

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Personally, I’m thinking that it’s pretty pathetic that we have yet to arrive at that point where all of these RINOs hoping to replace President Trump as the Republican nominee would have chosen to shut up and get onboard the ‘Trump Train.’ But again I suppose that that’s not something we should expect to see happen any time soon, despite the fact that he continues to be handing them their collective ass in the polls. These pointless debates and the constant badmouthing of President Trump have accomplished nothing more than to drive up his poll numbers, and yet they continue. So what has been nothing more than an blatant attempt to derail President Trump’s candidacy has all been for naught, as they have accomplished exactly nothing.

And so here we are, with President Trump towering over his Republican opponents in the primary contest with him leading in several states, including those that vote on Super Tuesday, at least according to the latest data from Morning Consult. Morning Consult data, fielded December 1 to 3 among 3,526 potential GOP primary voters, shows President Trump towering over the Republican field with 66 percent support. His lead is 53 points ahead of Ron DeSantis, who garners just 13 percent support. Nikki Haley comes in third place with 10 percent support, followed by Vivek Ramaswamy at 6 percent, Chris Christie at 3 percent, and Asa Hutchinson at 0 percent support.

The poll also found that 76 percent of Republican primary voters view President Trump favorably, compared to 62 percent who view DeSantis favorably, 54 percent who view Ramaswamy favorably, and 50 percent who view Haley favorably. Every single one of the presidential hopefuls previously listed has the same unfavorable rating of 23 percent. While it is already well-established that President Trump holds dominant leads in the early states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, the results coincide with Morning Consult’s State-Level Republican Primary survey, which shows President Trump dominating in several states, including Super Tuesday states.

A brief look at the results of this particular survey shows President Trump with majority support in states including Arizona, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. President Trump even trounces DeSantis in their home state of Florida with a 37-point lead. The survey comes as prominent figures in the Republican Party begin to call on the party to finally come together and to unite behind President Trump and direct all of the focus to defeating *president Joe Biden. Which I find to be some excellent advice, if only it would be followed.

But I seriously doubt that the RNC will abandon their efforts to get somebody, anybody but President Trump to be the party’s nominee. The RINO contingent of the party has declared that they would be perfectly willing to burn the country to the ground rather than give power back to the people. So I think we can pretty much forget the notion that any of the current contenders will abandon their own ambitions and come together behind President Trump, who remains the odds on favorite of the Republican base. And it’s none of these contenders that has any chance of winning without President Trump’s supporters. And they do nothing to entice these people.

President Trump ended wars, championed American wages, cut taxes, placed massive tariffs on Communist China, made America energy independent for the first time in 50 years and had the border more secure than it had been in decades. President Trump was the first President to call out Communist China and he ended the disaster that was NAFTA. There are no other contenders. It’s President Trump versus Joey. The rest are crybabies with their crying whiny voters that may as well be Democrats. For me it isn’t so much a matter of President Trump, though I have voted for him twice now, as it is about who he is running against. I will never vote for another RINO, ever!

And with that said, there is also not a Democrat alive that I would ever vote for, and I feel confident in saying that most of those in today’s Republican Party feel the same as I do. That leaves me with President Trump who, while is not my perfect candidate, is clearly my best choice thus far, as he is for millions of others. Good luck to the ‘fake news’ media and the RINOs in their effort to pry any of us away from President Trump. They didn’t make Trump, so they can’t break Trump. These RINOs need to give it up already and get behind the one man who can lead this country into a turn-around. They should have done that from the get-go. But this is the Republican Party.

After all the proven lies come from the Democrats, the RINOs and the ‘fake news’ media it’s great to see President Trump maintaining his commanding lead. The hoaxes, the conspiracies, the fraud, the malicious prosecutions and the Socialist policies forced upon Americans, this is the American people standing defiant and giving them the big middle finger. The polls have been pretty stable over the past couple of months with little movement/improvement for any of those candidates trying to replace President Trump. The only thing they seem to be doing is fighting for a chance for President Trump to pick one of them to be with him on the ticket.

Clearly if this country is going to be saved, it’s going to be the people, and not the politicians, who save it. The evil people who now seem to be running damn near everything will attempt to do everything within their power to prevent President Trump from becoming president again. And it is we the people who must make sure that they do not succeed. From this point forward it’s all going to be on us, therefore we must make sure that we are up to the challenge and not fall for the many lies that will surely be headed in our direction. The future depends on the actions that we will take. When future generations look back at this time what will they say about us?

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