

Sunday, October 16, 2022


So, we must assume that Joey B. is either a liar or that he has now become so detached from reality, or both, as to be a danger not only to himself but also to our country. For starters, it was on his recent trip to Portland, Oregon this past Saturday, it was in looking through his strongest pair of rose-colored glasses, that Joey B. boasted that our economy “is strong as Hell!!!” I guess I would only ask this incompetent old fuck, “Compared to what?” Because when compared to the economy under President Trump, Joey’s economy is squarely in the dumper and is made all that much worse by a skyrocketing rate of inflation that is all Joey’s doing.

The *president signaled his optimism about the economy despite punishing inflation, higher gas prices, and a recession. And he did so as he ate, what else, but an ice cream cone. Joey B. acknowledged there was inflation, but falsely claimed that it was worse everywhere else in the world. He said, “Inflation is worldwide.” And he added, “It’s worse off everywhere else than it is in the United States.” And when asked about whether he was concerned about the strength of the dollar, Joey was also dismissive. Joey said, “I’m not concerned about the strength of the dollar. I’m concerned about the rest of the world.” And then asked, “Does that make sense?"

Joey blamed other countries for not having good enough economic policies to improve their economies. He said, “The problem is the lack of economic growth and sound policy in other countries, not so much ours.” And Joey went on to say, “And that’s having, it’s worldwide inflation, and it’s consequential.” The purpose of Joey’s trip to Portland was to campaign with Tina Kotek, a Democrat candidate for governor who is in danger of losing to a Republican. And it was when asked about the race that Joey said, “I think she’s going to win.” Adding, “I really do. I think people are going to show up and vote.” In Joey’s world down is up, left is right, and wrong is right.

Actually, the ONLY thing that seems to be as “strong as Hell” is the ongoing obsession of those one the Left now have to take over the country, now. They know that it is now or never, since they will likely never get this close again. They just have to keep moving and creating wildfires that can’t be put out. Americans could be standing in lines begging for bread and Joey B. would take credit for how well organized, and how straight, the lines were and the high participation rates! On Joey’s best day, even when in his prime, he was a most unremarkable individual. Yes, he’s losing it now, but there was never really that much up there to lose.

In truth, Joey has never been fit for any form of public office where actual decisions have to be made. That’s why he lasted so long in the U.S. Senate where he was just one of one hundred, so the harm he could do was really fairly limited. All he had to do for 48 years was show up and bloviate. That doesn’t take any leadership acumen. But he’s certainly unqualified for any form of leadership position. If this is the best the DNC could put up, it tells me that their bench is definitely pretty weak, flat and unremarkable. That’s why it was so easy to predict that he’d be a miserable failure. First a recession isn’t a recession and now the economy is strong as Hell.

And riddle me this, how can any country have strong economic growth when you make industrialization and energy totally unaffordable or choose to regulate them totally out of existence? Look at the economy, and see what makes it grow, and it most certain ain’t spending billions of dollars on green energy. In fact, green energy could not exist without fossil fuel production facilities. Green energy is a commodity like anything else, and it isn’t in high demand because of its cost and environmental impacts. Solar and batteries require extensive mining and processing operations. It isn’t a self-licking ice cream cone as green energy liars promote.

And not since the days of ‘BO’ have we seen such flat out denial of what every economic statistic tells us. We’re told that a failing economy is not really failing at all, but is actually a booming economy. It’s as if they fail to understand that every day Americans are living this economy, and they know a failing economy when living through one. During the Trump presidency it was those in in the ‘fake news’ media denying the robust Trump economy, but NEVER has a *president been so blatantly in denial and attempting to bulldoze the public, bring assisted by that very same ‘fake news’ media. But sadly for Joey, we’re not dependent on the ‘fake news’ anymore.

Democrat politicians are working very hard to portray the last two years of economic failure as just the opposite. We’ve had two years of skyrocketing inflation, escalating gas prices, that are poised to go higher once our dwindling Strategic Petroleum Reserve no longer has an effect. And Democrats continue to claim that the southern border is secure when it very clearly is not, with millions of unvetted illegals streaming into America along will millions of dollars’ worth of Fentanyl. Also, thanks to the Democrats we have a broken supply chain, out of control crime and more disasters. How can anyone in good conscience vote for any Democrat politician?

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