

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


I think it safe to say that Ohio may serve as being yet another Petri Dish, of sorts, used, this November, to determine to just what degree the nation has become infected with this latest, and for more virulent, form of ‘progressivism.’ You see, it’s in Ohio that we have Tim Ryan, a Democrat that can best be described as a kook, running against J.D. Vance, an ‘America First’ Republican, for a seat in the U.S. Senate. Ryan has come completely off the chain, and it was during a debate this past Monday between the two that Ryan came off sounding more like an escapee from a mental ward than he did as a serious candidate for the Senate.

Speaking only for myself, this guy, Ryan, has always come across as being more than just a little unhinged. But it was during this debate that he came completely off the rails and went off on what was really nothing but hate filled rant. Not exactly what one should do, I would think, when trying to convince those who have tuned in, to vote for you. At this point, it’s anyone who chooses to vote for this guy that should be considered to be as nutty as he is. It was during the debate that Ryan doubled down on his comments from earlier in the year calling to “kill and confront” MAGA while specifically targeting Vance in his rhetoric during the debate on Monday night.

In the rather heated debate Ryan was confronted and asked to explain his comments earlier in the year when he told MSDNC’s Morning Joe that the “exhausted majority” needed to “kill and confront” the extremist Republican movement. Ryan claimed, “Kill and Confront the extremist movement of which J.D. Vance, unfortunately, is a part of.” Then Ryan, in trying to frame Vance for his past comments, added, “Who says that the president of the United States is intentionally trying to kill people with fentanyl? Who says that the election was stolen?” And he said, “Who runs around with Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida who wants to ban books?"

And then, in an apparent attempt to list off lawmakers Vance has come in contact with, or commented on while on the campaign trail, Ryan said, “He runs around with Lindsey Graham, who wants a national abortion ban. You’re running around Marjorie Taylor Greene, who’s the absolute looniest politician in America.” Ryan concluded his idiotic rant saying, “This is a dangerous group, and we do need to confront it, and that’s why I’m running to represent the ‘exhausted majority’: Democrats, Republicans, and independents, against the extreme.” I can only assume that Ryan is of the opinion that insanity is trait held in high regard by the voters in Ohio.

Vance, during the question before, also confronted Ryan for his past comments, saying, “Tim Ryan, who runs all these tv commercials saying that he wants to appeal to Trump voters, wants to appeal to Republicans also says that he wants to ‘kill and confront’ … the MAGA movement.” Vance added, “That’s not exactly the rhetoric of a unifier.” But Ryan behaves as would any cornered animal. He’s been confronted with is own words and the only way he can respond is by calling for violence again those who dare to use his own words against him. There’s really nothing surprising about this because, after all, it’s what Democrats have done for as long as I can remember!

Clearly, if it wasn’t for double-standards, the Democrats wouldn’t have any standards at all. Imagine if President Trump said something similar. Those in the ‘fake news’ media would have a field day with 24/7 coverage. But in this case, there’s not a peep of course. Violence is the norm for their cult. The provocateurs seriously live for chaos and violence. Remember when ‘Mad Maxine’ Water called for pushing back against Trump supporters? There are never any consequences. That’s the reason they continue doing it. Plus, of course, our two-tiered justice system that is so blatantly obvious, while January 6ers remain in DC prisons on ‘trumped’ up charges.

Democrats will stop at nothing until they have purged the country of all patriotic Americans to make way for their replacements. No one can be allowed to stand in the way of the “fundamental transformation” of America. This November those who love this country must show up to vote in numbers that will make it impossible for the Democrats to cheat. It’s we who must now save our Republic from these evil, hate-filled Democrats that are working so very hard to destroy our economy, our public schools, our healthcare and our manufacturing. I do not want to live in a world governed by the global elite at the World Economic Forum and the United Nations.

It has always been those on the left, including the Democrat Party, that have advocated violence against our country, and our countrymen. They are the ones torching our once great cities and running amok without any interference from the police. It amazes me how easy it has been for them to project and blame Republicans for the nefarious activities that define their culture, beliefs and actions, and Americans actually believe them. I can’t help but wonder, with 20/20 hindsight being what it is, if Ryan might now be wishing he would have passed on this debate since it’s so many Democrats who are refusing to debate their Republican opponents.

This is the modern Democrat playbook, refuse to debate your opponent and refuse to talk about the issues. Democrats now have primarily two tactics: 1) Whenever possible smear your opponent for alleged sexual or racial misconduct in the past and try to so discredit them in the eyes of their supporters so that they may stay at home on election day. And 2) Cry out about how your opponent is “dangerous to our democracy” and an “extremist” in order to excite your base. This is where the Democrat Party is in 2022. And it should come as virtually no surprise that most of the Democrat base remains stupid enough to vote for these clowns.

The only way we can save our country is to make sure every single Democrat that can be, is voted out of office. Ryan has already shown Ohio that he does a lot of talking about what is ‘right’ and what should be done but, he always votes as directed to by Nancy Pelosi regardless of whether it is right or wrong. But this is what the Democrat Party is today, party over country. But it seems to matter very little to the rank-and-file Democrat voters as the vast majority of them don’t seem the least bit alarmed by all the hateful and violent rhetoric. And I have no doubt that there will be no shortage of Democrats who are only too happy to vote for the likes of Ryan.

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