

Monday, December 18, 2023


So, at what point is it, do you think, that the Republican National Committee (RNC) is going to get its collective shit together and call an end to these pointless, and rather idiotic debates? Also, at what point are those who seem to think that taking part in these same idiotic debates, thinking that it is somehow going to alter an outcome that most intelligent people recognize as being unalterable, finally going to realize that their dream of becoming president just ain’t gonna happen. You know, if any of these people actually loved this country as much as they claim to love it, they would abandon their own political ambition and work on saving what’s left of our country.

These wannabes are so transparent when it comes to why they want to be president. It’s because they lust for power. President Trump wants to be President because he wants to empower all Americans by putting the country first in every way possible. For the rest of these clowns becoming president is more about them than it is about repairing the damage done by Joey and the Democrats. Only one man has a record of genuine accomplishments, and his name is President Trump. And we want that again. An increasing number of people have figured out that the uniparty of Democrats and RINOs is DESTROYING America with the assistance of those in the ‘fake news’ media.

And it’s more and more people who are coming to the realization that President Trump is the only chance this country has, and not just to become great again but to survive. No one else can be trusted, absolutely no one. President Trump is our only hope of stopping the Democrats from turning our constitutional ‘Republic’ into a totalitarian government. President Trump has been and continues to be the people’s choice. There is no one better. Why choose low quality over the top option? Of course, President Trump is gonna be the people’s choice. Despite all of the talk, there is simply no one else who up to the challenge of what so clearly lies ahead.

And of all those running, President Trump is the only one that has a successful track record. DeSantis had a brief window, but he closed it on himself by attacking President Trump. Christie, Haley? These two were never real candidates, both of their campaigns have been funded from the start by NeverTrump forces, some of whom are Democrats. I think that a lot of people are realizing that you should not hate the man just because the media and the Democrats tell you to. Almost the entire group running against President Trump knows that they have no chance of winning as things stand now. Perhaps it’s one or two who are simply auditioning for vice president.

President Trump is clearly dominating the Republican primary polls with 69 percent support, up seven points from November. That according to a Fox News survey released just this past Sunday. President Trump is the clear favorite among Republican voters, with his support having grown by a whopping 26 points since February. Fewer than one third of Republican primary voters are backing all of President Trump’s rivals combined, with 12 percent going to DeSantis, nine percent Haley, five percent to Ramaswamy, two percent to Christie, and just one percent Hutchinson. Every Trump opponent, besides Hutchison, has lost support within the last month, the poll found.

President Trump is also doing well in a hypothetical general election matchup against Joey, beating him by four points among survey respondents. This figure is consistent with other national polls. The latest Reuters/Ipsos survey found President Trump beating Joey by two points, and a recent Messenger/Harris poll gave him a seven-point lead. In the head-to-head match against President Trump, the survey also revealed that five percent of Joey’s 2020 voters would defect to the Republican. And it’s as Joey’s incompetence grows that President Trumps competency becomes increasingly apparent. People look back and see how genuinely better things were.

Everyone knows that President Trump will win in a fair election, it’s obvious to anyone with functioning neurons. Which begs the question of why they’re continuing the charade? The answer is simpler than you might think, the pundit class is cashing in on donor money now that the RNC has seen donations crater. Ironically, their charade is why donations have cratered. Despite the claims that Haley has all the momentum and DeSantis is somehow an electoral Juggernaut who cannot be defeated, it’s all smoke and mirrors with a little wishful thinking thrown in. Those in the ‘fake news’ media still think they possess the power to persuade, but it just ain’t happening.

And perhaps now is the time to begin showing some tolerance for our friends on the left. Despite their learning handicap, many of them are gradually coming around to the undeniable reality that President Trump is way, way better than Joey has proven to be. After almost four years of Joey being in office the scare tactics no longer work. The lies have become absolutely ludicrous. President Trump can’t lose because what most people now want is nothing more than a little economic sanity. Bidenomics has been, and continues to be, a proven disaster. Everything is up over 50 percent and the middle class has been eroded. Meanwhile the rich are only seem to be getting richer.

President Trump is who we need to take a wrecking ball to the Deep State corruption in Washington. Second time around he will be ruthless and the Democrats are worried. If President Trump is elected, he will enter office knowing from experience what kind of dirty tricks ‘The Swamp’ can employ. And he will destroy ‘The Swamp.’ That’s what has the left and the RINOs worried. Democrats made President Trump into a martyr. Instead of only talking about their so called accomplishments, they are convincing the American people that we are now in a dictatorship. Democrats stand for evil, all manner of perversion, hate, death and terrorism. Why would anyone vote for one?

Just 15 years ago few Americans would have imagined what their country would look like today, courtesy of the Democrat Party. And more and more Americans are finally beginning to realize that President Trump is really the only chance we have to turn back the clock. And it’s rather funny how all of the haters call President Trump a coward for not participating in these useless debates where he would have simply been endlessly attacked by both the participants, as well as the moderators. But they were fine with Joey’s basement campaign. As far as I’m concerned, President Trump made exactly the decision when he decided to skip these silly debates.

While it’s impossible to come up with any sort of a list of Joey’s bona fide accomplishments, it’s relatively easy when doing the same for President Trump. For instance, there was the Keystone Pipeline, securing our southern border, making America energy independent, and even bringing relative peace to the Middle East. Also, he kept China in check, started no new wars, he fixed NAFTA and lowered taxes. And all this was done while he was under constant attack by Democrats and RINOs alike. If Joey were as popular as the Democrats and the ‘fake news’ media claim he'd be leading every Republican by 20 points and his polling have a 70 percent approval.

And I’m sure most Americans have heard those who seek to replace him, as well as the vast majority of those in the ‘fake news’ media accusing President Trump of “praising dictators.” But that too is nothing more than smoke and mirrors, used by his challengers as way to attack President Trump and draw attention to themselves, or as a distraction by Joey and the Democrats in an attempt to distract Americans from the shitty job that Joey is doing as *president. There is absolutely nothing that will keep me from voting for President Trump. I would walk barefoot over broken glass and/or break through a wall of flame in order to reach that polling station.

And finally, I have to laugh at the establishment, on both sides, as they continue to scratch their heads over why it is that President Trump continues to remain so popular despite his so-called personal flaws and his continued attacks from the Democrats, the RINOs and the ‘fake news’ media. And the RINOs still don’t understand how it is that they are ones who created the monster, courtesy of their continued embrace of big government and creeping socialism. And the Democrats have made President Trump bullet proof to their attacks courtesy of their non-stop lying, corruption and their slavish devotion to the far Left. Real Americans now want ‘real’ leadership.

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