

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Let’s face it, for anyone, here in 2023, to still believe a word that comes out of the mouth of Hiltery is nuts. Doing so requires the willing suspension of disbelief. She has to be one of the most disgusting individuals in the history of American politics. This vindictive old biddy has yet to get over her rather humiliating defeat handed to her by then political novice, Donald Trump. Not only was she denied her desire to become the first female president but, remember, she was also to be the one to take the baton from ‘BO’ before then finishing the job that he started in destroying this country once and for all. But a funny thing happened on the way to the election.

And so it was that two-time loser in the presidential sweepstakes, did her best to fuel fears this past Monday that President Trump will act as a “dictator” if he successfully defeats *president Joey in 2024 and retakes the White House in January 2025. This coming from the very same woman who once said that those people who support President Trump needed to be deprogramed. I can’t even imagine how bad off we would be today if she would have been elected in 2016. We dodged a rather sizable bullet when this evil woman was kept out of the White House. All things considered; it was probably the best thing that Donald Trump ever did for America.

Anyway, Hitlery Tweeted, “Take him at his word,” in response to a comment by Democrat Sen. Brian Schatz who had stated, “Trump is now repeatedly saying he’s going to be a dictator on day one and I don’t think we should keep asking what he means. That’s what he means.” The rather hysterical warning coming from Democrats follows President Trump’s obvious tongue-in-cheek response to questions on whether or not he would act as a “dictator” if he gets into office. I’ve heard President Trump described as a guy with a laser pointer, with Democrats being the cat. They constantly described him as being a moron, yet they’re the ones constantly being played.

You see, Fox New’s Sean Hannity had asked President Trump, “You would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?” To which President Trump responded, “Except for day one,” suggesting that he will take executive action to reverse the damage the Biden administration has done, starting with reinstating energy independence and closing the porous southern border. President Trump added, “We’re closing the border and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.” Personally, I can’t help but wonder if it ever gets old for President Trump, being able to lead these idiots around by the nose and make them bark on command like trained seals.

This is not a new critique of President Trump on the part of Democrats as they have attempted to cast him as a dark, spine-chilling authoritarian for years. And just what is a dictator, exactly? Is a dictator someone who forces people to submit to an unapproved medical treatment? Is a dictator someone who tries to force the auto industry to go full in on electric vehicles? Or, is a dictator someone who vilifies others by adding “ultra” to a designation? Is a dictator someone who constantly lies and has the full support of the media? Yet, it was actually Joey who ended up behaving in a tyrannical manner and yet President Trump is accused of wanting to be a dictator.

And remember how it was back in January 2022 when the Supreme Court struck down what many described as Joey’s blatantly tyrannical Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) coronavirus policy, which would have required employees working at businesses with 100 or more employees to get a coronavirus vaccination, even describing his mandate — forcing individuals to get a shot they personally oppose in order to keep their job — as a “very modest burden.” There were very narrow ways out of that rule, as well, only allowing individuals who did not want the vaccine to get away with it by masking up and getting tested once a week.

Americans were also forced to wear masks on planes and other forms of public transportation under Joey’s ‘leadership,’ but in April 2022, a Florida judge nixed it, asserting the rule exceeded the authority of U.S. health officials. It was also under Biden’s administration that officials described concerned parents, who voiced concerns over various educational issues, as “domestic terrorists.” And it was Joey, back in September 2022, who delivered a dark and divisive speech calling on Americans to stop “MAGA Republicans.” Personally, I’d rather live in a dictatorship under President Trump than a “democracy” under the Democrats.

Personally, I think the Democrats, Hitlery included, are terrified of winding up on the receiving end of exactly what they’ve spent the last seven years putting President Trump through. And in order to avoid that they’ve been willing to say whatever they felt needed to be said in their effort to derail President Trump’s bid for re-election. We’ve all seen what the Democrats are capable of, Hitlery needs to blow that smoke up someone else’s backside. Democrats all have the dictator gene imbedded in your political philosophy. These people really do count on the stupidity of their followers. The only way to become a dictator in America is by rigging the elections.

People dumb enough to believe in Russian collusion and promote it for political gain are stupid enough to believe saying you want to be “dictator for a day” is the end of America! I have no problem taking President Trump at his word, but I sure as hell can’t say the same about Hitlery or any of those in the ‘fake news’ media. He didn't say he'd be a dictator from day one, he said he’d dictate a couple of things on day one. He made a strong promise to do whatever it takes to achieve these critical points of his agenda, and that’s it. Secure borders, cheap gas, booming economy, low taxes, no inflation, and the rest of the world fears, where do I sign up for that dictatorship?

These morons have been misquoting Donald Trump since he first announced his run for office in 2015. Since the Democrats have absolutely nothing that they can actually run on, they’re left with attacking President Trump. And I must say that even if I believed all of their lies, I still wouldn’t vote for Joey. President Trump is the guy, the only guy. After all, it was Joey the dictator who ended President Trump’s ‘America First’ immigration policies his first week in office and Joey the dictator who ended President Trump’s ‘America First’ energy policies that resulted in America becoming energy independent. Now look where America is under Joey the dictator.

Considering the level of corruption that Hitlery has been a part of for the last 21 years, anything she says is a lie. No one, and I mean no one, should ever take her at her word. If President Trump were a dictator, that would have manifested during his first term. And contrary to what all of these leftist loons are saying, there is very little to suggest that a Trump second term would be dictatorial in nature, much unlike Joey, whose actions border on tyrannical. And while Democrats brainwash all the unaborted children they can find, delete the Second Amendment, suppress news, and ban books when parents disapprove, they scream dictator at their opponents.

And finally, Hitlery has been the most evil, most dishonest and most corrupt woman in American politics. And I’m sure that anything ‘bad’ that happens to befall individual Democrats after President Trump gets elected will surely be described as politically motivated and referred to as revenge by the Democrats. Yet, what the Democrats did to President Trump was downright illegal. If they get investigated, indicted, tried and convicted, that is actually called justice, despite what the Democrats may call it. If what they did to President Trump falls into the category of legal but dirty tricks, and those folks wind up losing their jobs and their pensions, that’s called pay back.

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