

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


It doesn’t take a genius to recognize what’s going on on the part of the RINOs and the Democrats. Their coordinated attack, if you will, on the American people that comes in the form of multiple, and simultaneous, attempts to prevent President Trump from running for reelection. And it’s rather strange, don’t you think, that while the courts wanted no part in determining if election interference took place in 2020, they seem all too eager to commit election interference themselves, on the part of the Colorado Supreme Court, as we head into the 2024 election. And such interference seems to bother not a single Democrat or RINO. Which tells you what? But I digress.

And it was during an appearance this past Tuesday on CNN’s “The Lead” that RINO Chris Sununu made that rather bold claim that President Trump was using “extreme” language on immigration because he’s “nervous his base is going to leave him.” It’s these days that Sununu has become pretty much of a fixture on both CNN and MSDNC. And there’s very simple reason for that, it’s because he’s someone with an -R- after his name who hates President Trump and his supporters as much as they do. But too bad for Sununu is the fact that few people outside of New Hampshire have even ever heard of him, so his words of wit end up having a rather negligible effect.

Anyway, Sununu said, “Everyone knows Donald Trump’s record. You know, as Republicans, we want that border secure. You know, we want the right fiscal policies in place. We wanted to drain the swamp. He didn’t do any of it. And there’s no, you don’t even have to run ads on that. He just didn’t get it done.” He continued, “You know, it’s funny when you he was here over the weekend, and he spent all this time saying this, this horrible, you know, rhetoric against illegal immigrants and all this sort of thing. And all he’s doing there is trying to spur up his base.” And he said, “He’s nervous his base is going to leave him at this point."

And, he added, “That’s why he gets so extreme in some of these speeches he’s giving. And he does it around the immigration issue because he doesn’t want people to remember. By the way, you were there for four years, buddy.” Actually, it’s Sununu and the rest of his ilk who are afraid that President Trump’s base won’t leave him. Hence, they’re resorting to more desperate measures. Sununu said, “You had a chance to secure the border. You had a chance to make Mexico pay for it, as you told us you would. You didn’t do any of it. So he’s doing everything he can to distract from the fact, almost like he wasn’t president."

Sununu concluded his idiotic little rant saying, “He was in charge for four years, and look what didn’t get done. So he’s he’s running scared. He knows that he doesn’t have any momentum.” But here’s a little news flash for both Sununu and all of his buddies there at CNN. President Trump’s base ain’t going anywhere but to the polls during the primary process to make sure that he is the ‘America First’ Republican nominee for president, and not the globalist establishment choice Nikki Haley. All of their tricks are going to accomplish nothing more than to solidify the support that President Trump currently has, and may even gain for him more than a few new supporters.

Those interested in fairness are not going to buy into what has been, and continues to be, an attempt by both the Democrats and the RINO scum like Sununu to derail President Trump. Sununu, is nothing more than a willing tool of the corrupt ‘fake news’ media. Let’s face it, if they genuinely thought that they had nothing to worry about regarding President Trump they would be doing nothing more than sitting back waiting for him to flameout. That old adage that says actions speaking louder than words is playing out in real time right before our eyes. It’s all of our establishment types who have become increasingly desperate in their effort to sideline President Trump.

The delusional coping and lies from people like Sununu is getting truly pathetic at this point. It was people like him that worked hard to sabotage President Trump’s immigration policy his entire first term. It’s amazing to watch the people who stood in the way of every attempt to secure the border now running around saying, “why didn’t it get done,” as if anyone has forgotten their betrayal of the voters. People like Sununu, as well as Christie, Cheney and others too many to list, are the garbage of the Republican Party, nothing but a complete waste of space who do nothing but work against the voters and try to stop everything the voters actually want.

President Trump knows how the American people feel about our country being overrun by the skyrocketing number of foreign welfare shoppers. There are only so many parasites that the U.S. taxpayers can provide for before our nation is simply made to collapse, which appears to be the current gameplan. Everybody knows what open borders will lead to. A bankrupt and balkanized shit hole of a country which is what those like Sununu, and their Democrats friends, seem to prefer. We have been with Donald Trump since June of 2015. The same day the left started to lie about everything they have said about him. Don’t think this lie will cause us to drop him.

You would have to be a complete moron not to recognize the fact that President Trump did more to turn this country around than has any president, from either party, in recent history. And all while being undermined every step of the way not only by the Democrats but many within his own party as well. Add to that the fact that he has been made to face numerous weaponized government agencies and you can see why his supporters stick by him. A lesser man would have long ago chosen to surrender and simply return to private life. President Trump is far from perfect, but he does love the country which isn’t something that can be said about most of our elected officials.

There has been no indication that President Trump’s base is going to abandon him! On the contrary, he seems to get stronger with each and every attack/indictment made against him. Sununu is simply blowing smoke. Americans have figured out that President Trump truly does put America, and Americans, first while Democrats and these fucking RINOs put only their careers first. Which is why President Trump’s numbers keep growing. Sununu is simply stirring the pot and hoping his supporters will leave him. He is totally ignorant of the base. The more people like him that attack President Trump, the more people are gathering to support President Trump.

And even after all this time those like Sununu still don’t seem to get it. President Trump’s supporters are more galvanized now than ever. And what they don’t get is that we are not blindly, and rabidly worshipping the man, we are supporting him because he says what we have all been thinking for years, maybe even decades. He is our spokesman. Perhaps if President Trump were to suddenly turn into your typical spineless Republican, and be more like Mr. Sununu, he would lose his supporters, so I’m guessing it’s a smart strategy not to sound like a spinless swamp creature. Poor Chris, his party is slipping away, and he has nowhere to go but to the Democrats.

This snarky RINO dressed up like he knows something about constitutional conservatism, along with all of his Democrat, RINO and repulsive media friends are the real threat to our Republic. Wake up America, they are the real insurrectionists. And it matters not to them if in the process they systematically destroy the greatest country on the face of the Earth, they don’t care. They have not one iota of concern about this country, its culture, its sovereignty or its people. They are repulsed by all of it and want to replace Americans with millions of illegal immigrants pouring in from every country on the planet and giving them rights they have no claim to.

Finally, Sununu is a pathetic traitor and an obvious Democrat infiltrator. Like all commies and leftists, they project their faults and fears onto their opponents just as their ideological ancestors did before them. It is they who are terrified of President Trump’s supporters and of the fact that his support in the polls continues to grow. Sununu appears to be the face of RNC/RINO opposition right now, so pay attention to what he says even if it sounds crazy because there may be some pertinent info in his babbling. The Republican Party must be put down like a lame horse. President Trump’s reelection is the only path for the Republican Party to restore its honor.

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