connolly, don’t want to deal with the real issues so, instead, they engage in ad hominem attacks against people they don’t like. If you think Joey is a fine, upstanding senior citizen, that’s fine. But you can’t argue that he’s a horrible *president who fails on all fronts. And maybe you’ve been mesmerized by the constant drumbeat of BS from the ‘fake news’ media and, as a result, hate the persona of Donald Trump. OK, fine, but he was a far, far better President than Joey, even with the added weight of a thousand ankle-biters and know-nothing’s continuously trying to bring him down. Lesser men, like Connolly, could never have endured it.

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