

Friday, October 14, 2022


Ok, so just how stupid are those who consistently, and repeatedly, vote for Democrats, even when it’s clearly not in their own best interest? And I say that because it’s in the state of Ohio that we have in the person of Tim Ryan a guy running to be one of the two people elected to represent Ohioans in the U.S. Senate. And yet, since first being elected to the U.S House in 2002, Ryan’s district has become a disaster on every level. And yet, the morons in his district have continued to re-elect his worthless ass every two years for the last 20. And it’s that act of blatant stupidity that should make it painfully clear just how stupid Democrat voters truly are.

And while Ryan may claim to be working hard for the folks back home in his district, Ohio’s 17th until 2013 redistricting and Ohio’s 13th ever since, he has not, and the numbers that make that clear don’t lie. And when going by the numbers it would appear that Ryan cares very little for the plight of his constituents, but apparently that matters not since, as I mentioned earlier, they have continued to re-elect him for the last 20 years. So to say that these people are gluttons for punishment would seem to be more than merely an understatement. And it would also seem to indicate that they are not particularly bright. There’s simply no other explanation.

And you have to ask yourself, where else but in government would a fuck up of this magnitude be able to forge for himself any sort of a 20 year career? For example, since Ryan took office, the Mahoning Valley area of northeast Ohio has lost nearly 25,000 manufacturing jobs as a result of U.S. free trade policies. Since 2001, two years before Ryan took office, the area’s manufacturing workforce has been cut in half. At the same time, Ryan’s district has seen skyrocketing levels of drug overdose deaths, with most now linked to fentanyl, as decades-long job outsourcing propelled Ohio into the spotlight as the face of the nation’s continuing opioid crisis.

It was in Mahoning country, which lies in Ryan’s district, that drug overdose deaths have increased by more than 351 percent. And in Trumbull County, also in Ryan’s district, drug overdose deaths have jumped nearly 335 percent, and in Portage County, again in Ryan’s district, drug-related deaths have gone up by about 400 percent. Also, it’s in Ryan’s district that household incomes are lagging behind the rest of Ohio, and the number of Ohioans living in poverty in the area has only gotten worse. In Mahoning County, from 2001 to 2020, the poverty rate increased from 12.7 percent to 15.8 percent. But the sad shape of Ryan’s district doesn’t end there.

Because it just so happens that the same thing occurred in Trumbull County and Portage County, where poverty increased from 10.6 percent to 15.8 percent and from 8.9 percent to 9.9 percent, respectively. In response, the population in Ryan’s district has declined significantly since he first took office back in 2003. In Mahoning County, from 2000 to 2020, the population declined by more than 11 percent and in Trumbull County, the population declined by more than 10 percent. Globalization of the American economy over the last two decades has been devastating for Ohio. And yet it seems to be of little concern to the guy who now wants to be Senator Ryan.

As is always the case with Democrats, it’s always a case of rising to one’s level of incompetence. Think of Joey B, Kamala ‘Headboard Harris, and Pete ‘Butt Plug’ Buttigieg, or any number of other Democrats. And the problem with the majority of Democrat voters is the fact that the government pays them more not to work and most of them couldn’t pass a drug test anyway, if that’s even a requirement anymore. And the sad thing is that many in Ryan’s district would likely vote for a goldfish as long as it had a (D) after its name. And what I find as being particularly humous is how Ryan’s ads actually paint him as being a Conservative Democrat.

And Ryan goes so far as to claim that he supported many of President Trump’s policies, and yet his voting record tells a very different story, because in truth Ryan votes 100 percent of the time just as Nancy Pelosi tells him to. But like every other Democrat trying to get themselves elected, or re-elected, Ryan is desperate to make this election about anything other than the numerous disasters that he has played a part in creating. He has no interest in talking about the high price of gas, or the number of illegal immigrants that are allowed to stream across our southern border every single day or in discussing what to do about our skyrocketing rate of inflation.

And it would seem that the more incompetent one is, the more Democrat voters seem to love you. Democrat politicians have a long track record of making big promises that, more often than not, result in very predictable, and rather spectacular, failures. Democrats are the champions of unintended consequences. And yet they’re never at fault when their policies don’t bring about the results that were promised because they had ‘good intentions.’ Democrats have for decades given us no reason to trust them, and yet millions of Americans still do. And what we’re living through today is the result of that. Those like Ryan should not be elected, they should be shunned.

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